How to Lose Weight if You Can't Get to a Gym

Hello! I need to lose some weight in a month. However, I cannot drive (despite the fact that as an adult I should be; I'M NOT 12 REEEEEEEE I JUST DIDN'T LEARN). Therefore, I have no access to a gym, and am basically stuck at home all day.

I love cheeses and pasta, and I know I should cut out dairy and carbs. I eat plenty of fruit, but is too much in excess a bad thing due to sugar?

Would like to hear any dietary or extra advice or information.

get a job

No car. No driving skills. No job.

I did want to work as a lifeguard though.

i went from 300 to 180 with 0 exercise. weight loss is all about your diet. exercise is for health. you can still go for walks and do bodyweight fitness.

Do a water fast.

I lost 40 lbs in a month doing nothing.

Fruit isn't good for carbs, it's for the micronutrients. In reality vegetables are better overall, so treat fruit like you would a dessert. Cutting out carbs isn't necessarily what you want to do, you need to have the right balance between fat carbs and protein. Im assuming you want to lose bodyfat and not muscle, so ensuring you get the right amount of protein is essential, which is around .8 grams per pound if you do home exercises, and .6 for general health. A good way to tackle hunger is to eat heavy food. By heavy I mean stuff like potatoes, veggies, anything that takes up a lot of space but doesn't have a lot of calories. it will make your stomach full and calm your hunger, but also make sure to drink lots of water. This is the proper way to lose weight. or you could be a jack ass like me and lose weight by surviving on nothing but protein shakes for 4 months, lost 50 pounds but fair warning; I was hungry everyday, all the time, and all I ever thought about during my free time was food

>I didn't learn to drive as soon as I possibly could
Fuck off, nobody has any sympathy for your pathetic existence

>take the food pyramid
>separate the fruits from veggies
>switch the veggies with the breads/carbs/starches
>learn to count calories

Honestly, you should only be eating carbs before some sort of physical activity. Most people overindulge in carbs which is an extremely high source of calories to which they never work off.

Just count calories, you can still eat cheese and pasta and as long as you stay under your TDEE, you'll lose weight.

How fast would this work on a mesomorphic metabolism?

stop eating sweets and drinking anything with calories
use less frying and more baking, try to eat less in general
also gym is only really necessary if you want to gain a lot of muscle. buy some weights, go swimming or ride a bike, you have a lot of options

My beach is too contaminated and is not safe for swimming.

I'm aiming for weight loss.

Just fast walk everywhere, it's summer you'll burn that shit off in no time, also play basketball it's even better and fun even by yourself.

m8 that stuff is borederline voodoo magic weightloss thinking. The only real thing it can help describe is your metabolism, but there are so many other factors involved with that it's almost moot. The "diet" will work for most normal people, it just you need to eat less and less the smaller you get. For example, if a fat bastard ate just the protein and a little carbs and fat he would burn the weight off, whereas a normal guy will slim down slower so he needs to be more restrictive to get the same results. As long as you go back to the drawing board every week or two to ensure you get the right amount of protein and are eating a little less, you'll be solid. As for speed, depends how fat you are and how restrictive you wanna be. You could literally just eat chicken breast and plain veggies and burn that weight off, but it doesn't sound very fun yea? Gauge your willpower and then you can estimate how fast it will get you. Counting calories is more accurate but if that's a big headache for ya don't bother

OP, I can sympathize - I have epilepsy and am not allowed to drive.

Overall, what matters is you're getting less calories than you expend. Get the myfitnesspal app (or a similar calorie-counting app) - I use it and it's great at making me aware of how much I'm consuming. It'll calculate for you how many calories you need in a day to lose X amount of weight in a month.

Drink only water, or plain coffee or tea with a bit of milk if you need to. No juices, sodas, milkshakes, etc.

Have regular meals. Again with the myfitnesspal app you can figure out how many calories are in each meal. I like to have each meal around 500 - 600 calories.

Try not to snack too much, but if you do, eat veggies. You can eat a lot of veggies and it'll be low calorie. Fruit once or twice a day is fine too. I like eating a lot of carrots as a snack, or bell peppers.

Get a bicycle or walk everywhere. I like exercise with an explicit purpose beyond "for my health." Biking is great for this, as I'll take it to the grocery store, doctor's, etc. It depends on how much you weight and how fast you bike, but you can lose about 300 calories in a half hour bike ride. This means you can eat more too!

You don't have to avoid carbs, and weight loss is easier if you keep eating foods you like but in controlled portions. I love pasta, but instead of my usual 80g for dinner I serve 50g and fill up with proteins instead. If you're exercising regularly, you'll want to make sure you get your proteins. I try to balance my carb intake by having carbs as a side for one meal a day. For example, if I have a chicken salad for lunch it's fine for me to have carbs for dinner.

Lastly, don't hate yourself if you have a "cheat" meal or snack. Once a week is okay - overall, as long as your cheat meal isn't 1500 calories it won't affect you too much, especially if you exercise. Just remind yourself that weight loss will be up and down, and as long as you keep at it you'll get there.

Good luck OP!

Didn't want to admit it, but I am also epileptic.

Yep. Gonna try your thing. I may not have a gym, but veggies are cheap and always in season. Plus tea is delicious, so my only problem is willpower at this point.

I play sports at least twice a week if I am lucky, so if I just stay on my feet and control my portions I think I will make progress.


No problem OP - I hope it works out (no pun intended) for you. It all comes down to willpower like you said. And tea is delicious! Variety in your diet will make it easier too. I think you'll make progress too.

Having epilepsy can suck but I always remind myself that I'm probably saving a lot of money by not having a car (broke student here). Here's hoping you stay seizure-free too!

biking is good exercise and a fairly practical means of getting around
your diet is most important for weight loss, but some sort of physical activity would build a bit of muscle and improve your overall health
also it's hard to be fat when you ride a bike 6 hours a day and don't snack all the time. you'd have to eat ungodly amounts of food

>losing weight
No dumbass. Exercise is damn useful for weight control, but really weak for weight loss unless you're NEET and have all the time in the world. Example: If i jog for one hour i lose around 500kcal, eating a Big Mac has 500 kcal and takes around a minute, get the point? You need to eat less. That is all there is. That is how i shook off 30kg, just by not eating any added sugar and cutting off most useless carbs (rice and pasta are the worst in this)
>so treat fruit like you would a dessert.
Fucking moron, go back to the clickbait reading faggots at Veeky Forums
100g of oranges has around 47 Kcal, 100g of potatoes has around 77kcal. Look at the chart.
You media addled brain has made you phobic of sugar in all its forms without having any understanding of portions. It takes prodigious amounts of fruit to actually get too much sugar.
To make example: 1kg of pasta has around 1300kcal, 1 kg of of mango has around 600kcal, which do you think is more filling? Which one takes longer to eat?

You can only cut a pound a week off by cutting your calories down to 1500. You're too late to loose more than 10 lbs unless you cut out everything you don't like or find 1000 calories of calorie dense food enough to fill you.

don't eat fat or simple sugars.

Brb going to have 1kg of mango. Can't wait to be thin! :^)

prepare to gain that all back

waterfast try it
you will loose a ton of fat
i literally lost no gram muscle dont trust people who say waterfast is unhealthy
im now on fasterfast for 12 days and shredded