Everyone knows soda is bad because it's full of sugar. And diet soda contains aspartam, it's even worse than sugar. What is a good substitute?
What substitute to soda?
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>And diet soda contains aspartam, it's even worse than sugar.
This is false. Especially if you're trying to lose weight.
>What is a good substitute?
If you like soda at least partially because of the carbonation, check out different brands of seltzer/flavored seltzer to see if you like any of them.
I quit soda over the last year, replaced it with water, unsweetened tea and beer. I find soda pretty unappealing now, because it's much too sweet and generally kind of one-dimensional compared to good tea or beer.
I lost about 10 kg, partially because I also eat less sweets and smaller suppers.
beer is even worse than soda
It's not that aspartame is worse than sugar. It doesn't have enough statistical studies about it.
For all we know, going from the sugar fix of regular soda, to the aspartame induced diet sodas is the cause for early onset dementia in previous study.
Aspartame needs more concrete study.
wrong, beer is on par with fresh juice actually
Do you like soda because of the flavor and sugar or carbonation?
I love to drink soda too but I found it wasn't necessarily the flavor or sweetness I craved, it was the fizz. So I stared buying bottles of sparkling mineral water instead and it helped cut down my soda intake by a lot. The taste took a little getting used to but I actually enjoy it now.
not if you only have one a week with the boys
I used to drink a lot of soda everyday. Now I mostly drink water. No juice, soda, milk or anything else, just plain cold water with ice.
On the weekends I do drink a lot of beer, and some booze, but even when I have liquor I mix it with sparkling water.
>worse than sugar
is there proof for this? I see this get thrown around often and it may very well be true, but I'm yet to see any explanation as to how or why its supposedly worse and no-one ever seems to follow up on the claim
It's just fearmongering from the sugar industry jew, aspartame is fine
No aspartame breaks down to methanol and two amino acids. You already get plenty of all 3 in a normal diet.
Seltzer waters are really good and leave the impression of a soda but a lot of them taste really terrible. Dasani and Perrier make really good seltzer waters. Alternatively, you can buy plain tonic water and just add some juice concentrate.
Tonic water has the same calories as soda. Assuming you meant sparking water which is just plain fizzy water, club soda is good too but has added salt for some reason...
Increases hunger and has its own metabolic dysfunctions that haven't been completely verified but neither completely disproved
Flavored seltzer- Canada Dry and LaCroix are pretty good
Sparkling Ice
I had been drinking several cans of Red Bull and Vanilla Coke on the daily up until the beginning of this year. Now I've completely replaced both with unsweetened green tea. Have always drank about 4 to 5 litres of water. I still miss the taste of Red Bull
That describes everything edible
Get yourself some water and add emergen-c.
That allowed me to get off the sugar jew.
Tea. Just don't drink black tea unsweetened, god is it awful.
I use iced green tea
>aspartame worse than sugar
this guy
water... i don't even drink anything else nowadays
lol aspartame worse that sugar. Memeiest thing in the fucking world. Its two amino acids bonded together. Nothing bad or unnatural about it. Breaks down into those constituents and nothing happens. Not to mention aspartame is one of the most highly studied compounds in the fucking world that has countless studies done on it. I even did a study on it in college. Tested it against mouse cells. Guess what? Nothing fucking happened.
B-b-but muh kemikuls!!!!
>Just don't drink black tea unsweetened, god is it awful
don't drink shit tea then. buy some da hong pao, jin jun mei or some lapsang suochong (its a smoked strong one).
before you know what you're doing, you'll be drinking pu-erhs (plural) up the ying, just to find "your".
inb4 smartarse, those are the ones I've tried and recommend. just finished my jun mei and need to reorder.
weak cordial if you really can't handle just drinking water
Motherfuckers like you are the reason we have two diet pepsis
I hope you die desu
Tonic water typically has the same amount of sugar and calories of any other normal soda.
If OP wants something with zero sugar, soda / seltzer water is the way to go. Pick up a bottle of bitters for some flavor, Angostura is my go to.
This. I drink lime La Croix or generic lime-flavored seltzer whenever I crave soda. It's fucking delicious and I rarely drink soda anymore. Works way better than diet sodas because aspartame tastes like shit to me.
are there really people on here that don't drink soda?!
the patricians choice
>Subsitute aspartame with aspartame and caffeine!
Buy mineral water and mix it with various fruit juices.
>And diet soda contains aspartam, it's even worse than sugar.
fucking americans
their (((government))) could tell them that water is bad for you and should drink bleach and them retards would eat it up
Sparkling water
>And diet soda contains aspartam, it's even worse than sugar.
Is this clinically proven? I very rarely drink soda, but this just seems like some throw away Joe Rogan pseudo-nutrition shit.
There's basically nothing saying Aspartame is safe, and *some* things saying it isn't, so it's an "Err on the side of caution" deal
You goddamn moron.
THERE HAVE BEEN multiple research done stating that aspartame isn't bad for health.
It can cause you to crave sugar since it isn't "real sugar" but all this cancer, poisoning and digestive problems HAVE BEEN proven false. You really think they would be allowed to sell potentially dangerous food products in first world countries?
There are many reasons not to drink diet soda (bad for teeth because the acid is the same as in normal soda, it has the same amount of carbon as other carbonated drinks, and like I said, some people might crave real sugar after digesting artificial sweeteners), but take this aspartame pseudoscience conspiracy theory shit and stick it up your ass.
>all this cancer, poisoning and digestive problems HAVE BEEN proven false
Not even remotely true.
Keep telling yourself whatever you need to to justify drinking 6 "zero sugar" monsters a day though, you diabetic fuck.
Yeah keep that tinfoil hat on, you will need it to protect yourself from the NSA's mind control rays.
After all, you are indefinitely smarter than every educated food inspector in the world.
>mind control rays
They're cancer rays from reflecting concentrated moon beams, dipshit. Who the fuck still believes the mind control meme?
green tea or barley tea, of course no sugar no cream
First post best post.
i am getting tired of sugar.
a thing i really like is a splash of balsamic vinegar and a can of club soda. different vinegars to try out.
Did you literally just make that up? Aspartame is one of the most studied compounds on earth. There are thousands of studies on aspartame going back decades. Good thinking.
I drink nothing but water and milk. A soda once every other month when I have a nice dinner (tacos, pizza)