Why do minorities and other retards go
Is it some genetic defect that these subhumans, including some other whites, can't possibly enjoy food without scorching their fucking mouths?
Why do minorities and other retards go
Oh look, it's this thread again.
they don't have anything to sneer at white people with other than "haha they dance poorly" and "i bet they think mayo is spicy!"
Well we voted an orange clown into office... so the list of things they can laugh at us about is growing rapidly now.
>how do you do, fellow whites?
>got seasoning herbs native to europe
>white people used them widely in the middle ages
>pepper worth its weight in silver
>import expensive spices via silk road
>white europeans made spices available world-wide through colonialism
>white man has conquered for the spices
>niggers today still would count cow piss and saharan sand as spices if they would not have been brought to america
>Being so eternally butthurt as to list things completely unassociated with the modern trend of joking about white Americans' not liking spicy stuff and a recent history of bland or offputting foods such as hot dog gelatin casserole and shit
>Toss in racism and strawmanning just to show how not butthurt you are
I agree, only racists care about history.
hay look. niggers.
Again, this has nothing to do with history, it's literally a running joke about pictures shared on Twitter and such of bland-ass food that average white people make. Contain your reactionary derriere-damage long enough to not be personally offended and lash out like an emotionally stunted manchild.
I mean, you're getting pretty pissy to be claiming the moral high ground. And it is pretty true that people who don't know how to cook are something common enough in America for it to be on both races, the difference is that blacks and latinos use a shitton of spice to mask it and whites just use nothing of it.
I will point out that what the first user said is true though.
Tl;dr stop being a fucking pussy on the cooking section of an anime imageboard and learn to accept the fact that people will be right sometimes even though it pushes you the wrong way. Jesus Christ I thought I'd never see a faggot like you on Veeky Forums.
You seem like the perfect person to give advice about not getting butthurt.
Have you been to the Midwest? I rest my case.
I mean, Europe in general has it as good as the middle east when it comes to spice. Sure, different spice, but just as (if not more) flavorful.
Specially France, Italy, Germany and the nordic region.
most on here are not americans and we europeans only laugh about "african cuisine" the only acceptable african cuisine was introduced by europeans
fucking niggers eat dirt
also someone here knows any "african dishes"? do niggers even have a cuisine except what europeans gave them?
You gotta be very petty to get assblasted enough to post abouy facebook memes on Veeky Forums :^)
it's only Amerifats that don't eat things with spices
butter is the only spice they can handle
From my limited experience with Kenyan cuisine, some African cultures do have some pretty dank food.
the ingenious rat on a stick
>voluntarily burning your mouth is 'superior'
This is what niggers actually believe.
How long have you been here? 45 minutes?
>56% of Americans have hot sauce in their homes
It's just a meme. Cracking jokes on white people has always been a socially acceptable thing. It's the one race where you can say fuck statistics and history and just make up whatever shit you want until it sticks. The more you let it bother you, the more they enjoy doing it.
Here's a quick run-down on North African cuisine:
Africans have their own cuisine, like anywhere else that has food. Whether you like it or not is up to you. And I also find the last part of your sentence rather ironic, considering American cuisine is massively influenced by European cuisine as well for obvious reasons.
Hi. Ethiopian and maghrebi food.
I just wanted to say this.
It's simple science, really. Their brains aren't as capable of picking up subtlety and distinguishing between multiple flavors, ergo they opt for a more potent alternative, something overpowering, and easier to register the flavor.
Take a whole bunch of ground up spices and mix it into some oil, like you were gonna make a marinade paste or thick sauce for a recipe. Then serve it on a plate of flatbread, with another piece of flatbread to dip with.
>white people went on dangerous expeditions, risking their lives for basic shit like salt and pepper long ago
I get it's niggers we're dealing with here but how can someone honestly believe in shit like this?
I'm not a racist /pol/ autist by any means, but it kind of annoys me seeing black people joke about white people avoiding seasoning. I doubt these people have any white friends, so how would they know?
You and whoever else are the only ones getting booty-bothered over internet food memes enough to dish out slurs and reducing entire cultures' cuisines to shit, piss, and sand. Don't get too flustered.
>Jesus Christ I thought I'd never see a faggot like you on Veeky Forums.
