That's some fucking next-level marbling, my dick is a little hard desu.

damn. those cows must have been wasted 24/7

can i lick your hands?


They dont actually give the cows beer user, that's just western propaganda.

It's genetics and a highly controlled fat heavy diet.

I cannot wait until all meat looks exactly like this because of the high quality and controls introduced in the lab based production of biologically engineered meat harvesting.

Sign me the fuck up.


>eating lungs

go back to scotland you disgusting prole

Just like me
Except I also drink beer

who ever cut those fucked up the grain is shit

I just ejaculated right in my pants.

It was likely to specifically showcase the marbling more than a proper steak cut for serving.

How should it have been cut?

Can you post an example of good grain? I'm new to Veeky Forums.

>he thinks slaughtering cattle is unlawful

Cows are sacred, pleb.

>he thinks the term murder can't be used loosely to describe killing animals in a negative light

GG, sperglord.

>ever taken loosely

To be fair, while using it in that context would be commonly accepted, he's not wrong. Murder itself is the unlawful premeditated killing of another person.

It's a very specific term my educationally challenged friend.
Do try and keep up.

>>he thinks the term murder can't be used loosely to describe killing animals in a negative light

It certainly can be used for that.
And doing so casts the person doing so in a negative light for resorting to silly propaganda speech instead of arguing logically.

Appeals to emotion and using loaded words are red flags for a nonexistant argument.

>Murder itself is the unlawful premeditated killing of another person.

Unlawful because society deems it morally wrong.

Hence the connotation of moral superiority when a vegan points out that meat is murder.


No, you're right. I murdered millions of bacteria earlier with some bleach.

No, you can kill someone without it being murder.

for example, a soldier executing a prisoner after being found guilty of war crimes.

Murder is SPECIFICALLY the premeditated unlawful killing of another person.

Make sure you give your gut bacteria a thorough bleach murdering too.

>Appeals to emotion and using loaded words are red flags for a nonexistant argument.

No one was trying to make an argument. One person said he was happy to see meat of this quality grown in labs one day.

(probably for ethical and ecological reasons - but it wasn't stated explicitly)

The people in the thread that can't handle the idea of superior quality meat lost their shit in short order - for no reason.
The Jimmies have been fucking rustled.

I once had a friend who referred to his tripple blacked out car as "murdered out."

I once asked a pizza guy for a quadruple pepperoni pizza and replied "I'm gonna murder that pizza with pepperoni."

I once jack hammered your mom all night long, and then next day she said "Oh user! You murdered my pussy last night."

I am sure had the sperglords in this thread been there they would have been quick to quote websters fucking dictionary - and you know what... no one in any of those conversations would have given a shit either.

What does killing an animal have to do with killing a human?

This is the most autistic thread in the history of Veeky Forums. Murder yourselves.

They literally put beer in the feed mix

Not our fault you're an uneducated nigger.
I guess the law of the jungle is good enough for you type of people.
Enjoy prison.

>The people in the thread that can't handle the idea of superior quality meat

Wait, how did we get from "lab grown" to "superior quality"? I can see various (potential) advantages, like reduced pollution and whatnot. But that has nothing whatsoever to do with the quality of the meat.

As for the quality of the meat? Don't hold your breath. As we've seen from factory farming and GMO crops, the industry doesn't seem to give a shit about quality but instead focuses on "cheaper and easier". It would be silly to expect anything different from lab meat.

That's racist. For your information I'm white, college educated, and have no history of illegal behavior.

I studied liguistics in college as one of my electives to murder out my engineering degree. It's not my fault you don't understand that English is a living and breathing language and that cultures will appropriate and use words how they see fit to exchange information with subtle and implicit narratives. In fact, that's the fucking point you stupid fuck.

Read a book, Cletus.

>read a book Cletus

He can't. Every book except the Bible is banned in the south.

In small amounts and only in the summer months to promote a more active diet so they get fatter.

Not like they just give em a 6 pack a day until they're slaughtered.

>No one was trying to make an argument.

