why the fuck does nobody sauce their fucking pasta properly
why is there just a mountain of sauce on top of dry noodles
why the fuck does nobody sauce their fucking pasta properly
why is there just a mountain of sauce on top of dry noodles
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Presentation, if youre served pasta that way youre expected to toss it before eating
Why do Americans get so mad about pasta? Stop eating so many carbs.
seems like a personal problem. I'm american and I always toss the pasta in the sauce before serving.
if you're served pasta that way you've been served pasta by a hypertard
That's real fucking great, now stop being a child and understand that people do things differently.
i think you mean incorrectly my dude
how new are you, this was a direct shot @ americans for "not tossing their pasta in the sauce and serving it on top" this is not how we actually do it though.
For presentation toss pasta with half sauce and put another half on top. Serving dry sauceless pasta is faggotry
Hold this L my dude
whos hungry!!
>it's another "OP has autism" thread
How are you suppose to sauce your noodles?
nobody who enjoys good food serves like this.
a little bit before your pasta is ready drain and finish cooking in sauce
You should always toss the pasta with whatever sauce your using. Period. What I do, is I toss the pasta with enough sauce to give it a nice coating, make sure the whole thing is nicely flavored and sauced, then add a little more sauce on top as I serve for presentation purposes. And, like with Frutii di Mare, I toss the pasta with just the sauce, while reserving the sauced seafood for the top.
Oh, almost forgot, 'murrican reporting.
Maybe I'd prefer to determine the amount of sauce each bite of pasta gets myself? I don't like as much sauce, and prefer to actually taste my pasta, so I prefer it served with sauce on top rather than someone dictating how much sauce I should have on there beforehand.
I pour it on top because I eat toast with my spaghetti. I like to dip the toast in the pool of sauce on the top of the pasta as Im eating
youre a fucking degenerate, the garlic and butter is supposed to moisten the bread.
I don't see anything wrong with it. I still butter the toast, but just dip it in the sauce too. The sauce with the buttered bread tastes awesome. I cant eat spaghetti without toast
lol that 1 leaf of parsley makes all the difference. Now, I know, a professional cooked this meal.
>I cant eat spaghetti without toast
you really should try it. Sourdough bread, butter or margarine, just dip it in the sauce.
>I can't eat tendies without my Dew
Don't wanna get called a tosser m8
I can eat spaghetti without toast, but I find it to be a nice addition. Just a small piece of toasted baguette or ciabatta with some butter and garlic, nothing too big since there's so many carbs in pasta already. I also don't generally eat the toast until the very end when the pasta is gone and all that's left is sauce all over the plate. That's when you break your bread in half and use it to sop up all the sauce and leave a clean plate.
With a little life experience, you can spot the Italians in this thread.
ive done it a lot, and yes i generally save it for the end if theres sauce leftover.