California is the culinary epicenter of the world, let's be honest.
California is the culinary epicenter of the world, let's be honest
California is a joke. It's all Mexicans now thanks to democrats vote-creating schemes.
Um, sweetie. This is Veeky Forums, not /pol/. Thanks hon. :-)
Wrong, you're an idiot.
It has the most diversity with the most diverse restaurants, PLUS, it's the literal farm to fork capital of the US. Put those together with world renowned chefs, pop-ups, food truck culture, and any kind of cusine you could possibly ever want, and you have the perfect culinary storm.
I'd have never believed it if I hadn't been living here for the past 7 years, after living all over the southern states and northern Atlantic. The food scene is crazy out here. The only real cusine there's not enough of is Cajun. There's several good places, but not enough of that.
Waiting on the hick from Texas to bring out whataburger, as if burgers are the only food we're all willing to eat 24/7
no, New York is.
Who would have thought the cooking board would be the biggest liberal hotbed on Veeky Forums. Bunch of women here I guess. Don't bother telling me to go back to /pol/, I'm already gonna do that because I can't put up with such libtards.
imagine being this buttblasted about politics on a cooking board
Enjoy your circlejerks with sturmfags and cuckservatives on /pol/. After you've crawled out of your mom's basement and interacted with humans irl, you can try again.
>Veeky Forums
lol it's not though but u sound like a nufag
It's because there are a lot of LA and Bay Area faggots here and they get a stick up their ass the second you imply their overpriced, smog-ridden shitholes aren't the greatest place on earth.
They know they live in shitholes that nobody actually wants to be in, they just hate admitting it.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy.
I don't need anything to help me sleep at night, I don't live in a run-down apartment with no insulation in a converted warehouse next to a busy avenue because it was the only affordable place to live.
Wow, you're stupid. You've obviously never been to California and get all of your information from movies and bad tv shows. I just feel sorry for you.
>most diversity
>80% mexicans
I'm for Her as well.
Wrong again, idiot.
>They know they live in shitholes that nobody actually wants to be in, they just hate admitting it.
Those are the locals. the transplants actually want to be there. Scary, no?
Lived in LA for two and a half years and in Arcata for another 6 months.
Arcata was okay but it's literally worse than flyover towns.
Enjoy rationalizing your awful living conditions.
>i live in my mom's basement in a midwest suburb where it's nice and peaceful.
So you were a poorfag living in LA? Lol, no wonder. I assume you didn't do much traveling while you lived in CA, otherwise you wouldn't say such fucking retarded things. I still doubt that you ever lived here.
>Lived in Arcata
It's okay guys we can ignore this hippie piece of shit now
>Californians think they are
the culinary epicenter of the world, let's be honest.
>can't even make pizza
>he lives in an insanely overpriced urban containment city on the worst coast overflowing with minorities and nu-male cuckolds
Not entirely but the southern half is turning mexican like termites on a log. We might just need to amputate it (Jefferson State when?)