What is Somali food like?

What is Somali food like?

Somali cuisine
1. Sand
2. Cannibalism

So you ever had cuban or dominican food? Imagine if you took the core concepts but swapped out a few things like achiote for tumeric and eliminated all pork in favor of goat and chicken, and it would then resemble somali food

Not the most exciting food in the world but not bad

what in the fuck is achiote

It's what poor caribbean mulattos use to approximate the color of saffron

You're not from the americas, I take it

going to call traveling on that kafir

oh so what I have to be the one to do it?
somali food is
>Oxfam bags of rice
>dark, unagreeable, lacking nutrition, visually and olfactory offensive, and coming into contact will ruin your day. Much like the people.
>worth running down women and children for to support your local warlord

really at least Norks have hope. Somali's should have just been liquidated half a century ago. just the absolute worst, most barbaric, irredeemable mongrels on the planet. any host they infect they make 1000x times worse.
come to MN and get stabbed by one then they all close ranks and lie to get the guy out of jail saying they were with him and he a gud kafir.

What's the penalty?

Few and far between

Minnesotan here. The real kind, Norwegian family. The Somalis are the best thing to happen to us since the Hmong. I'll take 100 more of them for every god awful "white" migrant from the less useful states. The ones who gave us Bachmann and the Mall of America and other horrors.

If MN can't stay Nordic/Lutheran culture might as well have it be people who appreciate the opportunities God gave them.

I get to squeeze that t h i c c booty for 3 steps

I honestly don't know. I don't think Somalians know either.

I'm no bleeding heart but that WEBM made me really sad for the girl. Must suck to be good at something and not be able to do it freely.


They parted the fucking red sea and let her get in the paint for free. They let her have it


dribble it like abduljabbar

What do you mean? Looks like she doesn't live in a 3rd world shithole where muslims actively oppress women, I'm sure she'd be able to play basketball if she wanted to (assuming she doesn't mind not wearing the hijab while playing)

are their kids going to appreciate it their opportunities once they get accustom to american life, or are you just going to dilute your racial sovereignty for 20 years of cheap labor ?


No different to the NBA then heh heh heh...
Nah, I refuse to believe any woman would choose to wear that without some heavy indoctrination. I'm not against the concept of indoctrination (since its inevitable and sometimes healthy) or dressing conservatively. Nor am I against dressing or behaving differently from the rest. But I draw the line at wearing a highly inconvenient hazmat suit at all times and all the baggage that brings. Especially if you're a woman in a male dominated culture living in a land where women are considered equal to men.

They're in London m8. The girl was probably beaten half to death by her parents afterward the webm was taken. The best way to make fence sitters turn to religious Fundamentalism is by showing them what liberation looks like. It's literally how Qutbism started after all.

>cheap labor

Not even, Somalis are so retarded that over 90% are welfare-dependent. Definitely industrious rapists and drug dealers though.

She plays for her high school in massachusetts and she wears the scarf. Her life is probably fine

Can confirm, Columbus Ohio here. Obongo moved 10,000 of them here for some reason over 2 years. Didn't assimilate at all, none work, in fact they rioted over free housing vouchers, coming here EXPECTING to be papered and coddled like the dumbshits they are.

The muslim that carried out the terrorist attack at OSU was the child of "refugees". The crime rate here already sucked enough without them adding to it. That's a conversation for another board though and not worth the ban. The SJW gordita moderator of Veeky Forums needs to control that narrative you know....

Man I fucking hate Somalians.

Khat and starvation

Like bags of sand

I've had it before, it was lentils with spices, like a mild kind of indian dish. With rice. I am a vegan but they had meat dishes too which looked alright.

It is OK but maybe Indian cuisine is more unique compared to what I had.

pic related

>Somali cuisine
>1. Sand
>2. Cannibalism


Not even the Somalians know

>Must suck to be good at something and not be able to do it freely.

It's a friendly basketball game, not the NBA finals featuring female Lebron James, you fucking retard.

Stop typing dumb shit on Veeky Forums.

dirt n some weeds n sand.

practice what you preach, faggot