What did you have for Iftar?

Also since 2015 its the day of praising Bashar Al Assad and his efforts in the ongoing Syrian civil war.
So the knowledgeable people of the world tend to do the both

>ISIS apologised the one time they picked on someone who might actually turn Mecca to glass

What did they mean by this?

Fuck off to /pol/ you filthy kike, go and try and derail their threads.
Or go to /k/ to jack each other off, just get away from here.

>just get away from here.


I just dont see how you can make money for shilling on a cooking board of Veeky Forums.
Nobody here is interested for supporting sacred EEYYZREEYELLE
They just ignore your attempts. Even if you are here for the recipes and food related subjects, shilling just doesnt pay.


>celebrating shitskin holidays

Looks pretty dank mane

12 dead mudslimes.
Fuck outta here, monkeyboi fascist.

Why do jewish people samefag so much