We need more refugees/immigrants in the usa. There is a lack of middle eastern food where i'm at, post more middle eastern food btw.
We need more refugees/immigrants in the usa. There is a lack of middle eastern food where i'm at...
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I want a mideast bf
>We need more refugees/immigrants in the usa
Umm... no?
trip on shareblue
Halal Guys is opening in Austin soon and I saw their help wanted ads. It's like 20 paragraphs of demands about the perfect candidate, while starting pay is ten bucks per hour
>We need more refugees/immigrants in the usa.
Pretty sure we don't need weekly terrorist attacks in the US.
>meet all but one criteria
>get beheaded
Do what people have done since the beginning of time.
Learn how to make it yourself out of better ingredients and without human waste.
we literally have those anyway
You joke but imagine the kitchen scene. I'm sure it's no laughing matter.
but thats cultural appropriation goy!
We stand with goy in opposing mudslimes
>It's like 20 paragraphs of demands about the perfect candidate, while starting pay is ten bucks per hour
Good, they're being honest. Most ads bullshit the job-seeker by pretending people with no experience won't have their resumes burned for heat.
I'd try those concoctions thought up by moon&dunecoons in between beheading each other and fucking goats if it was made by an actual chef and not some shitfingered allah-autist.
It's more than they deserve that anyone would even try their food.
Honest yes, also naive. Who is going to work himself to death for ten an hour? Security guards make 13 an hour sitting down all shift.
I pity you user, there's a ton of ME restaurants in my area. There's no food more godly than a chicken shawarma with fries.
>Who is going to work himself to death for ten an hour?
Most people work themselves to death for less than that.
Where I live, 10$ an hour is pretty good for food service.
Most? Bullshit.
And where is that? Obviously in some places ten an hour is enough to live off, but not in a big city.
>Most? Bullshit.
I mean, broadly speaking there are people all over the world that work hard for pennies on the dollar. Granted they live in third-world hellholes.
>And where is that? Obviously in some places ten an hour is enough to live off, but not in a big city.
North Carolina. And yeah, it's just barely enough to live on in a small apartment.
dude we make less than minimum wage where I work and you gotta be a fucking powerhouse to work here
I am the manager and I get here 2 hours before opening and leave an hour after close 6 days a week, and I work my ass off the entire time, budgeting my time so much that I'm wondering if I should shit now or shit later because it would require me to take my apron off and wash my hands and there's just no time
everyone that works there has to multitask like fuck, have great customer service, and put up with severe micromanagement from an overbearing jew
some people leave cause they don't like it, but most are fired or forced out
about half of them still beg for their jobs back
so, having a list like probably wouldn't hurt so that the people who obviously aren't suited for this horse shit won't even try
You must have been Hitler in another life to deserve such a fucked up existence.
We should ban whites desu. They're always shooting up schools lmao
Move to southeastern Michigan. We have tons of bro tier middle eastern people here, and there's tons of restaurants and halal butcher shops and the like because of it.
Fucking liberal cuck, get redpilled please.
Yes comrade, I too hate liberals.
middle eastern "food"
>middle eastern food
>not bringing back the regular home cooked American dinner
>not making huwhite American food great again
>would rather eat shawarma than swedish meatballs and rösti
>would rather import poor dirty brown people for cheap arab food cooked in reused oil than cheap American corned beef hash
kill yourself
Why the fuck do you wear this like a goddamned badge of honor?
>man i can't even take a shit when i want and i do it all for the honor of the almighty customer and my jew boss
>i get one day a week off and have to come to work for an entire shift from sleep to sleep, aren't i a champ
>i don't even get paid the legally enforced minimum wage to do it
Unless you're an illegal and this is under the table and the only work you can get, you should FIND A BETTER JOB.
I'll take Greek food instead, because it's really just tastier middle eastern food.
Move your ass to Europe you fucking faggot. We don't want you either.
You know you're allowed to say Arab, OP. No one is going to hold it against you.
>just b urself and find a better job bro
How fucking dumb are you? You don't have a choice in what job you have, your future potential employers do.
>eat food from dirty restaurants
>eat street food
>barely follow hygiene rules when cooking myself
>never get ill...
>...EXCEPT for the two times I've eaten at middle eastern restaurants
what does this mean?
What did you order and what 'Middle Eastern' restaurant was it?
