My girlfriend had her son about two years ago and says she's ready to get fit again. What food can I cook her that's full of flavor but low on carbs?
My girlfriend had her son about two years ago and says she's ready to get fit again...
Bleach pudding.
oh just full her food full of laxatives so she shits all that shit out
dont forget to buy her a new toilet brush too
>her son
>low on carbs?
You dumb fuck retarded double niggers
Bleach bacon semen pudding with a side of laxatives.
bait thread confirmed
just tell her to stop being an asinine cunt and watch her daily caloric intake
>my girlfriend's son
>had her son
>what can I cook for her
Maybe if people like you actually took care of their responsibilities and kept your dick in your pants, things like that wouldn't be a problem.
>low on carbs
maybe if your girlfriend wasn't a whore, or if she found it absolutely necessary to be a whore she would at least take the pill, things like that wouldn't be a problem.
Maybe if you weren't a whore who likes sucking dicks 24/7, you wouldn't assume that everyone else are also whores, cumdumpster. Go wipe the smeg from your asshole and THINK about your poor life choices.
Also, women aren't the only people responsible for preventing pregnancy. Let's see YOU take prescription medication that affects your hormones and pulmonary functions on a daily basis, before you get all smug. Oh wait, you probably DO, since you can only get it up with the help of the little blue pill (which is why you're a bitch bottom).
>Being emotional
>Then calling someone else a bottom bitch.
"Says shes ready to get fit again"
Yeah they say a lot of things.
God bless you OP, bless your stupid heart.
Cuck enjoy your rosties bastard child
Holy fuck are you a crybaby, sounds like your the one taking the hormone meds or is it all the built up anger from your whore girlfriends son
Why do stupid people think low carb is synonymous with getting fit?
What the fuck is your problem "bro"? I just came here along for advice and you decided to be fucking loser about it. If you don't like it, then hide the thread. Don't reply to me or my threads in the future.
>my girlfriend
>her son
First day on 4Chinks?
>Asking for advise from people who hate everything
Your in the wrong place fucko
because its a bait thread?
if theres any chance that op is genuine i want him to feel shame
>stealing the mantle of fatherhood from another man makes you a cuck
>letting a roastie whore throw her responsibilities on you because youre a passive beta
>having to play mental gymnastics to justify your cuckoldry
>mantle of fatherhood
holy shit you're fucking pathetic
bet the kid isn't even you or your girlfriend's race
This man's "son" will never even know his name. This man's "legacy" will be overwritten by my own. He will never feel the joy of a son hitting the winning homerun or teaching a son how to shave for the first time. His blood may persevere, but he will be forgotten. My legacy will live on in a little boy I love and cherish.
>not his girlfriend's race
it's guaranteed to be at least half her race retarded drumpflet
>1 post by this ID
well that entire post was fucking gay
you love and cherish a bastard son because you want sex from your whore girlfriend. you are raising a human made from the genes that came inside your whore girlfriend. and youre a big enough loser to take her responsibility.
dump the bitch, stop eating soy, and start lifiting, you pathetic beta male cuck
Is adoption a form of cuckoldry?
Go back to Veeky Forums, dumbass. It's very clear to me that you're projecting your insecurities and failures onto anonymous posters. Get some help.
kek, no
all of my gfs have been virgins, eventually ill marry one and have kids of my own.
i just get frustrated seeing dipshits like you thinking youre a hero for settling down with a slut
depends on the reason. if youre sterile, no. if you want to be progressive by adopting 3 syrian children, yes
>tfw no gfs daughter to be BFF with
>tfw no gf
>full of flavor but low on carbs
A pile of salt.
Okay, champ. Keep living your bitter little fantasy. The real men will be waiting for you on this side of the fence when you decide to grow up.
Roasted 2 year old long pig
>le im just projecting my insecurities meme
more mental gymnastics, cuck
listen, i know so many people like you that live pitiful lives because of the mentality you have, who end up raising children they dont love for a wife they dont love who they cant do anything about because theyve already signed their lives away to each other
im just trying to show you the light. theres still time for you to escape and have a better life.
it doesnt have to be like this op.
you can still find another woman and have your own children.
nobody thinks youre special for becoming a step dad. every day that kid gets older youre going to see the semen from the other, stronger man that made him. youre not a hero, youre not a real man, youre a cuck.
oh by the way how ruined is your girlfriend's puss?
you know, since she's been getting creampied by other dudes and had a baby pass through there. must look pretty ugly, cant imagine how it feels.
Yo Rich on a scale of 1 to 5 how assravaged is user right now?
