What's the best meal to eat while watching the yanks win?
What's the best meal to eat while watching the yanks win?
>those hips
Please tell me this is a grill
Big dick to the face
>the current year
>still watching sports
Kek, enjoy your outdated, boring, non-interactive """"""entertainment"""""".
Soft pretzels with a cheddar and beer dipping sauce, New York style hotdog, and enough beer that you piss straight through the 7th inning
four loko gold and a bowl of mayonnaise and raisins
He has the longest home run on record.
The way they're playing this year. I dunno. Something easy to puke back up like yogurt and Tums
Yankee fan?
Hemlock surprise
>cheddar and beer dipping sauce
You mean beer cheese..
bleach asbestos soup
A lot of haters here, I see.
Jealous the dynasty is back?
I think the posters hate the "sport" more than the team. I wonder which two teams will be in the final of the "World Series" this year? KYS and let us talk about food.
Obviously Sobrets. It's the hotdog they serve in the stadium.
I think the Mets serve them as well.
Probably a burger or nothing since only America and the Third World care about baseball
You probably watch divegrass (AKA Povertyball)
I don't watch sports, only anime. It's 2015
broken glass
I am in ever yankee gamethread.. but what the fuck is yankee posting doing on Veeky Forums ?? please stop because if something bad happens everyone will pound on us