Perhaps not in this thread. But the use of the term "murder" while discussing meat is a tactic used by vegans and their ilk to make the idea of slaughtering animals for meat sound unappealing.

We already have a term for killing an animal for food: slaughter. Choosing to use the term "murder" instead is deliberate. It's called using "loaded words", and the goal is to make the concept of killing animals for food seem improper or wrong.

>Implying their won't be a market for waygu style lab meat

There absolutely will be.

>used loosely

Sure there would be a market. But it would be tiny compared to the alternative.

I'm not even sure why you're arguing here. This isn't really up for debate--we've already seen it happen. We have 50+ years of empirical data here.

Is there a market for high quality grains? Of course there is (Anson Mills, for example). Yet GMO crops have totally ignored it.

Is there a market for high quality meats and poultry? Yes, as countless small producers prove. Some are even rather large, like Niman Ranch pork. Yet factory farming has completely ignored that market too.

Sure, there are people who would go nuts over cheap lab-produced wagyu. I'd fucking love it. But the people behind this don't give a shit about such a tiny market. Instead, they care about big customers like the companies who make TV dinners. Wholesalers like Sysco who sell ingredients to restaurants. Fast food chains wanting cheap burger meat. They will cater to that market LONG before we'll see cheap wagyu.

>We already have a term for killing an animal for food: slaughter. Choosing to use the term "murder" instead is deliberate. It's called using "loaded words", and the goal is to make the concept of killing animals for food seem improper or wrong.

The opposite argument can be used for the word slaughter. Clearly the use, and invention, of a whole new word to differentiate - was done entirely on the basis of trying to differentiate it and make it sound more appealing and acceptable.

But consider this. Which sounds worse? "The killer murdered the family of 4" or "The killer slaughtered the family of 4." Both can be found in the commonly accepted lexicon of modern America.

Oddly enough, when placed in this light, slaughter actually sounds worse, less respectful, and more cold and painful.

I, honestly, don't think your argument holds at all. This word choice argument is just a way to dismiss a view point that you don't like on its face. Low IQ people often can't get past the words used to examine an argument - due to emotions that they can't work through - and its sad. If you fall in that bucket, then fine - its not like you can help it. But could you stop sperging out all over the place about it? Meat is murder is perfectly fine way of saying it because it is widely culturally accepted and understood. So is "Meat is slaughter," which, to my ears sounds even worse... and that's what I am supposed to call it? Again, your argument has no basis what-so-ever.

#MurderFreeMarble has a much better ring to it than #SlaughterFreeMarble

You stupid idiots are supposed to love alliteration...

I totally agree with you, except i think you have it backwards.

>GMO crops have ignored it
>factory farming has ignored it

lab meat will be the disruptive tech that will pwn the traditional industry. "live harvest meat" will be the anson mills and niman ranch.

fact food chains will absolutely want the cheapest shit they can pass off as meat, and it is likely that the lab meat industry will gain a foot hold there because of quantity and price over quality...

but imagine a company that can produce lab meat of wagyu quality for 10 cents a pound cheaper than cheap quality live harvest... that will be the death knell for the entire factory farming industry - if it happens. I'm sure that on a long enough time span, lab grown will be a simpler and cheaper process than literally birthing, feeding, raising, medicating and slaughtering cattle. not to mention the waste disposal and land usage issues.

vat grown lab meat will eventually be flying through production lines like twinkies, will probably cost about the same. The quality of the meat produced won't be a cost issue, it will be a techniques and factory line tooling issue.

>This word choice argument is just a way to dismiss a view point that you don't like on its face

You misunderstand. I'm all in favor of reducing the killing of animals for food. I just think using the term "murder" in this sense casts the whole thing in poor light and reflects poorly on anyone making that argument--and I don't want that.

Think about it like someone using made-up statistics to support a cause you have in common. You might like the fact that there's another person supporting your cause, but you don't want your cause associated with falsifying data.

>They dont actually give the cows beer user, that's just western propaganda.
>In small amounts and only in the summer

So they do give them beer then, retarded weeb.

You assume that, once the technology is properly developed, well marbled wagyu beef would be more expensive than shitty meat.