Willing to bet I've been using this god-forsaken website longer than you, bruv. Long enough to "been there, done that" the mindset of being a manchild who explodes in racist vitriol over jokes regarding pictures of unseasoned chicken and boiled hot dogs on white bread.
I thought it was a mexican thing
anyway, they were risking their lives for money, and lots of british cuisine is pretty bland
I think much of the hurt feelings here are coming from the ambiguity of the term "white" in this day and age
they probably just mean british, but french, italian, irish people take offense too
it's just banter
everyone deals with stereotype jokes
>thinks the centuries-old spice trade excuses bad bland cooking
Then by that token you're dishonouring their struggle to import foreign spices by hook or crook, no? They were prized and used liberally by the rich back in Medieval times until they became relatively commonplace, and thus untrendy.
>thinks heat and flavour can't compliment each other
Just because you don't know any better doesn't mean you're correct. There are plenty of dishes that are spicy yet have great flavour, even in European cuisine (e.g. chicken paprika).
No one here is saying that European cuisine is somehow inferior to other food cultures. What IS annoying, however, are cretins who try to defend their lack of taste under the banner of 'white pride'.
>there are plenty of dishes that are spicy yet have great flavor
I'm aware. But in reference to OP's question, dumping half a bottle of Texas Pete on fried chicken doesn't constitute "spicy with great flavor".
Its just a ck meme, in reality women dont like spicy food relative to men.
Why do mix breed anglo-germanic mud babies from America call themselves 'white people' and get mad when people tell them that 'white' isn't an ethnic group nor is toast sandwiches, OJ, marrying your cousin or mcdonalds considered 'cuisine' outside of flyover land?
>getting this butthurt over racial banter
only white people do this, not even kidding
White people are just used to deferential treatment so they have a complete meltdown at stuff that would just roll off anyone else's shoulder. Just look at what happens when Whitey McWeeb goes to Japan for the first time and experiences his first ever micro-aggression and his mind breaks as he realizes that the term actually means something despite what Veeky Forums told him
IIT: Bunch of smelly Peruvians and blacks get confuzzled by OPs question and change the subject to white people being hypocritical because they can't think of an answer.
Well, if you want the answer, the answer is that whites are used to pre-packaged foods from a box or envelope where the "flavor" is added at the factory in the form of various chemical powders. Whereas the rest of us have a closer connection to the more "primitive" cultures that our families came from, so we don't flinch at, say, caramelizing some onions or dry-roasting some spices or using fermented products to add flavors and aromas.
The reason we may appear to have a chip on our shoulders about it is that we get tired of being told our food is unwelcome in the breakroom at lunch, while some sweaty clammy white american ham planet makes horrible sucking and smacking noises as he inhales a McCornSyrup shakesandwich so rapidly he turns blue from near asphyxia. That's apparently not enough to make you people lose your appetite, unlike, say, the smell of actual food.
Anything else?
I always forget the Japanese don't take shit from tourists.
>The reason we may appear to have a chip on our shoulders about it is that we get tired of being told our food is unwelcome in the breakroom at lunch
You know you're a guest in a white mans country don't you?
Have some bloody respect for the hosts culture
>unwelcome in the breakroom at lunch
fucking hell your food must stink
>white mans country
Top kek you fucking nigger.
Wow, sounds like the Japanese are pretty racist. They need to take in more brown refugees as punishme- I mean enrichment.
It was made by white people and last I checked they were still running everything
True. There's literal boatloads of things we can make fun of niggers for, but all they can do is toss... uh, dancing, spicy food and call us "crackers"?
I am mixed. I detest spicy food.
Your point is null and invalid you're trying to race bait.
No, I don't hate whit people, my dad is white and I am closer to him than my mother.
Feel free to hurl insults at me.
It's a meme you dip
You know what I love? Race Bait.
It works so well, it targets the major insecurities of the average Veeky Forums citizen, and for bonus effect. It is something you had no choice over and can't change.
>This is what white people actually believe
You birdshit, cumskin, white apes are idiots. Just keep sucking on the jewmans penis, goys. Can't wait till all the white youths adopt black culture and get browned, you know it's already happening. ahaha
Idiots also use it too... For lack of a better word, bludgeon eachother with insults.
