What's your order, user?

>What's your order, user?

Other urls found in this thread:



I think I might actually sign up as a janitor next time just to get rid of some of these shitty threads.
I don't mind one fast food thread but the Veeky Forums is nothing but this shit now. Why don't you go cook something and then talk about that?



A hamburger with cheese



heyy can i get direction to nearest wendys? LMFAO!!

Ice cream cone

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.

Their try-hard trendy bullshit drives me insane

I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.


40 dollars worth of quarter pounders and 2 hash bowns

so five quarter pounders and 2 hash browns

I don't support faggot businesses, I just want to know where the nearest Chick Fil A is.

3 parfaits and water

Shrimp Fillet

Fuck off.
Fuck off.
Fuck off.

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.

Friendly reminder that the Japanese hate you and your type, weeb.



Big Mac, but instead of beef I'll have the spicy chicken instead.

I'm a big fan of the McChicken™ to be honest. It's a great fast food sandwich.

2 McDoubles, 1 McChicken, and a water

Madman, have you ever actually tried that?

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.

v-vanilla cone with c-chocolate topping please ma'am

For me

Fried chicken to go, please!

Just a Big Mac

I dont eat there often. Maybe 4 times a year but I do love Big Macs. That's just about all I will eat there. MkD really upsets my stomach.

M'lady, for me, a McChicken.

What's Veeky Forums's opinion on these?
I think it's dystopic as fuck.

I went to Dublin and encountered these for the first time last week.
They gave me mad anxiety at first but they weren't that hard to use and now I prefer them to interacting with a person.

Please cover my Recon CS-6 in tomato sauce pls.

I’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.

I’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.

>What's Veeky Forums's opinion on these?

I had a Nigger kid in my class try to explain to the entire classroom that robots and kiosks were racist because they will take jobs from mostly black people.

And he said it without a hint or irony or self awareness while the class just chuckled at him.

Just sad...

yeah me too i regret not doing this for /diy/

>I had a Nigger kid in my class try to explain to the entire classroom that robots and kiosks were racist because they will take jobs from mostly black people.

He might as well say Black people are dumber and less capable than every other race.

i actually agree partially with his sentiment. disabled people, no skilled workers and negroes will less and less be able to find a job, especially with apprenticeships being a thing of the past in favour of automation and degrees. so not that its almost impossible for people with downs to get a job for example theyre left relying solely on the government and family. complex tasks are next too, in fact a lot of things already are.

>disabled people, no skilled workers and negroes


"Retards, criminals, & niggers" will lose their jobs to robots & automation!

I'm sure your liberals will love that rallying cry.

Inevitable consequence of technology. I'm sure they'll find a way to replace the cooks of low-level eateries soon enough too.

Are you ready for mass unemployment?

Did you just equate people with down syndrome to black people so you can feel bad for Niggers?

:liberal mental gymnastics:

im not liberal. low skilled jobs becoming automated means a minimum wage needs to be provided by the government to those without work.

its a joke, playing off what the guy was saying about his classmate.

what am I doing here I don't even like fast foods

two mcdoubles, large fries with a coke

>Did you just equate people with down syndrome to black people so you can feel bad for Niggers?

Well, the US government does grant american blacks special priveliges (like Affrimative Action) just for the color of their skin.

The the US government classifies blacks as "handicapped" then why shouldn't we?

We've had the technology for almost three decades (being conservative). This is pseudoprogress, like VR goggles and drones.

For me? Well I think we all know the answer

One Pie Mcflurry please

2 quarter pounders with cheese

one moment, I have a bogo code

Small fries (or two hash browns if the location has all-day breakfast), medium iced coffee, and if I was at this specific location in your picture I would ask to buy a couple of those Cinnamoroll toys for my "niece".

He's half right. There are a lot of entry-level jobs that can be automated. I mean, this is already the case but there's no doubt it'll get "worse" from here on out. Except I expect poorer areas to receive these sort of "updates" much further in the future as companies don't like to invest in poor areas.

the mcd's in my area only have the fried apple pies now. :(


Mc pick two for 3
Two bacon cheeseburgers.
Large sweet tea.

Depending on how I feel I might get the chocolate chip cookies to split with my niggas.

