vegan thread?
Vegan thread?
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I try to think that most vegans want to do the right thing by helping animals kept in poor conditions, but eventually they just use it as an excuse to dislike other people. I see more "I'm vegan and you suck" people than "I'm vegan and care about animals" but that could just be because the former gets more attention.
>most vegans want to do the right thing by helping animals kept in poor conditions
I also thought that, if this was the case, someone would spend the extra money to buy very naturally-raised, cruelty-free meat.
Someone might step in, and point out that companies often try to imply a better standard of animal treatment with 'cage-free' labels, even when the animals are actually still quite poorly treated.
What I am talking about is a very holistic, natural landstock raising, like what Joel Salatin does in the United States:
The food industry is like a government election. Our purchases either 'vote' for poor quality industrial meat, or 'vote' for ethically and sustainability-raised meat.
But a vegan is a someone that 'doesn't vote' and claims that that choice is more impactful than giving their 'vote' to someone like Joel Salatin.
I think they're just turned off from any killing of an animal for food because they'll say you can be healthy without it which is understandable and noble in its own way. I'm not sure if that's true for everyone though. I don't feel so great without some animal protein in my meals, and I can digest lactose which also makes me think there's a good reason for me to consume milk and milk products. I know a lot of vegans who say that they would eat lab-grown meat if it wasn't made with bovine serum. I think veganism will die out once that's available in stores, and the discussion will turn from vegan vs omnivore to lab-grown meat eaters vs animal meat eaters. It should be interesting.
Vegetarian is a diet.
Veganism is a political ideology.
And because of the concept of intersectionality, it's equivalent to all other forms of leftist doctrine.
Veganism is a mental illness
Liberalism is a mental illness
I've never heard of a conservative vegan
People who are vegan for ethical reasons are fundamentally insane.
People who are vegan for health reasons are just fucking retards.
inb4 butthurt vegos
Veganism is more like a religion than a political ideology, though undoubtedly vegans tend toward a particular set of left-wing political ideologies. They remind me of nothing so much as religious zealots.
>leftist doctrine
There's no such thing as "leftism." The left lacks the sort of unifying institutions and indoctrination outlets that the modern right does. There's no such thing as "rightism," either, but the left is a much looser alliance of groups and ideologies than the right is.
these are GOAT
Chinese meatless meatballs fried with orange sauce, ginger and dried peppers is godly.
Eh, I take it to be a personal step to reduce suffering in the world for people and animals alike.
Explain why there are right wing vegans.
I could never stand the tofurky brand of anything
>people who disagree with me are stupid or insane
I'm not a vegan, but those aren't good arguments.
Veganism is just an extension of the non aggression principle. Triggered carnists are the young earth creationists of our time.
Shut up with the fundamental debate and help me with my hummus, I'm getting bored of the standard recipe but really know many variations. Already tried curry, jalapeno and varying ratios of tahini-cumin.
I'm curious do vegans have any moral complication eating mushrooms?
It is basically just one stepped removed from eating meat do you guys have a problem doing so? and if not could you explain?
I'm vegan and don't care if someone hunts/catch their own wild game for food.
Pls no say all vegans are crazy
Black bean hummus
I care about ability to feel pain. That's why I don't care if say oysters or sea sponges or eaten. They don't have the receptors but also it's important to read the tenets before like some silly "gotcha" about fungus.
>but also it's important to read the tenets
Really making veganism sound like a cult here.
Ah right, didn't think about changing the base. Thanks I'll try using different beans.
So are you a partial pescatarian? Vegan-pescatarian? I feel like thats a pretty reasonable stanse to take to veganism, because that would allot for stuff like crawfish and mussles, which would be a really easy way to help supplement proteins and nutrients that vegans can have a difficult time attaining.
But then on the flip side, why avoid eggs and dairy products if now a days its easier ensure they come from local, responsible farmers? Granted its easy for me because I live in a semi-rural area, and half my neighbors keep their own free range chickens and give me extra eggs.
It was actually mean as a pure question because I honestly have no clue what you people think.
>That's why I don't care if say oysters or sea sponges or eaten
I have heard some vegans say they do have a problem with such creatures being eaten.
