hi Veeky Forums, please help me out. im a scrub in the kitchen and im looking for a way to make my kraft dinner more thick and creamy
any tips? pic related
hi Veeky Forums, please help me out. im a scrub in the kitchen and im looking for a way to make my kraft dinner more thick and creamy
any tips? pic related
cream cheese
Sour cream
Half and half
add a fat handful of shredded mozzarella cheese
Cant you just use less liquid when you make it
thanks, gonna try cream cheese and shredded mozzarella next time
>Cant you just use less liquid when you make it
tried that, still comes out too thin
make a roux, add milk, add cheese/s (I like gruyere and ricotta)
stir in prepared kraft dinner
grate some pecorino on top
Toss a raw egg in there
butter instead of milk
>b-b-but milk makes it creamier
No it makes runny and shitty tasting fuck off
You have to use heavy cream or something. Or just buy one of the kinds with cheese sauce instead of powder. Usually homemade mac and cheese is made with a roux so there's no way to get instant stuff with powder as thick by just using milk.
Literally this OP
OP, what if I told you that you can make the creamiest boxed mac and cheese without using any other ingredients than what's on the box? Because I can. But, I need to go to my regular computer where it's easier to type. Be there in a minute, let me know if you're interested, otherwise I'll keep my secret to myself.
Add a packet of Velveeta.
citric acid, real cheddar, and corn flour.
please i need your wisdom
Buy a box, buy a can of deviled ham (the little devil brand, it's 1 dollar desu near the canned food). Make the noodoorus like the box, then in a bowl mix the ham, 4 or 5 spoons mayo and about the same amount of ketchup, maybe a little less. The ham mix should be pink, taste it and add more less ketchup mayo as you need. Throw 3/4 of the cheese powder in there and then the noodles. Mix that shit up and it's super creamy and tastes good for like 3 or 4 bucks of food.
Anons, just try it and trust a fellow user, it's really tasty and if you hate it you're out 4 bucks, but you wont, it's fucking tasty as hell
I guarantee it involves aged cheddar, citric acid and corn flower to coat the cheddar.
My secret is a can of cream of mushroom soup. So good.
mayo de noche
Ok, give me a sec.
Fuck no. Don't you know how to read?
Why does everyone dump a can of cream of mushroom soup into everything? It always turns into this quesey version of stroganoff
Eat your college food, then.
>adding all this crap to overpriced pasta with a flavoring sachet
why not just make a roux then a bechamel, boil some macaroni, add the cheeses you want to the bechamel and stir through the drained macaroni
you can eat it like that or transfer it into a dish, bake it in the oven with more cheese
You're right, but bechamel is very starchy and you're piling starch on starch. Get a thin monostarch like corn in there while using it to break down the protein chains in the cheese.
OP wants to make his boxed mac and cheese better without having to spend money on it. What part of that can't you understand? I can make baller mac and cheese from scratch, but that's not what he's asking for. He's asking for help with Kraft Dinner, which YES, is college food. We can have a thread about homemade mac and cheese later, scrub.
what does corn starch cost, a brick of cheddar and fucking citric acid? 2 bucks in a batch that serves 6?
You fucking people are.. what you are.
If you're lazy and stupid, just say you're lazy and stupid. I don't care.
That's cool but how does that make a kraft box better..? Do you are unable to make smart of words?
Not everything is answered by the bechamel and roux you learned to make on YouTube last week, learn to fucking read.
Ok, friend, this is how to make Kraft Dinner (aka, boxed mac and cheese with the powder) the best it can be straight from the box as is.
>Boil the pasta, as directed.
>Put the drained pasta back in the pan, and add butter. Add a little more butter than it calls for. Not a ton, just a couple pats more. Stir the pasta until the butter has completely melted and coated all the pasta.
>Add the Cheese Powder. Stir, stir, stir, until the cheese powder is evenly distributed, and all the pasta looks orange with powder, and the powder looks like it's trying to melt.
>Now, add the milk ONLY a splash at a time, while you continuously stir. Add ONLY enough milk to make your mac and cheese thick and creamy. You do NOT need nearly as much milk as the box calls for.
>If you like, season to taste with pepper, or whatever seasoning you like.
You think this is bullshit, but when I was young and poor, all my friends freaked out because my poor boxed mac and cheese was better than theirs when I made it. The biggest secret is in the STIRRING, plus not adding all the milk, and stirring well to make sure the powder is evenly coating all the pasta and melting before you add the milk.
You're fucking stupid if you can't work with what you have, idiots.
