>go to restaurant
>see business man sit down and order a prime rib
>medium rare
>good man
>see him order a 12 oz. can of Bang's™ Root Beer
>don't do it
>he washes down his $75 with the Bang's™ Root Beer.
Why do people do this?
Go to restaurant
Other urls found in this thread:
it's Barq's you fucking loser
Barq's is the best of the shit root beers
There's nothing at all wrong with that. Barq's is GOAT.
>hurhur it looks like it says bangs rootbeer because I never learned cursive because I'm a fucking idiot
bretty gud, op. bretty gud.
maybe he's an alcoholic
Both this and that just the same
> A restaurant that serves prime rib and canned root beer
Nothing about this story is plausible. OP is just a shitposter who wanted to start a thread calling Barq's Bangs.
>label clearly says barq's
you are american aren't you?
I won't insult you, low intelligence is expected of you.
HOly fuck please browse Veeky Forums as compulsively as I do so you can stay in the loop on garbage in-jokes
barq's, a&w, and what is the other one?
maybe the problem isn't the multitude of people who didn't see that you were trying to make a joke,
the problem is that you made a bad joke
how old are you, friend?
>admitted to seeing a thread about Bang's root beer a couple days ago
>all of a sudden I am the creator of the joke
YOu are really triggering my PTSD right now
I thought Blarg's Root Beer was only sold in southern Florida?
He does it because Barq's has Bite™, Johhny!
whaddya mean barq's has bite??
Ouch, ouch
Bangs has bite
Barqs, A&W on tap, and Spreckers are the toppest of root beers.
>dad's has bite
Nigger, bars serve prime rib. It's not some kind of super-rare God-meat.
I'd drink that.
Man, I haven't had a can of Dad's root beer in forever. I should see if I can find it anywhere near me still.
Albertsons has it occasionally.
Na I'm in NYC and I grew up drinking that around here
Virgil's Root Beer >
just found the nearest store to me
>muh Dad's
For $75? That's gotta be more of a roast than a steak.
Barqs is goat you dum cunt.
i bet you get mad af when iwash down the 35$ mid rare ribeye steak i cooked with real sugar bepis
That says Dad;s you fuckwit
>Bang's™ Root Beer
Sure thing, pal
Holy shit, I wish I could still find Hires in Canada, hands down best root beer.
Do they even make this shit anymore?
I haven't seen Hires since the 90s, holy shit
King coming through
GOAT coming through
Never heard of II3C Root Beer. Is that a European thing?
IBC is a Western America thing.
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
We will forever be niggas for true.
at the liquor store in toronto they sell alcoholic hires root beer
it's alright
True that my grandma gave me a bottle that she said shes had for over 10 years. I dont think I want to open it though like wtf who keeps that shit for that long.
people like you will be the first to die when society falls.
You probably support transgender rights and the destruction of Confederate monuments too, don't you?
It's probably a disgusting malt beverage like those shitty Jack and Cola in a cans
bangs root beer
it's actually a vodka beverage, surprisingly
literally lold
did someone say ja/ck/?
Wtf, I love Canada now
Go away fat man
our alcohol is too expensive compared to the us, unless you go to quebec. not sure about europe as ive never been, but everywhere else in leafland its crazy. 24 beers costs you like 40 bucks if you get halfway drinkable beers.
bangs rootbeer
Nostalgia out the fuckin ass
This guy knows what's up
Dear lord their cream soda too, heavenly.
good to see someone here who knows what the fuck they're talking about
Holy shit. OP this may be the greatest troll I've seen on Veeky Forums in quite some time. Bravo! Bravo!