I'd like to find more, it's just so pleasantly satisfying. Give me your best

I'd like to find more, it's just so pleasantly satisfying. Give me your best

Other urls found in this thread:


auntie fee
i'm sure everyone knows, but masaokis/masao_hf

is Kay a subhuman in England, or is she standard fare?



all of this guy's content is cringe gold.

weber cooks guy


watermelon man is the best of all time, and hidden among his satire are nuggets of gold

I don't know if it was you but someone on /ck posted him a couple months ago and I love this old faggot

That is a square meal

She's an average scot

>iron maiden font

who is this outdated whore

she doesn't actually like iron maiden, she just likes their apparel

OP here
does anyone remember seeing a macaroni salad video? in the video, there was a tub of miracle whip added to it and a look of "kill me now" near the end during tasting. I'm trying so hard to find it, amongst other cringe

The one from Simply Sara?

Welcome to *wheeze* Simply Sara *wheeze* Today we make macaroni ""Salad"" , but it's not your traditional macaroni salad
*wheeze* *heartattack*
That bitch is frightening

I thought she was from Yorkshire

she lives in Northumberland and by looking at her it's safe to assume she's a scots woman

The way you can hear how fat she is by how she talks, unable to properly open her jaw all the way to enunciate her words, is probably the worst part.

This girl gets everything so wrong that it becomes mildly adorable


The one pot chef

It honestly doesnt look too bad until she throws in the cheese and cream
>Guy takes one bite, doesnt look up, coughs at "is it good"
i feel kinda bad for her

What is all of that shit on her wall? That and her stove looked so fucking nasty. You would think she'd clean it since it's in 90% of the video.



This is intentionally cringey though, this person is pretty much doing a fucking Lumpy Space Princess/Tina Belcher impression while barely putting any effort into a gross recipe. That's like, cheating man.