If you don't know grits, you don't know happiness

If you don't know grits, you don't know happiness.

Britfag here. What do grits taste like? It's basically just porridge but made from corn instead of oats, right?

Yeah, pretty much. But I like the flavor of grits better. You have to buy stone ground grits to really get the best flavor and texture, though.

I like stone ground grits for breakfast, but I use the smaller grind "old fashioned" grits to make souffle grits or baked garlic cheese grits. Stone ground does have the best taste, though, they're the only kind worthy of a breakfast bowl.

>now automatically want grits for breakfast
Fuck. And I don't have any.

Agreed, grits can be awesome, but most of it is flavorless crap.

Get some from Anson Mills and prepare for an epiphany.

Underrated thread. I love a nice bowl of grits with some butter and salt. Such comfort.....

Cook them in chicken broth and a splash of milk instead of water. Your grits will never be flavorless again.

I've had Anson Mills, and they're great, but I prefer Palmetto Farms. I like the flavor better.

Obviously you can add flavor by using stock/broth, spices, etc.

But I'd like my grits to taste like CORN...you know, like they're supposed to?

Seriously, check out that brand. The whole reason for that company exisiting was because the founder thought to himself:
>When I was kid grits were delicious. But now they are flavorless crap. Why is that?

....And as a result, now you can get grits that were made from corn that was bred for flavor rather than "grow faster and cheaper".

I know them quite well and have yet to meet happiness

groats >>> shit > grits

What are you doing wrong?

I don't know. I've tried them every way from plain butter/salt to cheese/green chili/blueberries

I'm worried that the grit to happiness correlation is not 1:1

Try Souffle Grits, user. It's a life changer.

My nig of nog i haven't had grits in a long time.

Why are grits so confined to the Southern US region?
If it was a universally good taste, they would be everywhere. But that's not the case. Seems to be a matter of fond childhood memories and local culture, rather than universally liked food.

Not true. I live on the west coast and fucking love grits. It is a mainly regional food, but only because other people haven't been exposed to them enough. I was lucky and had some in a restaurant out here, fell in love with the comfiness, and make grits all the time now. Only bad thing is that I have to order good grits off Amazon, because most stores here only carry the crappy kind.

>grow heirloom flint corn
>turn it into nixtamal
>dry it
>parch it
>grind it
>separate the grits from the meal

If you've never had grits made in this manner, you've never really lived. The flavor is something better experienced than explained. Store grits are almost always from some flavorless yellow corn variety and never nixtamalized.

First of all, who the fuck grows, limes, and grinds their own grits? That's a waste of time since there's so many purveyors of quality grits now. No one in this thread is talking about Quaker brand grits or that shit.

This user really like his fourpenny coins.

I fucking love grit. One of my most favorite foods.

u black m8?

Was this an entry in the Veeky Forums challenge?

grits are as good or bad as what you put on/in them.

Now for a funny grits story:
>> work at a convention center in the south, cook for hundreds every breakfast & lunch. My buddy is cooking a 20 gallon pot of grits, its almost done and he is stirring it a few more times. Pot is boiling and grits are 99% done and getting very thick. Buddy gets a spoon and goes to taste grits to make sure they are done. Since grits are boiling, a blob of grits jumps out of boiling pot onto the end of his nose. He is jumping around cursing and we are laughing hysterically since he basically will just have a blister on the end of his nose for a few days.

>First of all, who the fuck grows, limes, and grinds their own grits?

I do or I wouldn't have mentioned it. I use Painted Mountain corn right now. I have a ton of Bloody Butcher, but haven't gotten around to replanting so I'll wait till next season so I can maximize my crop. Here's a reposted pic of the process prior to adding the parching step to it. Grits in the left bowl, meal in the right. I have a proper corn grinder now though.

>so many purveyors of quality grits now

List some, please.

>grits are as good or bad as what you put on/in them.

That is entirely not true. You need to branch out and find different types of grits made from different types of corn at the very least.

Sure they taste different, but who eats just a bowl of grits with no salt, butter or other addition ?

Kind of like rice, there are different kinds yes, that taste slightly different and have different textures, but who wants to eat just a bowl of white rice ? Its only as good as what goes with it.

I live in the shittest part of rural Ontario and I've never seen grits or hominy and I want to try both


Different types of grits made from different corn is as different as beef is to chicken.


Wow. You really need to try the different rices Lundberg has.


Double wow. Is all bread the same to you too?

>t. espresso drinking chain smoker