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Could this be the bounce back for MCD after years of slowing growth?
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Could this be the bounce back for MCD after years of slowing growth?
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I've literally never ordered food for myself from a fast food restaurant because I don't like having to make complicated orders for the cashiers (theyre minimum wage high school students ykno?) because I'm lactose intolerant (bite of cheese and i shit myself and throw up tier)
With these I would go constantly desu. How do you get the food? Does a worker still bring it out? Or do they still have a single cashier or something?
A worker still brings it out...for now. You get a printed ticket with your total and unique number ID so some asshole can't come in and claim your food as theirs.
I'm completely sure that workers at my local McDonald's sabotaged those machines
They are always either broken or out of paper or who knows what, nobody dares put their cards in one of them. I did and I spent 20 minutes trying to get help from someone because I didn't know if it charged my order but didn't give me a ticket
That's totally possible. AFAIK MCD used Australia to test these kiosks before global rollout, so I wouldn't expect mass hardware failures in a single location.
Local Jack in the Boxes tried these over a decade ago and it was like being stuck behind a line of elderlies trying to use a Coke Freestyle.
Considering how hard it was to get a McFlurry for years I don't have any faith in these machines lasting very long once the disrepair and down times cut into sales figures.
I can see these things popping up in places like NYC and LA where paying retards to man cash registers is a huge net loss because of high minimum wage, but everywhere else in the country will basically be unaffected.
We have this in France for years now, if not a decade.
And there is still people taking orders at desk.
And they probably earn the same salary as before.
But when a rush occurs, or when you do complicated orders like it's very usefull.
Nowaday, half people goes to desk, half to kiosk.
Same here in Australia. They usually only have 1 cashier serving customers though, which means you either have to queue or go and use the self service terminal.
Prices at mcdonalds went up quite a bit since they introduced this shit, be aware americans, in a couple of years time $1 McChickens will be a thing of the past and you'll all be on here whinging about how mcdonalds is expensive af. You saw it here first.
Most McDonald's I know have them. The article specifically says "replace" though. Does that mean they'll get rid of human cashiers completely? They couldn't actually so that, awful for old people
Moves like this simply bring us closer to a universal income system. When 80% of the population can't work it will either be massive civil war or handouts. Already many nations are halfway there,with disability, food stamps, unemployment.
it would be easier just to shoot all the uppity people
Well, in France, in addition to Kiosks, the "order at table" was introduced.
Meaning that, yes, in France, you can order your Big Mac at Kiosk and then just sit at a table. The "ex-cashiers" will just bring the food to you.
And damn, they are still fast !
that's what alarmists fear but realistically it won't happen
UBI is only possible in a post-scarcity world. Just like the death of the milkman, timber rafters, and switchboard operator people working cashier stands will find some other job elsewhere.
sales associates, cashiers, and fast-food workers are *the* three most common jobs in America, statistically. To completely remove that from the picture would have huge consequences.
But it's not like fast-food cashiers are even the people who have the most to lose to automation. Steel production is at an all-time high while jobs in steel production hit an all-time low, and that's just one example. For now, the mainstream reaction against that seems to be... Ignoring it? And lying to the former workers about where their jobs actually went ("to China and environmental regulation!"), and lying to them about the ability to turn things back (as if you can simply stop the march of time)?
It was a lie bold enough to win an election, I just really don't know how it didn't face enough scrutiny.
The US could afford a UBI today, though.
>Smug euros
Swipe and sign was perfectly fine, you chip loving assholes.
>To completely remove that
Yes, completely, I would agree.
But most of the workers at mcdonalds are running around stocking shit or making the food, you usually only have 2-3 people operating registers, and it's not like the people working drive-thru would be able to get replaced.
>The US could afford a UBI today
We can't even figure out how to balance a budget with social security and medicare, let alone a UBI. A big GDP doesnt mean we magically have tons of cash to move around.
Call me when this happens to a chain I actually go to.
interesting argument there.
between reallocating funds from other forms of social welfare like social security, and closing tax loopholes so that top-earners pay something at least CLOSER to their nominal tax rate (the artificially, unsustainably, historically low nominal tax rate, at that) it could be done, today, at an overall lower cost.
Don't be stupid user, that's socialism! And everyone knows that socialism is just one step away from EBUL COMMUNISM!
No I'm saying that our gigantic GDP isn't just raw money we spend on shit. A lot of that comes from industry contracts the government hands out and generates the revenue.