Also what is your opinion regarding things like vat grown meat or animals that are scavenged (roadkill)?
the problem with veganism is its an umbrella, there are a wide variety of views going from people that will just personally not eat animal products and not care what others do, all the way to crazy 100% raw foodists/fruit eaters and complete abolishonists that view animal farming exactly like slavery and want to "liberate them"
my opinion on lab grown meat is that for the culture to start, you will probably have to harm a cow. but compare that to the amount of cows that will be killed in an unpleasant way if this one cow wasnt used for the lab grown culture to start and you will see you reduce the amount of harm done an awful lot. so i think lab grown meat is a very very good thing for animals, it will still be unhealthy for humans to eat.
and roadkill? i dont give a shit about roadkill, just like i dont care about hunters as long as they are hunting for food...the bigger issue is the way animal agriculture has to operate now, due to the ridiculous demand for animal products the conditions that the animals are kept in is pretty atrocious. i would rather nobody eat meat at all, or eat it on a special occaison like christmas and birthdays/other celebrations. but i dont think thats a realistic thing to ask for.
most shellfish and stuff i dont care about. i dont eat them, but if others want to i dont see a problem. when you compare an oyster to a cow or pig, the differences are very clear. thats just my view though.
The basis with which vegan arose was very intentional, it's a philosophy that was formed to strip our own natural desire and tendency to put like first but also recognizes when there are options that one should do what they can *best* do to not exploit animals
No probs, fava hummus is great too
I don't eat shellfish even if the don't have poaaible pain receptors (bivalves most likely do for example)
Also to cut it all down I recommend * Unnatural Vegan * on YouTube, very clear and concise with a lot of data.
Especially regarding say dairy. Eggs I can say a rescue chicken just laying eggs in theory could be eaten if you keep them after production until they die a natural death but the reality is chickens stop laying after they get a clutch in my experience even if they aren't ever going to hatch.
For clarity this
Is not meAnyways it's 4am I'll respond tomorrow
That's not an entirely accurate analogy because, unlike a traditional voting system with one victor, voting with money has relative success. Choosing to not eat meat at all still hurts the industry.
>it's a philosophy that was formed to strip our own natural desire and tendency to put like first
Sure sounds like a cult to me.
I never encountered a vegan or vegetarian that shoves their beliefs in anyones face. Are there really that much?
My aunt and uncle are both vegetarians but don't complain when somene eats a steak in front of them, they even feed their two children meat and fish at least 3 times per week.
Is the bitching an American thing?
>Explain why there are right wing vegans.
Mostly because of people who worship Hitler.
>my relatives are vegetarian
>they even feed their two children meat and fish at least 3 times per week.
Sounds autistic.
They aren't arguments, they're statements of fact.
I'm sorry
that doesn't go far enough.
if you're a vegan for that reason and you don't eat at pure subsistence/near-starvation levels you are a hypocrite.
farming /always/ results in the displacement of animal habitats, the death of field animals and pollution and destruction of natural environments. Even eating nothing but kale you are still contributing to the death of animals. Therefore if you are really all about limiting suffering you must eschew any extra foodstuffs beyond what is absolutely necessary to keep you out of excruciating hunger pains, and if you really care about animals you will probably rather feel hungerpains yourself rather than contribute further than absolutely necessary to the suffering of animals. Really you need to weigh how much you care about your own suffering vs the suffering of animals. Every time you sate that achey gnawing feeling in your gut you are sating it with the blood of wild creatures.
It is inescapable.
you gotta stop bro, this doesn't even make any sense
also animals won't follow the NAP in regards to humans so it may already be considered broken.
No shark will decide not to eat you
Pigs would crunch through your bones if given the slightest chance
The only thing stopping rats and mice from feasting on your flesh is their general inability to hunt people. If they could the would, and as such no NAP applies.
Really? Then you're too biased to awknowledge the obvious autism of your blood.
Post more vegan caps
It's a whole load of unnecessary contention formed by a bunch of insecure, insufferable assholes.
Hell, a lot of the "vegetarians" I know are more in a gray area and are willing to try out different meat dishes out of interest and/or whim. They just don't seek out meat products is the thing.
