Would you try out human meat if the stigma was removed?
Would you try out human meat if the stigma was removed?
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Without a doubt
I would try it even with the stigma.
looking at human meat like any other sort of animal meat, i think it would be trash, people just eat gross food and i think it would taste bad, a person who would have good cuts of meat would probably be fit and eat well and those types of people probably wouldn't want to be eaten in the first place, only weirdo suicidal or mentally ill people would want to be butchered.
nah I don't want prions
Hell no, the stigma is the tastiest part
You can't even have sex with someone without getting riddled with diseases, imagine actually consuming their flesh.
Is there an intestinal condom to prevent absorption?
You don't eat cow either then?
You know fuck all about prions, faggot.
The stigma is the best cut, so no.
Actually, I would eat human as long as it didn't mean someone was murdered for the sake of it. I think I might feel a little weird about eating a male, though.
there's a stigma?
as long as you dont eat the organs or the nerves you're fine, a lot of good meat on humans
I'd probably fuck a corpse before I ate it. I'm not huge into pork.
>thinks you get STDs every time you're """"intimate"""" with someone
Don't worry bud, you'll be a vergan forever
I would give it a shot provided it was safe to eat, and the person it belongs to wasn't murdered for it. It'd be worth it just for the experience.
seeing as I am a hill shill
Only if she's a virgin.
How is it prepared, though?
If I gotta eat a roasted baby, it could be a little difficult. Choice cuts or pulled punk or something maybe.
It's incredibly unlikely you'll get prions unless you eat the brain.
only if its a girls meat. eating man meat sounds really gay
No because human meat is known to have adverse effects on the human body
Id like to swallow a whole live baby and feel it kicking and screaming in my stomach while it's slowly digested.
You can pull my baby punk
honestly, probably
Yeah, the stigma of being a fucking cannibal you idiot.
I'd want Hannibal-san to lovingly prepare me a few cuts.
Women who don't have kids before their ovaries dry up say crazy shit like this.
>Implying that I haven't eaten Human meat before.
You fellows need to travel around the world a bit more.
Cooked Human tastes like gamey pork, the Leg is very tough and stringy, but it could have been how the mourners cooked it. In certain areas of the Carib, there are those who eat their dead, a sort of "living on inside your descendants" It's a very backwards belief, but it's a culture, hence the entire point of traveling worldwide.
Most people who'd eat Human meat if legalized and the health risk were to somehow disappear, would just be le edgy contrarians who would eat ground up human meat patties served at the obscure grocer, however you wouldn't really find it served anywhere other than poor countries where they use meat substitutes as the meat itself is very poor in feel and too similar to another commonly available meat source to really be of use.
Pretty much its the pork equivolent of Roof Rabbit, if the morality thing isn't a problem that is.
This board went to shit very quickly.
The problem with human meat is the disease issue. I'd eat it if I was starving, but I would never choose to eat it if other options existed.
Human tastes like pig
Just eat pig
Cannibalism is bad for you
Yeah, because finally the tables will have turned, and it will not longer be my meat disappointing someone else.
Muh disease
Muh prions
Muh vitamin poisoning from organ meats
Has nobody here ever opened a fucking book?
irrelevant because cooking. we're not talking sashimi here.
irrelevant because we don't eat the brain or spine
>>vitamin poisoning
I'm not even sure that would apply to humans. It's only certain animal organs which have that problem, mainly arctic ones like polar bears or sled dogs. Even if the problem does exist with humans it's easily avoided by simply not eating the liver.
>>Has nobody here ever opened a fucking book?
Speaking of doing research, it turns out that a significant percentage of humanity is actually immune to prion disease due to natural selection from cannibalism in our past. It's pretty fascinating, read about it!
You do know that was exactly my point, right?
"muh" means roughly "I don't like thing but can't bother explaining why thing is bad, or maybe I just have no explanation"
>You do know that was exactly my point, right?
Nope. Which is why I replied the way I did. You might want to work on expressing yourself better.
Welcome to Veeky Forums. Feel free to lurk for the first day at least before trying to school people here on how to talk.
