If Joe Rogan opened a #HealthyAsFuck restaurant, would you at least eat there once?

If Joe Rogan opened a #HealthyAsFuck restaurant, would you at least eat there once?

damn right i would. it would be nice if they had his podcast playing through loudspeakers at all times as well

I bet Chipotle mayo is good. I've got Sriracha mayo and it's not bad as a fatty "for everything" condiment.

Yes. To laugh in his face for being a weird manlet.

Is that the mayo on the upper right? I thought it was refried beans. That's a lot of mayo. I usually like to have a vinegary salad to balance out the richness of the eggs, and a nice piece of bread or biscuit. I don't think I would enjoy his food.

Fuck off shilling this fag's garbage twitter shit.

Yes, I would. His meals sound fucking delicious but it would never appeal to normies because there is no way to make an appetizing presentation when it comes to this type of food. I used to be super into it back in the day.

>wake up
>fire up the pan
>2 tablespoons of macadamia nut oil
>start frying sliced pepper, onion, and mushroom
>add 6 eggs
>add some salt
>wash down with an ice cold lemon water

You will probably live a very long time if you're active and eat like this every single day.

No shill, am genuinely curious if Veeky Forums would give it a try if he opened a place that serves this stuff.

No because his meals look shitty, and it would be cheaper to go get healthier food with more "muh gainz" macros than his shit.

people on Veeky Forums just shill him because all they know how to make is chicken and rice with the microwavable veggies. Oh they might be able to make scrambled eggs.


This is the only good thing Ive seen posted of him. No yellow liquid, dry, nice looking eggs, decent meal.

Jesus no, all his food is day-before-payday and nothing else is left garbage

The fact he produces this absolute trash and then calls it as fuck! is obnoxious.
As fuck.

I'm the guy that took all these screenshots for /tv/. I stayed up one morning and scrolled through all four years or whatever of his instagram and screencapped every food post. This imo is the least offensive.

damn, hats off to ya

It would just be eggs in different combinations. I hate eggs. So no.

I am open to puddlecore

I began making my eggs with onions, garlic, and jalapenos on the side because of Rogan. I love the concept, but hate the the fucking puddle of oil he makes.

Ok, I've seen most of these Joe Rogan instagrams and a lot of them include sliced garlic, some even boast up to 6 cloves of garlic. I've never been able to spot any. Now I don't believe Rogan is capable of dicing garlic so small that it's not even visible. So what's going on here.

he eats whole garlic cloves as an appetizer before he snaps the pics



If it's actually called #HealthyAsFuck then no. I'm not eating anywhere that has a fucking pound sign in the name.

That said the shit in OP's picture looks pretty greasy and sloppy. I'd eat it if I made it myself I guess but would be pretty disappointing if I paid a premium for it.

He grills the jalapenos before slicing them. Why not just do it after? Does he just want as a big a mess as possible?

What about a #HulkLoads smoothie bar?

>What a manly serving size
FFS people

Also gg Joe that one egg's sure gonna be garlicky
That's about the level of garlic chopping I expected off him


What the fuck, how does he get little chunks of white through his yolks? Wait, Oh lawd that's garlic.

Is there a portion of food instagram that just will not shut up about veganism. Now, if Rogan had put up a picture of some elk meat that he shot I'd expect it but bitching about eggs from free range chickens kept in a great environment, to one of the biggest meatheads around, just makes it seem you don't really care about spreading veganism just about promoting yourself.

Thanks! You've brought this board considerable enjoyment even though they were for /tv/.

he's a wannabe gumba dipshit. Most of you people should fucking love him.

The only thing he cooks is eggs yet he cant even cook them

You fucking child idiots need to find a new saviour. He doesn't know much but you people think he does. STOP IT

>rare wild game

read thread pls

>add 6 eggs
I'm poor for the rest of the month so i've been on a mostly egg and home made hot sauce diet last few days, and today when I've probably had my eight egg, it finally started feeling like it's all coming out. 3 times it came back into my mouth.
One more egg and I'm throwing everything up. How the fuck do you do it??

>interesting combination, I could imagine the heat compliments the red meat perfectly
>as if he doesn't eat jalapenos with everything in the world

>no way to make an appetizing presentation
He could at least drain the fucking oil, that's what gets to me.

LOL fucking vegans.

What's wrong with you? I'm on keto and eat 4 eggs almost every day, have for 2 months. I'm literally eating bacon and 4 scrambled eggs right now as I'm typing this.