Those aren't vegetarians then
>what are scare quotes
Cows follow NAP for the most part. Should we not kill them. Chickens too I presume but I haven't been around them and birds in general are aggressive and unpredictable so I wouldn't want to vouch for their behavior.
>That's not an entirely accurate analogy because, unlike a traditional voting system with one victor, voting with money has relative success. Choosing to not eat meat at all still hurts the industry.
The analogy works like this:
Meat industry = government
Factory farms = the 'bad party'
Ethical sustainable farms = the 'good party'
What you are saying translates to 'choosing not to vote still hurts the government'. That's a pretty silly way to look at it, since the government is a neutral agency, it's the parties that you want to influence into power.
You have the ability to vote in the 'good party' and make real change but, vegans are saying screw it to the entire system.
If only 10% of the people vote govt still exists and exerts control over you. If only 10% of people eat meat animal suffering goes down tremendously.
It'd be one thing if vegans presented shit in a "well they slaughter animals and I don't think it's right" way. But they never do, they do it in a holier-than-thou, ivory-fuckin-tower LOOK! LOOOK HOW EEEEEVIL IT IS! EVIL EVIL EVIL! UNSUSTAAAAINABLE! ITS EEEEEEVIL!
I'm a vegetarian and not a vegan but I respect what vegans stand for (however, I don't think a low effort vegan diet that's tasty is accessible to everyone so I consider it very much an elitist diet). However, I really do think the biggest reason veganism turns so many people off is because the movement is essentially feminine and superficial and egotistical. What it needs is some honesty, self-deprecation and masculinity.
Oysters are the single most vegan mass produced food. Hand picked local crops beat them out, but there are more sentient beings harmed in crop farming than in oyster farming.
There is some evidence that eating animal protein elevates serum levels of IGF-1 which is associated with reduced longevity in mice, as well as increasing your risk of cancer and diabetes mellitus, two major ageing-related morbidities.
Still going to eat meat though.
>these are GOAT
Then why the fuck are you eating them you retarded vegan?
Animals are not included in the NAP because they do not understand the concept of the NAP.
How about this moralfag. I'm working to reduce the suffering I cause within reason. Starving myself because pests will die due to mass crop production is required because our population is too large.
I am not a fundamentalist jain
Fuck off
So you're fine with veal then?
You fucking retard.
>discussing dinner plans with family
>consider making stuffed peppers
>mom: "Can they be stuffed with REAL meat this time?"
I'm not even vegetarian nor vegan but the constant whining about "needing" meat is maddening.
Try going down the frozen foods isle and counting how many meals have bacon added for no good reason. It's crazy.
"vegetarians" and "vegans" are a different thing.
Almost all vegetarians I met were pretty cool. They are like "Yeah, I don't eat meat. Big deal."
Vegans, on the other hand, are the most cancerous people, right after low-tier LoL-Players. There was a vegan activist group in the city for some days, and every day they had their booth there, with a huge fucking screen, showing the most extreme cases of abusive slaughterhouses. With full sound and everything. Children were crying, but they didn't gave a single shit, because
>"muh animal rights are more importand than children rights"
I asked the mayor to actually take a look at those videos they were showing, and about two weeks later there was a readers letter in the local newspaper about how "the government prohibits this free speech and the right to educate people", because they actually got banned from ever have a stand in this city again.
ofc I'm aware that there are very bad cases of animal abuses in those farms, but I know that there are many farmers who treat their animals right.
Vegetarians are like
>Hey, have you tried this vegetarian dish?
>Yeah, but I didn't like it
>k lol
Vegans are like
>I don't eat meat because of animal cruelty and everyone who eats meat is a degenerate and inhuman piece of shit
>My steak was pretty sure a happy cow once, I visited the farm sometimes. I know what it looked like.
>this time
>implying you put your vegan shit in this regularly
>wanting something different for one time
>sick of this "constant whining about needing meat"
Shit like this is why people hate vegans. You say one wrong word and they are triggered for life. Worse than feminists
I've never met an obnoxious vegan before. I mean it's all just anecdotal stuff, there are retards and there are many more nice people.
5/10 bait.
Have you considered that it might have nothing to do with "needing meat" but instead is a way of telling you that your lentil stuffing doesn't taste very good?
I did this actually one time.