If you wanted to "shift the money away from there" the money would straight up stop existing.
It's not as easy as just "well take money from here and put it over there!" and it's DEFINITELY not as easy as just "tax the rich more".
and now we get to the part that made me want to make a follow-up post that acknowledges that while yes, it's possible, it's never gonna happen, certainly not any time soon.
I really think the Cold War did a number on this country. Like we're permanently traumatized into conservatism, even the American left.
Mcdonalds is facing the same problem the tobacco companies were/are facing...the U.S.populous are eating less fast food and mcdonalds has a bad reputation for "fat fuck flyover diabetics" so they're marketing in 3rd world nations like coca-cola does because they're stupid brown people and stupid brown people are easily malleable just like white trash americans.
The US was actually hugely socialist (we just didnt call it that) up until the 70s, which you can correlate directly to the fall of classic liberalism and the rise of neoliberalism.
This, not coincidentally, is also when we started to see less and less bipartisanship in congress.
People unironically think that countries with UBI could end welfare and other entitlements.
our food is cheaper than you because it's subsidized and that's not about to change
>A big GDP doesnt mean we magically have tons of cash to move around.
it super does
And that's exactly what happens when you raise minimum wage. The libtards in Seattle said, no, they would just accept the losses and pay their employees more money. Nope, they invested in automation. They didn't even wait for the government to raise it everywhere. Just the individual states raising it and the threat of it going up was enough. Now thousands of cashiers are going to have to live off of MY tax dollars because they just got replaced by machines. Good job libtards.
as someone who has worked at mcdonalds I will gladly pay more taxes so no one has to work at that shithole
>People unironically think that countries with UBI could end welfare and other entitlements.
But that's just it, user: The want UBI AND every current entitlement. The entire point of UBI is to give people MORE money. That's the entire reason Zuckerkike and Bezos advocate it, as a way to say "Support me and I'll give you more money".
What the fuck would be the point of doing UBI and cutting every last social program? That wouldn't get people to let you Jew them over or vote for you nor would it allow you to signal how holy and pious you are.
Good for you. I don't want to. There should be a special tax that applies just to people who supported Bernie Sanders. Of course we have that in Colorado with a marijuana tax. We should also tax lattes, and indie rock, and skinny jeans, and vegan food, and Apple products.
Trying to go full Robotard there special boy?
They were ALREADY living off your tax dollars.
I hope someone finds a way to hack the machine and get free mcchickens
And it's going to be even higher when they're replaced by machines.
Strange thing, the only study completed so far indicates no jobs were lost in Seattle. More studies are needed, but so far things appear to be fine.
However, no matter what automation is coming. What's humorous is it's coming for other sectors that think they are immune. Robots exist now to maintain robots, programs exist to trade stocks, and AI programs exist now to maintain and develop software.
We're entering a period where we need idea men and progressive thinkers to deal with these issues so that there will still be people capable of buying the products produced by automation. What we don't need are early 1930's ideas of international isolation and starvation for the unemployed that are being instituted now. Learn from history faggots.
I mean, the real story is that they will have mobile ordering at every store by the end of the year.
Not just the kiosks at 16% of the US stores
>strange thing, the only study completed so far indicates no jobs were lost in Seattle. More studies are needed, but so far things appear to be fine.
Well, we're about to lose a shitload of cashier jobs now. McDonald's is the start, soon every fast food restaurant will follow.
>We're entering a period where we need idea men and progressive thinkers to deal with these issues so that there will still be people capable of buying the products produced by automation.
Shaneequa, queen of the ghetto isn't capable of doing anything other than working as a cashier. I'd rather have Shaneequa doing that than just collecting free money from the government on my hard-earned money.
riddle me this. why would anyone work when they're taxed at 90% and they could just quit their job for UBI instead?
what happens to the GDP when no one's working and everyone's on UBI?
not just fast food. Expect even sit down restaurants to do this too, so you just have someone cooking and someone serving, you'll ping the thing when you need a refill.. etc
No more tips. They really should just bring back the automat craze again.. thats pretty much exactly where this is headed already
Their system sucks compared to Wawas. Takes me more time for a less detailed order.
As an Ausfag, these are pretty reliable when you aren't autistic and order stupid shit with them. And the only times i ever saw them break down were either because someone has physically broken them, or the receipt printer had broken down somewhat and either didn't print or partially printed a receipt.
So long as I can use those kiosks to order McChickens.
>I'm lovin' it.