>triggered cuck tries to justify his cuckery
wew lad
You probably should have just said "step son" to sound less like a cuck. Wife's son is a meme on this website.
t. sven mywifesson
I'm not even going to dignify your rambling by reading it. You're a dumb faggot. As I said before, enjoy your bitter life. I hope one day you can be happy and can stop being so angry.
You do seem kind of insecure, talking about "semen from the other, stronger man". People with stepchildren can still have more children with their partner. And you're assuming an awful lot about their relationship without knowing much. There's a difference between getting into a relationship with someone you want to be with who happens to have a child, and something like being in a relationship and your wife/gf having a child with somebody else. Some people also just think all life is worth the effort, and not just what came from their own genitals. I know this is all most likely bait, but I just wanted to say that in case it isn't. Lots of weak men have children, it doesn't inherently mean anything.
my sides left orbit when i read your first post and they havent came back since
the problem is that getting into a relationship with a woman who already has a child is the most significant red flag when it comes to dating, and because people like op keep falling for these roastie traps, woman keep thinking they can do whatever they want
so more woman start having bastard children to wait for the hordes of beta men to support their pathetic excuse for a family
Grilled chicken.
good post
no problem. if you need anything just ask.
Will do. I appreciate the hospitality. This is why I always support local.
His mom is getting back in shape to hop back on the carousel
if she's serious about getting Veeky Forums, then save carbs b4 workout & eat something with protein & fat afterwards
ex: mashed sweet potatoes b4 & avocado after
You sound like one of those tumblr tourists who came her because they daw "the Veeky Forums funnies on that cancerous tumblr page. Go back to where you came from.
Low carb is a meme and a fad diet
No but because they have nothing to do with the implies sexual aspect.But raising a child that came of the result of some dude cumming in your girl is a cucky reminder that you have used goods.
Good luck finding a woman over 18 that hasn't been used as a cum bucket. They are either ugly as sin, fatfucks or lesbians. And over 30 without a kid? Impossible.
Yeah thats true but having a little incarnation of her slutty past running around doesnt help.
is your wife's son brown ?
When I had a girlfriend and she wanted to lose weight I would make her suck a tbs of maple syrup off my knob then I'd cum in her mouth and feed her 4 or 5 olives. That would hold her off half the day.
Daily reminder that qt Christians and second generation Asians with traditional values are top tier.
It actually worked though. She lost 40 pounds dating me. Now she's with some redneck and getting fat again haha.
>hordes of beta men to support their pathetic excuse for a family
At first, I thought OP was a joke. And I still do. However, you're right, there are a lot of beta men in the world so it's definitely possible.
Suttle OP.
Triggered as fuck little boys can't handle real man responsibilities.
>all my girlfriends have been virgins UNTIL I came along
>who'd want to raise someone else's kid?
>women are whores
After your mommies finishing making your breakfast toaster waffles, maybe you should get out more and realize life isn't like your fantasy role-playing games. Real life is complicated, messy, and also fun. You people set yourselves up for failure.
>t. Single mom that didn't get a father's day present
Nope, been married 20 years to my wife, and my son just graduated from high school and is off to college this fall. And I have more life experience in my fucking pinkie finger than these little boys posting all this bullshit in this thread. You need to grow the fuck up and buy some balls.
Damn, you're more pathetic than a single mom. I'm so sorry.
>off to college this fall
>falling for the college meme
>falling for the having children meme
>justifying OP the cuckhold
>Says the 40 yo weeb
If you retards didn't acknowledge "lmao cuck meme jejeje xD" 20 times per thread this shit would go away.
>Roasted 2 year old long pig
>Posting on Veeky Forums with a bunch of alcoholic memelord college students when you've raised kids for 20 years
What the fuck are you doing grandpa this isn't how you act hip and cool
Fuck off retard
don't forget to cook something for your girlfriend's black son as well you eternal omega cuckold.
le cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuukk meme xD DAE 1488?
Holy crap gramps dont you have AARP monthly to pass your time instead of making all these bait posts for replies
>implying that the cuck meme will die
No we sincerely hate these failures they are the downfall of western civilization
Reported for shitposting.
For me its the McChicken the best fast food sandwich for my wife's son
op is going to have a terrible rest of his life because of this thread
yeah the combined meme magic and weaponized autism from BASED Veeky Forums posters will destroy this KEK'S mind. MAGA in KEK
what drives a person to make a post like this
some kind of fucked up self hating irony?
genuinely curious
i know youre being ironic but shut the fuck up
Mad libtards detected. My fellow centipedes blow you out on the daily so it's understandable that you would be mad. PRAISE KEK
>le ironic r/t_d post xDDD
You're so fucking mad, libcuck.
i voted for trump dipshit
Prove it. You literally can't.
are you circumsized?