I've been here for a decade, foolio.
The problem with "muh" is that you never know if it was meant ironically or not.
think id rather starve.
I agree
I'd probably eat an East Asian free range female.
Only if i was starving
i wonder how they found out
Nope, aids n' shit
holy crap, the Russian famine was worse than the Holocaust in terms of total death count. There was so much death in the first half of the 20th century. We are lucky that nothing like this happens today, where millions die over a relatively short period of time.
No, for the same reason I dislike the idea of eating dolphin or chimpanzee.
My moral philosophy doesn't like the idea.
The German famine (and internment of German civilians in concentration camps) following WW2 was also worse than the Holocaust.
But our history books aren't crammed full with that, are they?
You can legally eat human meat. Just cook some placenta.
I've eaten placenta pâté.
I can't find anybody saying human placenta tastes good. But if you want to legally be a cannibal just for the fuck of it, that's the only way.
>lose a war
>thinks he has a right to complain
>does not belong to the ethnicity holding the power
>thinks he has a right to complain
kek, hohols and krauts are hilarious
>i want prion disease : the food
Only if it was from a qt grill
Underrated post.
>risk contracting KURU
Animals at the top of the food chain generally tend to taste worse, while herbivore animals tend to taste better, so maybe, but only if it came from the body of a vegetarian.
just don't eat a nigger then
and if you don't want mad cow just don't eat a brit
Doesn't human meat fuck up your brain or something
Yes 100%. I would anyway nevermind the stigma, just as long as it's prepared properly and in a 100% legal situation.
You're a sick fuck.
You only get prions if you eat infected meat. It doesn't magically happen just from any kind of cannibalism
>irrelevant because we don't eat the brain or spine
>when spinal fluid leaks during slaughter
Lab-grown human meat yes
Wild human meat no
only from the head and spine
unless it was like from a live person who gave it willingly
Maybe if you never get passed freshman year of highschool. Kids are taught about the inhumane treatment of German citizens post WWII before and during the Berlin wall.
Just eat your waifu's placenta after she gives birth:
I'd rather not potentially shorten my lifespan for a bite of exotic meat.
If there weren't any health issues that could arise, then sure mang.
>All of those downvotes
I don't understand the stigma of eating placenta after childbirth desu
It's not like anyone got hurt.
I've eaten beef kidneys and pig intestines, so I could deal with placenta. People are just pussies.
Depends on the person.
If it were some indigenous bushman who eats the closest thing that could be considered a natural human diet? Yeah it would probably be interesting. Some first world fuck who lives on processed food would just taste like residual preservatives and additives though.
>would you X if you lived in a universe geared towards X
Like, what's the fucking point?
no bully plz
only as a beautifully prepared nigiri
I think it's called "smegma"
Why not just collect some stem cells and grow human meat in vitro?
....yeah right
Absolutely. I'd try it given the chance with the stigma. Anything but the brain anyway.
Afaik prion is related to the brain / spinal cord.
I wouldn't try human meat either way. I mean it's pretty stupid.
>t. Mutumbu Kang
Hillbilly chilly
The all American burger
Surfer and turf
I would very much like to try human.
Nah a tasty person would be fat and eat mostly fat and sugar.
The muscular portions of normal meat are those tough brown parts.
Not in America
t...thats fake?
That is the most fucked up disturbing shit i have seen on the internet
I didnt even care when i saw an isis child execute a prisoner, but this is some satanic shit
What do you mean I already have. It's just pork only saltier. What stigma?
I would
Does anyone have an idea of what it might taste like?
If the human volunteered to be eaten, then vegans could eat it.
No, it's not good for you. Don't want to go crazy.
Yeah it's a rich read meat like filet steak but with some chicken flavour as well. Saw it in a documentary where a guy had a little bit of muscle removed from his leg by a surgeon
hell no
people are already put off by all the chemicals and anitobiotics we have to use to treat animal meats
the chemicals and garbage in the human body would be just nasty; i would not eat it
and vegan vegan's would only eat other vegans
that would still come down to personal choice i'd think
No because im not interested in kuru