>Deleting your old post
>Being enslaved by white apes
Can't you do anything right?
Tell me if white people suck so much why do you want to come to white countries exactly?
>Can't wait till all the white youths adopt black culture and get browned, you know it's already happening. ahaha
Yeah, nah cunt, you sound worried about the cultural push back
>all this denial
About using spices:
the English usually can't, the Germans and Easterners occasionally don't, the Mediterraneans usually don't have to.
>Deleting your old post
No clue what you're talking about, nigger.
>Tell me if white people suck so much why do you want to come to white countries exactly?
I'm not black, but I'm pretty sure most blacks were forced and tricked into coming to the new world (west world) and European countries.
>Yeah, nah cunt, you sound worried about the cultural push back
Not worried what so ever since I don't live in Niggerland you dolt. Even you know the US is deteriorating the youth worldwide because of their influence. Denial is the first stage, goy.
I hate this board. I just wanted to make nice poached eggs and toast.
>European settlers have European food
Fucking this.
It's only ""white"" *Americans* that can't cook. Also Brits can't either with their fookin boiled meat. disgusting
>I'm not black, but I'm pretty sure most blacks were forced and tricked into coming to the new world (west world) and European countries.
Wrong, they were sold by their fellow africans to whites and continue to be sold to arabs today
Did you know however the British went on a moral crusade and banned slavery in the civilised world, disrupting the African slave economy upsetting the verious warlords at severe cost to themselves?
You're welcome nigger, you can't guilt me you owe us, you would be a eunuch serving some muslim right now, say thank you
>Even you know the US is deteriorating the youth worldwide because of their influence
What a racist view, you could never be one of God's chosen people with such disgusting views, a paragon of good like Israel should start taking refugees immediately to compensate for such hatespeech
gee I wonder... hmm
>white man has conquered for the spices
The motivation for conquest might as well have been politics and wealth.
At the time of Columbus' voyages, the Ottoman Empire is a rapidly growing (and very serious) threat against the Christian world.
By discovering a different route of accessing the much-valued spices, nations could avoid the Ottoman stranglehold on the silk road.
This in turn leads to money and wealth being diverted away from the feared turks and into the colonial European nations.
Taking control of the spice trade not only meant getting rich, but the wealth was effectively stolen from that day's literally Hitler.
Holy shit, /pol/ is here too of all places.
So he who controls the spice, controls the world?
>mfw niggers think white people don't season their food
uhhh, no sweetie
>calls others subhuman
>posts on Veeky Forums
Whatever helps you sell more gyros, Yabbadabbadopolis
Nope. I'm not a guest. This is our country now, you are a minority. Find a way to cope or the cognitive dissonance will eat your soul
>explodes in racist vitriol
>"me oldfag xddd"
Oh muffin, you do need help don't you?
Well, I could also talk about the Nordics, but I never gave a fuck about their food, really. So there's that. But to be fair the things I know are far from bland, so there's that. They aren't English, after all.
It meant getting rich because white folks back home were eager to buy.
They weren't selling those spices to the Zulus.
I suppose we do in general like our food less spicy than, say, the Indians, but didn't they start adding all that shit because they were eating semi-spoiled meat? If you're having good fresh meat it's a downright shame to drown the flavour with a pound of curry of you ask me.
>white folks
Can you retards stop typing this shit? Literally less than 2 centuries ago Germans were considered non-white subhumans. It really just screams 'American with an identity crisis who is 1/64th cherokee'. Europe contains many different nation-states with varieties of cultures, cuisine and ideologies that lead to a vast amount of wars and animosity between each other.
There was no such thing as a collective 'white folk', not even within America itself during its development as a nation.
I'm Danish and I used "white folks" because of the general tone in the thread.
You seem very upset about this argument on Veeky Forums, buddy.
Oh so a pig-skinned wannabe swede from nobody nation that contributed less to history than the Earl of Sandwich during the period in which he was on a gluten-free diet decides to claim the glories and history of other European Nations? Well colour me shocked you insecure fag.
Remind me again of Denmark's contribution to the spice trade?
I have my own accomplishments in life so I don't need to nurse some misplaced pride in the soil I was born on.
I don't care what Danes did hundreds of years ago, you fucking child. I had no part in it either way.