Some people are just wired to where it doesn't bother them. When I was lifting I could eat a dozen in one sitting and it wouldn't phase me.

His meals look a lot like what I cook so I would love to eat there.

That's the only way to eat venison steaks

that is one way among many to get parasites

but couldnt you just eat at home then?


joe rogan is a literal retard

ikr, even the borderline autismal shut ins here who make a thread asking how to cook when the move out for the first time eventually start making decent eggs. Maybe he just likes his eggs shitty so it feels more manly than fancy.

I cant wait for this dipshit to have a heart attack

when i try to feed my butter, it just stares at me. what am i doing wrong?

does that really even need saying, at this point?

>that f*cking puddle of grease

>Joe Rogans
>All You Can Eat
>Healthy as "frick"
>kettle bells while you...weight
>Shroomtech smoothie bar

>Joe Rogans Garbage Dump

>Joe Rogans Dump

>Sloppy Joe's

he's so gross man

Bloated bald head with red complexion. Nasally voice that sounds like his throat is coated with shit all the fucking time. Yellow teeth that are stained from eating 6lbs of garlic every meal.

Look him up when he was younger, he's doing something to himself that is destroying his body, because he used to be a thin faced twink and now he's just nasty.

I woke up with my head sort of in a swirl this morning and this is one of the first things I saw. I felt like I was ready to puke.

Sounds like a personal problem, blog it.

Weed, lazy because supposedly healthy, rich enough to flush hygiene down the crapper and a body that only needs to make it to the studio and sit down.

fuck right off nigger

Who hurt you?

A gaping rectum opens an embarrassing food shack. That's great.

The question was: Would you eat there at least once?



roganposting is kino.


Sleeping with your mother is another

Not at all. Let the professionals do what they are best at doing fucking cuck.

his taste in hot sauce is on point at least

>not going with blazing

I have eaten 18 eggs in one sitting, and I'm not even a ketocuck. lrn2cook.

>the special would be 17 eggs and a dozen raw jalapeƱos
no thanks

i like all of their sauces 2bh but yes the xxxtra hot is the shit.


"Welcome to rogans restaurant will you have fried eggs or sliced jalapenos?"

If it was incredibly cheap, sure. I'd pay like 4 dollars for the meal in the pic.

the combo pls


When I see the way he cooks his eggs, this image comes to mind. An amorphous blob of screaming faces damned to hell for eternity. With roughly hacked up garlic and game meat served like it's cut up by mommy.

He makes me actually detest runny eggs, and I love runny eggs. He taught me you can turn any delicious food and make it unappealing, even if prepared in a serious manner, if you mangle it and load it up in a great heap.

>I have eaten 18 eggs in one sitting, and I'm not even a ketocuck
No you're just fat. probably put cheese on your eggs and cooked them with butter.

>Not cooking your eggs with butter
You sound fun

There's something even lamer about roganposting than say joey or jack posting.
Like the latter knows theyre intentionally worshipping a walking joke but I imagine OP to be one of those people that is legit enamoured with rogan. Like he's e-mailed In about how the podcast changed his life, he follows Joe on every possible media platform, he's heard every podcast yet still watches clips on the KingJoeRogan channel.
Like how many threads can you make about a guy who eats deer, jalapeƱos, garlic and a fuckload of eggs?
>I was just asking if anons would eat at
You were just looking for an excuse to make another thread about your favourite e-celeb before you went to bed wishing you were brian redban.

DYEfuckingL son?

go to sleep redban nobody wants to be you


The funny thing is that eggs are high in amino acids that reduce longevity lol

OP here, I'm not a fan and haven't heard his podcast. You seem #triggeredasfuck

Then you're an odd one considering how you're still making threads especially since they all have the same 5-10 pics.
>all reoccurring threads have the same OP
No but you've at least been a part of all the other ones and still seem to think this man's very simple, low component diet warrants further examination.
Also the Jordan Peterson ones are great, though I know Veeky Forums in all its contrarianism will find some way to rag on me for saying that.

Agree with you on Jordan Peterson but still stand by my thread. It's not groundbreaking or anything but why not see if co/ck/s would be willing to see if the tool's food actually tastes good despite looking disgusting. And I figured I'd get a laugh or two out of people busting his balls. Lighten up, senpai.

nice try, Joe Rogaine.
do market research somewhere else, you lazy stoner.