Yeah but the western image of cows drinking down beer on the daily is far from the truth.

Where'd you get that from?

I assume that the companies won't even try to produce lab-wagyu for decades to come, if ever.

The major customers whom the lab-meat business will depend upon won't want wagyu. Even if it was the same price as generic "Beef". Wagyu is difficult to cook and it renders out a large amount of fat when used in industrial processes (TV dinners, hamburgers, etc). That's a bad thing as far as the big-money customers are concerned. And frankly it's even a problem for most "foodies". There are plenty of people who have read about wagyu and think it's hot shit but if you gave them a piece to cook they'd make something crappy with it. It has totally different cooking "rules" compared to standard meat. Wagyu won't even be on the lab-meat radar for a very very long time, if ever.

I wish that wasn't true, but I'm not going to hold my breath here.

Isn't lab-grown meat unable to grow fat at all?

No it can grow fat just fine, in fact the current thought is we can reduce the amount of saturated fats in the beef and introduce more Omega-3 fatty acids which are healthier.
Though if you add too much omega-3 fatty acids it will taste more fishy, so the trick is to find a good balance that is healthier and tastes just as good.

>slaughtering cows
next level retardation right there

Why so mad, cuckboy?

At the moment you can only grow very small strips of fat-less muscle tissue to turn into ground beef, yes. But we're also just at the beginning of developing this technology. It's sadly gonna take a few more years until it is even close to being mass produced. I'd say 15-20 years for lab-grown ground meat, 30-40 years for anything more complicated.

>morally superior
You may be morally superior, but at least i'm not a faggot

But i thought that cultural appropriation was racist too, bitch boy

You realize no one gives a shit about you at all. You're going to live and die without anyone knowing it. And these are the words you choose. You'll blink out and no one will care, not even your family. They will be disappointed.

>this fucking thread

They literally don't. Silage is usually fermented though and a massive part of their diet, as is grain and hay.

Why so mad, cuckboy?

You're literally a cuck.

Not in my country, pajeet.

>Yeah, your honor, I talk about murder casually all the time when I go out. I don't know why those guys sperged out on me.
Fucking newfag douchebag cunt faggot.

tips fedora

You're losing this argument, my man.

Whomever devised this sentence structure and poor grammar is a doofus.

Use some commas you lazy piece of nigger shit.

>i studied liguistics

a lot of good that did for you

This is why I enjoy my steaks boiled. It ensures that all the worms are dead.

Made me LOL! I do see the resemblance.

Dude what

>I would like to know more

Made me LOL! I do see the resemblance.

>There are literally people in this thread not living in Hyogo and not having fine Kobe Beef every now and then.
Feel sorry for you cucks.

>not being surrounded by jabbering gooks
Sounds ok to me.

Beats having to listen to hiphop tyrones and limpdick larrys all day I can say that much

So, what do you think is the current timeframe for lab grown meat to be produced on an industrial scale that can churn out kobe/wagyu quality beef?

"can" isn't the problem. It's not a matter of technical challenges.

Rather, the point is that a niche product like Kobe isn't even on the radar of the massive Ag conglomerates who are behind lab meat development. They don't care about this market. They care about the much, much, larger market for cheap low-grade beef.

So, for the low-grade beef, is it actually on par (nutritionally, texturally and taste-wise) with the general supermarket variety meat? If so, are there any potential health impacts that the lab grown meat might induce vs the tried-and-true raising of livestock?

So "muh genetics" is real?


>Oddly enough, when placed in this light, slaughter actually sounds worse, less respectful, and more cold and painful
Maybe because it carries the implication of the killings being carried out as if the victims were animals being slaughtered?

Really woodles the ol' noodle, don't it?

Go back to your containment board.

Thank you. Linguistics pride, descriptivism 4 lyfe

Which one? I frequent all boards, you soloboarding internet pleb.


what am I looking at?

Can someone give me a quick rundown?

It's a tech demo at the moment, it doesn't even have fat yet, it's 100% lean

haha thats wierd, where I'm from we poop in toilets and eat steak.

Why did they cut it with the grain? Did they butcher it wrong?