Hey so I'm drunk as hell and I'm heating up nacho cheese in my lava lamp. Is this okay??
Hey so I'm drunk as hell and I'm heating up nacho cheese in my lava lamp. Is this okay??
Not only is that OK... It's fucking brilliant.
Probably not the best idea ever
Plastic or glass container for said cheese?
Plastic: probably not the best idea.
Glass: probably not the best idea when drunk as hell.
just test it and come back with answers.
It's glass. I take it off the light bulb every couple of miniutes
Probably going to be a hot container after you forget about it in 10 minutes.
Be safe, drunk user!
Good idea. Just be wary of smashing the bulb or passing out while it's still in cooking mode.
You should try putting your lava lamp on the stove next.
Fuck you, peasant.
Put the lid on like a lava lamp
>"hey guys look at me! I'm so randumbly drunk with my crazy antics xD"
>Nobody can have fun while I am on duty!
Attention whoring should just go on social media. If OP is so much of a failure that he can't get his responses there, he could at least post something like
"Is it ok to heat nacho cheese on a lava lamp if I can't be bothered to get to my microwave?"
The whole "hey guise I'm 2druuunk *tehee*" just makes me sad
Sometimes people actually are drunk though. Maybe op is, maybe he isnt.
They can have fun, but a liar is a liar.
Post results faggot.
I really like to go out drinking every week or so at a local pub, but even when I'm smashed drunk I know that when I boast about it, it's just like I'm a fourteen year old on his first bear.
I won't be a dick and say that op should be sober and miserable when posting, but I'll say that he's cringy as fuck when he posts something like that
You have every right to post everything you posted ITT. I'm not in charge of ethics or style. But I appreciate you backing off.
I mean, my point was always that he was acting as a child and that that's a retarded way to act, so I'm not exactly backing down, I'm just reasonable.
Thing is, watching what are probably full grown man or at least very old kids acting like they're in their teens just makes me sad.
You have no idea how old he is or what his motivation is. Or even if its a he. Are you going by gut reaction? That doesn't work so well on the internet.
Are you honestly pulling that one? I'm inclined to think you're either baiting or you're the OP. I don't give a fuck if he's a three year old trans-apache helicopter. He's the op, he's retarded and he's attention whoring himself on a anonymous message board because he's either unable to get that as himself or because he's a new fag. On both cases, learning how to behave as a non-pathetic specimen is needed.
I'm still kind of weirded out that the day has come when I'd see someone on Veeky Forums pulling the "you don't know the motive/age/sex, don't bully". On Veeky Forums. I truly hope I'm just biting the hook on that one.
When did posting anonymously equate to attention-whoring?
I want to find common ground with you, I really do.
Ok, since I'm biting already, let's get this over with.
The whole "hey I'm duper drunk guise look at my random stuff with ze cheez" is a cringy way to phrase it and the OP knows it. If he doesn't, well, way more of a reason for him to learn it
>thinking that even as an anonymous poster the OP of a thread won't be able to get the attention he wants
Come on.
I feel like I'm the south Korea in this argument and you are the north. Both are right, both are wrong. Together all is good.
You're the one being a bitch boy faggot. All I did was post my cheese experiment.
It was hard to heat throughout. I had to use chips to stir while it was heating. It did eventually work, though.
Don't do this it creates mustard gas
I've reheated taco bell burritos on top of my baseboard heater before. I think it actually improved them.
anything other than a microwave will improve taco hells food
>fourteen year old on first bear