>Oh look, this is with chick-oh, no, it's just chicken flavoured, it's vegan
Try going down the isle with sausages and cut meat and stuff and count the
>Vegan Chickenwings
>Vegan Liverwurst
>Vegan green ham
>Vegan faggots
And nowadays even shampoo needs a label to be vegan.
I don't know about you, but I like to wash my hair with the good ol' chutlet
Kinda want to try these
What I don't get about vegans is the urge to call everything like something meaty.
Why would you call something without any meat "sausage" or "burger" or "ham"
am "vegan" (vegetarian, no dairy, eggs, fish etc.)
I don't eat imitation meat and stuff like that the diet has fixed digestive issues I was having and lowered my cholesterol and triglycerides as a result I look more youthful, have more energy, have a higher sex drive (my wife loves it), and lost weight
its not for everyone, but keto and other high fat diets wreak havoc on my digestion
The keto diet is literally cancer. Doing it is a death sentence, and it's pretty scarry how wide it's caught on.
I know that it's stupid to turn your life around for a documentary, but I had been considering vegetarianism for a while. This pushed me over the edge and convinced me to go vegan.
The documentary doesn't set out to be "you need to be vegan" the movie, but basically the conclusion that it comes to is that meat is bad for you.
>basically, meat is bad for you
can we let this meme die, please?
there truth to it though
Docus are usually pretty biased towards one side, you should look at the science yourself and form your opinion. So far for me it's very plant-centric, a variety os vegetables/fruits and very importantly, spices/herbs but some dairy products or meat from time to time, like every other week. Oh and limit oils, I think that's a thing many vegans don't pay attention to, especially vegetable oils can be extremely bad.
I've seen the docu that this poster mentioned and it is not really so much "be a vegan" moreso it exposes regulatory capture and corruption
vegetarian or not, it is worth a watch
He's perfectly right, though.
>vegetarian or not, it is worth a watch
Nah I'll keep my manhood. Thanks though.
Oxygen causes cancer.
Stop being a fucking pussy.
I will, I was just speaking in general. It's absolutely clear that the mass produced meat nowadays is really bad and even if you buy the most expensive bio meat at your hipster bio supermarket it's likely still shit. But I won't accept anybody telling me that it's wrong of me to buy some chickens from a small farm in the village my mother grew up in.
On that topic, what do you people think about that rentapig thing? tl;dr you pay people to properly raise "your" pig and you eventually get all of the meat.
Not him but you sound like a big pussy.
I like this idea in a food supply chain sense
I'm a pussy for wanting to be healthy and alive for my wife and kid?
You are selfish for falling for life's decadence and you will ultimately pay the price with your health eventually
literally the tip of the iceberg
Says the pussy vegan who has to inform everyone what a special little snowflake it is everytime someone is about to eat. No one gives a fuck about your vegan shit tier diet, if they did, they would have already told you about it.
No gains and low T.
Proof veg heads have lower T.
Go back to Veeky Forums shitposter-kun.
Thanks for confirming you're dyel.
>You are selfish for falling for life's decadence and you will ultimately pay the price with your health eventually
Given the way I have worked with toxic shit at minimum wage jobs I doubt it will be the meat to do me in.
Childhood is thinking if you go vegan youre respecting life
Adulthood is realizing no objective difference between plants and animals exist when it comes to being "life".
I eat what I feel my body needs because I'm not an idiot who can only empathize with similar looking lifeforms.
I don't give any fucks if someone eats meat in front of me
I don't talk about it unless directly asked, or in thread where its literally the topic
I don't care about animal rights
My father died when I was young, I want to be there for my kid and wife and not get cucked by heart disease, fuck off
I have never, in my life, met somebody who would call Michael Cera their hero.
Some fries are cooked with animals oil, shampoo contain animals product and fruits like strawberry are irradiated to sterilize them
Radioactivity and animals product, the modern day liberal kryptonite
this is what i do. no meat no dairy, but i eat eggs and fish/shellfish maybe once a week tops. i only do it because i have stomach issues and when i made the change i havent had trouble since. also its easy for me, but im not super strict if i eat some butter or whatever its not a huge deal i just really try not too.
good point
vegetarian conservatives i do know, though