Why do the best tasting foods have to be the least healthiest?
Why do the best tasting foods have to be the least healthiest?
Because you touch yourself at night.
Because you grew up eating crap and now your brain is wired to consider sweet and salty to be the most rewarding flavors on your palate.
This. Lost a ton of weight, and now my tastes have been completely rewired.
Because our bodies and brains are hardwired for survival, and historically speaking most humans struggled to get enough fat, salt, and protein to survive because hunting down animals is hard work. So tour brain makes grease, salt, and protein taste fucking amazing so you eat as much as you can at every opportunity. Problem is we invented domestication and agriculture, making access to these things significantly easier to come by, so now our instincts work against us and make it all too easy to overeat.
look at this shit tier burger
so many unneccessary components making it nigh impossible to eat
these fucking hipster assholes really forget the essence of a good burger
>putting a knife through it as some sort of decor and hold
fucking edgelords
>Because you grew up eating crap and now your brain is wired to consider sweet and salty to be the most rewarding flavors on your palate.
I would agree
it'd be a lot better with only 1 patty
Simple evolutionary logic: the things that are the scarcest in nature, yet vital to our survival (salt, sugar, fat) taste the best.
Can niggers eat ANYTHING without dumping a fucking cup of salt & old bay on it?
No wonder all your 'Merican blacks are morbidly obese & diabetic.
nutrition be oppressive an shit
anyone notice mcdicks shills getting BTFO?
mods are gods
I hate this board for this reason.
(You) gave the correct answer and its ignored. Not even a "huh, so that's the reason".
Veeky Forums just might be the worst board.
It's more that everyone already knows this and is bored with these types of answers. Trolling at least is mildly interesting
ur mom is the best board - I know
Everyone needs validation, so here's your (you).
fuck off, family guy is shit and that joke is shit, unironically kys.
How is burger unhealthy? Ground beef is full of protein, a couple slices of cheese doesn't hurt anyone, salad, tomatoes and onion is healthy and I guess the bun the only thing that is unhealthy in a burger, but you can easily use a whole wheat bun or something.
>he used a superlative adverb to modify a superlative suffixed adjective
They're not, you just have pleb taste
trips of truth.
this is the Veeky Forums way, (you) just need to use a little critical thinking when lur/ck/ing
What is health? If fast food is intrinsically excluded from your view of health, it’s time to revise your assumptions. The idea that foods like hamburgers are "unhealthy" reflects a naive, narrow-minded view of what constitutes health.
Most people ostensibly define health as a state: involving lack of illness, possession of a certain body image, ability of the body to do work, etc. But when confronted with someone who meets these criteria and eats fast food, they amend their definition to include "eats healthy food." They cannot accept eating fast food as something a healthy person could engage in, as they have a priori deemed it an unhealthy act. It becomes clear that "health" is not a state one can occupy, but an ongoing series of sociocultural performances. This exclusionary view of health ensures that "health" proper cannot be achieved by certain types of people (lower class). Therefore, if you are not an insensitive, sheltered bigot, you must accept that fast food is healthy.
I'm a /co/ native and I happen to know for a fact that the first 4 seasons of Family Guy are fucking great.
Very good explication.
>implying that burger is bad for you
It's really not, like at all, unless you eat something like that every single day and don't do shit
God I hope you're just trollin.
Fast food is objectively unhealthy, makes you fat, and is generally a less efficient food source than other available sources. "Health" has nothing to do with sociocultural influences and can absolutely be attained by people of "lower class"; the problem is that a lot of people simply don't possess the discipline to eat what they NEED rather than what they WANT.
>implying a burger and fries is all that "unhealthy"
It's annoying how foods are rated on their healthiness by how it affects the body of a sedentary, middle aged, five foot tall woman. As someone who works outdoors and burns thousands and thousands of calories day after day, that shit looks great. Sure, hitting a wide range of food groups is important, but if you lead an active enough lifestyle and don't constantly eat certain food groups in excess, you'll be fine.
This is true. When you're used to flavor coming from a big blast of fat, salt and white carbs anything less seems disappointing. Once you no longer eat like that those kinds of huge blasts are still kinda tasty, but seem like overkill without much nuance. 65lbs ago I would have been lying to say I thought a well spiced vegetarian curry meal tasted better than a double cheeseburger. Now I eat a double cheeseburger and think, "Fuck, this is stupid. Only the first bite or two really taste good, then it's just way too much of the same thing." Much rather have a good vegetarian curry.
>foods are rated on their healthiness by how it affects the body of a sedentary, middle aged, five foot tall woman
This is completely spot on.
Beef and cheese are extremely unhealthy...
Why the fuck do you think heart disease is the leading cause of death in Burgerland?
But that's about the same number of calories the average NEET or office worker (who doesn't work out) burns in a day.
That's true but there's basically a one size fits all sentiment to nutrition. The dude doing 10hr manual construction all day is going to get browbeat by know-nothing food Nazis just the same.
There's nothing more grating to me than hearing fat or out of shape blobs give nutritional advice to me because of some article they read on Yahoo.
>The dude doing 10hr manual construction all day is going to get browbeat by know-nothing food Nazis just the same.
Not really. He doesn't speak English.
>There's nothing more grating to me than hearing fat or out of shape blobs give nutritional advice to me because of some article they read on Yahoo.
I'd call that a quality problem. No one cares what grates on you in a world where people have real problems.
go to reddit if you want to upvote shit to be seen; it is either seem or not stfu crybaby
Hamburgers arent necessarily unhealthy
Its beef or turkey patty, make sure its lean somewhat, keep in mind that fat and cholestrol is good for you in controlled amounts. Then you just dress it up with vegetables. Sauces and cheese are unneccessarily add a lot of salt/fat/sugar. Make sure the bread is 100% whole wheat and enriched with some vitamins or protein. I have hamburgers 3-4 times a week and am healthy
Fat, salt and sugar are NOT BAD FOR YOU in and of themselves. It is the ridiculous amount you eat which makes them bad for you.
Control is key. So no, don't eat any fast food for at least 10 days.
This is the correct answer
Your right was heading to work and had a moment. It happens.
No you.
Some types of fat ARE bad for you though. Unsaturated > Saturated >>>>>>>> Trans. Trans fat IS really awful for you even in small amounts. Also, what makes sugar bad for you is when you spike your blood sugar, which you do when you eat fast food or anything that is lots of refined carbs.
>Also, what makes sugar bad for you is when you spike your blood sugar, which you do when you eat fast food or anything that is lots of refined carbs.
Spiking blood sugar in and out of itself doesn't cause any issues whatsoever.
Where it CAN cause issues is that some people get hungry when their blood sugar crashes after a spike and can't help themselves from eating more. That could be a problem. But if you have enough willpower to stick it out then it's no problem.
>Spiking blood sugar in and out of itself doesn't cause any issues whatsoever.
>I don't know what insulin and diabetes are
>>I don't know what insulin and diabetes are
Elaborate, please. I'd love to hear your theory on how blood sugar spikes cause problems. I'm not even sure what your point is. Are you trying to say that blood sugar spikes cause diabetes? That doesn't make sense, because a diabetic person whose body didn't produce insulin couldn't even experience a "spike" since there would be no insulin to cause the drop after the spike peaks.
>what is insulin resistance