Could mean a kurd took a dump in your food or it could mean you aren't accustomed to the food.
Just pretty standard grilled meat dishes
Yes, we should only eat the proud cuisine of the white master race!
>There is a lack of middle eastern food where i'm at
I live in flyover central and there are no less than five arabic restaurants here.
Germans are the master race yet you posted a British dish. Get it together
You gotta win 2 world wars to be white, hans. Now get back in the blood factory you sausage-sucking swine.
Lmao no thanks bro
We need more refugees/immigrants in Japan. Everyone I know keeps talking about Japan as an economic powerhouse, but unless it stops focusing on preserving old business and instead receives the boost from new ones started be immigrants, Japan will never return to a period of serious economic growth.
>but Japan will be less Japanese
Yeah, but if you'd rather Japan just be a pretty notable banker country in it's waning years, be honest about it. Stop asking for opposite goals.
ahahaha wait AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Good goy
Fuck off kike
The best thing immigrants bring to the US is the food. That's why I live in an immigrant neighborhood - so I can reap the benefits of it. Plenty of Middle Eastern food where I live, and it's cheap, too.
English teacher fuck off.
Japan just needs to hold out and weather through the population decline. If they do they'll be on the upswing and have a country full of educated ethnically homogeneous people aged 20-30 with plenty of well paying jobs. Kicking the can down the road will only make things hurt more when they (and everyone else) inevitably have to face the reality of global neoliberalism being unsustainable.
Fuck off, kike.
I disagree
you don't make any sense
Sorry, user. They kill fags in the middle east
Really want one of these right now
>Why the fuck do you wear this like a goddamned badge of honor?
I really don't. I hate my job and I hate that I can't find anything better.
The hourly is shit, but I work about 100 hours a week, so it's still the best money I can make right now and I really really really need to make a lot of money.
On the plus side, I'm learning more about cooking, about management, and I've become a harder worker than I ever thought I'd be. My next employer is gonna fucking love me, if I don't go straight into running my own show
Anyways my point was, a lot of people work extremely hard for very low pay. And like I said, even with how fucked this place is, people who think the grass is greener end up begging for their jobs back. It's hard out here in the real world, especially for those of us with dues to pay for past sins
>The best thing immigrants bring to the US is the food
Be honest. It's the only good thing. Post-1965 immigration is basically "look at all these tacos and stuff! Psst, please ignore everything that truly matters."
Woah there OP, there's oats on the outside of that bread! You're gonna have to cut the crust off, that's too spicy for me.
why not both?
kys whitey
>16 hour shifts 6 days a week,
How is that legal.
I hate the idea of white genocide but those munchies boxes they got in the UK would be good after a long night if drinking
said the European to the american!
>dropping in on your local kebab place at 2am for 20 bucks worth of kebab meat and overcooked chips
I'm going broke because I literally can't stop eating this questionable meat product.
if you want to date a smelly, violent, idiot date a nigger.
this tbqh
HSP a best
one of the best parts about living in Aus
>those steak fries
>best one of the best parts about living in Aus
top kek.
It's like wet beef jerky
go to a city you dipshit. Just because there's no good middle eastern food place near your local trailer park doesn't mean they aren't oversaturated everywhere else
i will admit, spiced lamb is fucking delicious
kill yourself cuck
It's called an AB you Victorian cocksucker.
Keep those fucking subhuman shit skins out of my fucking country you liberal cuck. Learn to make it yourself, shitbag.
I love how you are un purpose ignoring the fact of the school shootings
>lets import millions of welfare leeching terrorists because muh school shootings
>x is bad
>y is also bad
>y is actually good because x is bad
>Psst, please ignore everything that truly matters
What else truly matters? My neighborhood has always been an immigrant neighborhood. It went into decline as the families of immigrants who arrived in the early 20th Century moved our to the suburbs after WWII. It's only been reinvigorated by new waves of immigration over the last 15 years. Property values have doubled over the last 5 years. No complaints.
I do have some complaints over the general fall in status of the American middle class since the late 60's, but I don't see immigration as a contributor to that. Policy decisions that favor the interests of the rich over the middle class are cause. The problem is it's really easy to distract the middle class with hot button issues that have no impact on their economic status because economics is so boring. Get them all riled up about irrelevant shit like abortion, gun rights, identity politics and immigration and they'll vote along those lines while you continue to sell them out economically. It's obviously pretty easy,