The board is food and cooking. This is a thread about food. Deleting it would be a clear abuse of your power and you would lose your janitor position fast. Being a janitor doesn't give you the right to delete threads just because you don't like the content.


yeah sure, I got some weeds in my backyard, i'm gonna go eat a few weeds and call it "food" and make a thread about it.

you're not patrician, user, just a counterculture twat


Anyone who doesn't like the non-stop troll threads left this board long ago anyway.

>I prefer them to interacting with a person
Veeky Forums in all its glory

Solo - 20 McNuggets for the value.
With Friends - 20 McNuggets to share with friends.

I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.

>With Friends - 20 McNuggets to share with friends.

How do you stick to a diet like that? A real foodie will go through at least 20 with ease.

We'll go pick up some KFC later.

mcnuggets are honestly the healthiest thing, pure protein basically. theres a reason its what usain bolt ate for the 2008 Olympics instead of the Chinese food


oh I get it, you're an underage post-ironic twat so you "love' mcdonalds because all the old millennial hipsters loved the movie super size me. I guess you're the real patrician here, you're a real contrarian because you eat shit fast food, you're really sticking it to all those liberal phonies.

McDonald's is food, just because you're some Amerilard who thinks he's so intelligent and says it's not food doesn't mean you're right

It's just easier. Sometimes I don't know what I'm gonna take and they don't necessarly show all the available items so it's just more convenient. Faster too.

Pig trough slop is food too, so yeah your right, it is "food."

Your bitterness might go away a bit if you were to head on down to mickey dees right now.

Some pigs get pretty nice food, pal.

I do a 360, moonwalk back out of the """"restaurant"""" and go to Cookout instead. I haven't eaten at a McDonalds in years, and that's not about to change.

>I haven't eaten at a McDonalds in years,

they have changed. go give then another shot.

man i like the premise of this guys comic but the jokes are all just fur puns

They're pretty awful, I just thought that one was relevant and I had it saved for some reason

Honestly I know you guys are all joking
>Their new chicken BLT's and artisan chicken or whatever sandwiches are fucking incredible
like wayyyyyyyy better than what they should be
I actually like them a lot and those new chicken sandwiches has put MCD's over BK, Jack, Wendys, and Carls for me now.
those chicken sandwiches cant be beat.

So much better

I feel you senpai, that guac burger is better than it has any right to be.

I bet you clean up your own trash afterwards.
Why even go to a "restaurant"?

nah m8 I just like cheap food

Isn't that Wendy's?

>What's Veeky Forums's opinion on these?

1) unsanitary
2) can't answer questions or give advice like an employee can.

I could imagine BLM running around smashing those things to pieces with the same line of reasoning.

>"what carbonated drink would you recommend with this sandwich?"

One extra deluxe whopper,1 big kirklands signiature fries,and some medium RC cola please.


"I'll have a piece of shit with shit on top, and some more shit on the side."

>ask the cashier at McD how long ago the fries were made
>looks at me vacantly with gaping mouth
>are you ready to order sir?


Double quarter pounder meal with cheese($8)
or 2 McChicken w/ large drink($4)
or 2 double cheeseburger w. large drink ($4)
YOUR CALL! Usually the third option though.


"Sir, you need to go on over to Five Guys for that."

Yoroshikoo onagay shamasoo, McChicken dozo.

>libtards think the solution to poverty is to double minimum wage
>replace half their staff with robots so they spend the same amount on labor

These things make me kek every time because it is only going to lead to more unemployed nignogs but you know McDonalds only did this as a counter measure to the potentially nationwide increase in minimum wage.

Damn Smoke, you gonna eat that all or what?


>be in a trade that pays close to $60k/y starting
>almost no-one can get an apprentice worth a damn so they don't even advertise 90% of the time
There is even a scholarship available but again almost no one applies for it so I get to go to free classes every single year. It's fucking great because everyone in the field is a total bro when you get to know them and there is an minimum skill requirement that keeps out all the mongoloids.

>minimum wage cauing job loss

So far, the earliest study of Seattles rise in the minimum wage shows no such thing.


Obviously, more studies are needed, but so far the cuckservatives fearmongering has failed to come true. Similar to their "death panel" howls with Obamacare when the only death panels were the insurance underwriters which are coming back under Drumpfcare.

However, automation is coming whether people are paid a marginally liveable wage or not.