Mensa members, you are NOT.
I arent nibbled to make the smart words until pickles, but what you need to do is take your cheddar and coat it in corn flour so it breaks down the long chains of proteins. That might confuse you but we're all about jibblets and fun. Right, friend? You're all drunk or retarded.
You're your own comedy.
There's not one of you on this board that can make real mac and cheese from scratch. That's fucking depressing.
Good. I like comedy. Comedy is 100000000 times better than tragedy, which is what you are.
Jolly good! Let's be frands
Ranch dressing and velveeta
OP here, thanks for the advice and laughs. im going to get stoned out of my mind this weekend, try again, and will make another thread detailing how the mac and cheese turned out
Oh come the fuck on, of course we can. I've been making homemade mac and cheese for my catering business for over 10 years. BUT, that doesn't mean I don't know what to do with Kraft Dinner (aka, the blue box). This isn't rocket science. Did you even read the OP?
You need to break down long chain proteins into amino acids. Keep that in mind in spite of the homeless morass you asked to help you.
State your process and every one of these fuckers can learn. KD is a fucking survival ration. Tell us! KD is white guy Ramen.
Oh my fucking god, take your sous vide stick and shove it up your ass, moron. Boxed mac and cheese already has all that figured out. If you knew anything about manufacturing you wouldn't try to be some kind of retarded food alchemist, trying to make gold out of shitty metals. If you can't work with what you have, you are very poor at your craft.
>s-state your process pls
>j-just so all these noooobs can learn *gets ready to copy*
Don't use your Veeky Forums dipshittery on Veeky Forums It doesn't work.
Already did, friend. See .
Also, here's another big tip, especially as far as survival rations go.
>instead of fresh milk, use evaporated milk, because it's creamier.
Food powder doesn't magically cream up their mess. Nevermind. I'm out. You're just some dipshit. Go off and declare victory and consider suicide, again..
but Veeky Forums is Veeky Forums
>My hubby loved this! Bone-apple-tea!
You're just buttburned because you can't make good boxed mac and cheese without adding a bunch of shit to it. I'm sorry you have such a problem with dependent superiority.
I don't even make that shit to begin with, you ultimate idiot. Why do you even bother with other people in your state?It's like talking to a box of marbles.
true facts, this will work with plain old water, too. Tastes better with milk, of course.
Like you said, it's all in the stirring and adding liquid back in a splash at a time.
I just want to highlight the fact that you typed "buttburned" in human society. You're alone.
Someone sure is booty-blasted.
Oh, I'M the ultimate idiot, huh? Coming from a fucking moron who's trying to talk about something that he knows fucking NOTHING about by his own admission. Go to bed, dummy, you're either drunk or stupid.
At least you worthless children have a place to play. I love you kids. You're so fucking dull at this age. You know how to backsass while being utterly fucking stupid.
sodium citrate you mean
Yeah, you're right sodium citrate. I use citric acid for making vodka.
>tips fedora
A problem of which you are a faggot.
at least you kids get your memes while learning nothing in life. you know you're an asshole.. and stupid, but you can't stop yourself from it because you're that young.
good cheddar is like $6+ for 8oz.
It's max 5 bucks CND max for 16 oz. ffs. Do you live in Nunavut?
this is $6 in flyover land. cracker barrel or cabot is around $5. anything less than that is going to be kraft or walmart brand.
this is to be melted into kraft fucking dinner. I don't know how to communicate with you people. I wouldn't even make this dish. Ever.
>good cheddar
>caring about annato
Hi I'm Alton Brown, my car broke down.
There's just one secret to making amazing KD.
Alton! It was just vapor lock!
Oh hey I gotta go Veeky Forums. Remember what I told you.
>tillagook garbage
>eating cheddar that hasn't sat in a cave at least 3 years
this sumbitch knows what's up
Always keep a 6 pound can of this around.
Go to an Asian market and get a block of soft tofu. Throw it in a food processor until it's nice and creamy and add that in. Sounds weird, but it's really fuckin' good.
You gottaa use full cream ie whipping cream. Not table cream not half and half, the 35% whipping cre'am. Add a handful of old cheddar and youre golden.
If you want to do it in hardcore mode boil the fucker in a litre of milk, but you have to boil it from cold. Shit will be incredible
uhhh... that sounds fucking nasty.
>shitty caneed ham
>mayo in mac and cheese
is this bait? you got me.
Your fake pretentiousness is so small minded and low brow, it's actually pretty funny. Which, btw, is not a compliment.
More milk, less butter