Here we can see a totally calm and incredibly articulated user of the Internet
Isn't it a sight to behold?
Wow you are seriously complainign about the butthurt of other people?
>why do people whose greatest accomplishment was relocating themselves to White civilization talk the pettiest shit about White folks
Gee, I dunno
It's a mystery
These are people that conveniently ignore the fact that whites conquered and genocided other cultures when they learned God accidentally put all the delicious spices on other continents SPECIFICALLY so they could have more interesting food. Just laugh at them a little and move on with life.
t.Albert Einstein
oh wait you just manage a cinnabon my bad. it's an easy mistake
>spicy food burns my mouth
whitebread detected
>only white people do this
you have to be kidding...
blacks literally riot bc they feel their skin color makes them immune to responsibility
hispanics scream racism when someone stops coddling them and they have to follow the law
and you think white people saying "yeah this meme is dumb" is equivalent somehow...
Why white bois so thin-skinned?
>Want tasty food
>Live on a ship with shitfood for months on end
You sho showd us, Massa.
>Don't want to be slave
>Live in ship literally stacked on your buddies for months on end
>Be slave
East African cuisine was largely introduced by the Indian people the English employed to oversee the apes (and then obviously made less intricate and refined because said apes couldn't finna work kitchen an sheeeeet, gibsmedat).
>Greatgranddaddy had a shit life
>I get da monies
Thank you, honkey.
>reverse racism
wouldn't it just be racism? reverse racism would be like being nice to a person only because of their race, wouldn't it?
>It's the one race where you can say fuck statistics and history and just make up whatever shit you want until it sticks
Asians for their driving and dicks, blacks for swimming being thugs, Indians for their smell or nerdiness, Arabs for their garishness and Latinos for their promiscuity are regularly made fun of.
Speaking of history, you don't have to go too far back to show movies depicting Asians as bucktoothed conical hat wearing brutes, Indians eating money brains, African cannibals etc as a matter of fact. How sensitive do you have to be after all that to get upset about jokes about spices and dicks. Jokes that don't even apply to your race unless you're anglo.
>Consider also that hot sauce is not a high velocity product like ketchup or mayo, where you might use a quarter cup in a single eating.
Do people really eat ketchup and mayo by the quarter cupfull per serving?
tbf Jiro is pretty racist. I can't imagine any other famous chef in the world only serving one nationality in his restaurant.
>Wrong, they were sold by their fellow africans to whites and continue to be sold to arabs today
Only the first generation. The next generations continued to be enslaved by whites. If you hold blacks and arabs responsible for slavery back in the day you can't absolve whites for continuing it for multiple generations.
>Did you know however the British went on a moral crusade
lol the same British that cause millions on millions to die in the Bengal famines by diverting food. A famine the likes of which had never been seen in history or after independence? British morality was guided by only two things money and spreading Christianity.
The truth is most people don't season their food correctly. The difference is while dumb flyover whites underdo salt and pepper, while black people over use prefabricated cap like Sazon and cholula as a substitute for actually seasoning while cooking.
Both make bland garbage.
>but didn't they start adding all that shit because they were eating semi-spoiled meat?
No, this is a widely held belief coming from a very racist view the British held towards Indians. Firstly spoiled meat won't be saved by spices. Second, India is a mostly vegetarian country (even though only 30% of the population is vegetarian, most of the meals meat-eaters eat are also vegetarian). Third, most of India is too hot and meat spoils very quickly and as such was slaughtered the day you want to cook it, modern refrigeration has actually increased the amount of semi-spolied meat people consume. Lastly and perhaps most importantly, India is where most of the worlds spices naturally grow, could that be a reason that the food has a lot of spices?
As an aside coming from a culinary perspective, flavors aren't drowned in curries, they are complemented. Do you think dry rubs are drowning the flavor of the meat? Would you sneer at a frenchman sipping a red wine with his steak for drowning the flavor of the steak? All of this is a matter of opinion of course, you could just not like curries but I'd suggest letting go of some of your notions about 'proper' food before rubbishing an entire cuisine.
White people get offended over literally everything, usually for the sake of other people over themselves because it's just too impolite to be offended for yourself in cucked white society these days
I'm white. Look at my lunch!!