Nothing better than sucking on a spoon full of regular peanut butter
Nothing better than sucking on a spoon full of regular peanut butter
>nothing better.
I can think of a thing or two. Also, who here 'chunky?'
getting my dick sucked probably
you suck dicks OP?
He probably would if you put peanut butter on your dick
I like mine extra oily so instead I put it a bowl
what's with the fetish?
I like to deepthroat my bfs cock when he cums. I don't need to swallow his load because he eats out all the time and his cums tastes horrid. It wasn't always like this. It was good in the beginning.
put him on a pineapple diet
You should work on improving his diet by incorporating more homegrown organic vegetables. You're tasting the pesticide and herbicide laden residue he eats in the name of food. Even if you're the bottom, you can still control activities.
A bowl of oil?
Oily peanut butter, like freshly made
Best Peanut Butter
>Not making your own peanut butter
You people disgust me.
lrn2 use a knife, plebling
I'm doing keto and this is my go-to sweet tooth craving remedy.
Try Emerald's Cocoa Roast Almonds.
They are fucking delicious 6g of Carbs per serving.
I don't make my own but I get the stuff from a machine like your pic at the grocery store, so close enough. It's also cheap as fuck.
>Nothing better than sucking on a spoon full of regular peanut butter
Do americans really do this?
Speaking as an American, yes. It tastes good, why the fuck not?
Is peanut butter over there loaded with sugar or something? In New Zealand it takes like concentrated peanut.
i would rather you suck on a spoon full of my regular semen
kill yourself
I get those too. I like a few of their flavors but I tend to eat way too many of them if I buy a lot, sticking to a spoon of pb is easier to handle with my weak will power.
Just put a handful of peanuts in a food processor with a pinch of salt.
Honey is better
op here. not an American.
it's drippy tho
Pls god no
That stuff is awful. It tasted like cardboard with a hint of peanut to it. Never again.
>freshman year of high school, '04
>school hosts a few foreign exchange students each year
>one is girl from Russia
>hit it off with her immediately for some weird reason
>learn that she has never had peanut butter
>get her a jar immediately
>she tries it
>stares at jar as if she is seeing the face of God
>carries jars of peanut butter and spoons with her everywhere for the entire semester
>eats a jar or more per day
>goes back home having gained almost 30lbs
>sends me emails for years after, occasionally bemoaning the loss of her beloved peanut butter
Depends what you buy. Some is, other is just straight crushed up peanuts. I get the straight peanut no additive type, and I'll eat a spoon of it now and then.
Its just a jar of peanuts with oil poured in
If you're not a fatass and actually eat close to the suggested serving, it's really not that much. 3-4g ain't bad.
>goes back home having gained almost 30lbs
Smooth peanut butter and Nuttella on high quality white bread (as in anything you get in europe. Not American trash)
Best fucking sandwich/cake
Gonna eat the whole jar in mummys basement, mr fathands ?
Oh fuck yes. Between high quality white bread and i'm down.
If they sell peanuts in Russia, she could have always just made it.
>a jar or more a day
Sounds like heaven
Unfortunately Veeky Forums wasn't around back then to greentext "not making your own peanut butter"
>tfw allergic
atleast i can eat nutella...
You could have just mailed her a bunch to be nice, or even better ask her to give you rubels and buy her some using her money and mail it.
She always insisted I not go through the trouble. And I was a teenager regardless, not the most considerate creature.
>comes visit in 2 yrs
>gains 200lbs
Damn good pb but super chunky is fucking impossible to eat on a spoon. Chokes me every bite.
Anyone ?
did you draw those eyebrows on?
Crunchy/chunky or nothing.
creamy peanut butter a shit
>and some peanut oil
unless you want moist sand
Peanuts are oily enough on their own. You don't need to add oil.
Swallowing a large spoonful of peanut butter is the single best hiccup cure I've found.
It always works.
Why does this make me laugh
Even the mainstream brands only have like 2g of sugar per serving, you have to get the gimmicky flavored children's shit to get super sweet PB.
This is bretty gud for the occasional spoonful.
I have this at work (I work in a dairy), that and the actual reese's pb. We splooch it on frozen desert.
or a mortar and pestle
Is this 500 cal. a spoon full?
Don't listen to this guy!
This will ruin your food processor!
The Reese's peanut butter from a jar is shit. I wish they sold that super sugary shit that's a bit grainy like you find in the peanut butter cups. I'd buy that.
It's probably less than normal spreads due to higher sugar and less fat content.
They do have it, but they aim it at restaurants or franchises. You could problo find some by searching real quick. Amazon maybe.
>peanut butter
what's the real fuzz around this shit? Tastes like carbage and offers no nutritional value.
Peanuts held healthy fats.
Is that a piece of apple of the label?
>paying a premium for natty pb
Just grind up peanuts
Can't find it.
Seems easy enough to make though.
>peanut butter
>powdered sugar
Might give it a try when I'm almost done with my current jar.
>be me
>work at concession stand at Maryland Zoo
>get college aged Russian exchange worker
>we served pic related on the kids' menu
>he tries pic related and got fucking addicted to them
>eats at least 4 or 5 of them every shift
The left most eyebrow makes it look legit. thats a funny label if so
Weird. This is what i have at work
God level
t.Op's dog
PSA: if your peanut butter has more than one ingredient then it belongs in the bin
I tried a grilled peanut butter on sourdough the other day. It was good.