Expectation v.s. Reality
Expectation v.s. Reality
You got what you deserved.
Those look almost identical except for the plate
I dont know what you were expecting from a 2 dollar microwaveable dinner
time for brekky!
who buys this shit, really?
They were originally designed for MRE's but the government backed out due to the packaging or something.
An official MRE requires at least 2 years before expiration or something.
>The food is so shit that the army wouldn't even buy it.
I've seen people put them in DIY survival kits / bug out bags.
My dad used to buy them until I made fun of his shitty diet for a few months. He's eating better now, so I guess it worked out well.
i wish those were $2, they're between $5-$7
People knock things processed foods like SPAM which are actually a versatile ingredient and tasty when prepared the right way, but these things are the real deal bottom of the barrel. They are wretched salt bombs of no redeemable value other than for disaster relief, which I can say as someone who has a stack of them in the pantry for hurricane season:
it's fucking frozen dinner. you're the retard for expecting anything other than something that was machine formed and shat on a styrofoam plate
>paying a $3-5 premium for the word "organic"
it's fucking peas and corn and shitty mashed potatos you retard. may as well have come from a can.
This pretty much mirrors my actual life. Fuck you op.
Some of those Amy's dinners are actually really good for microwave food. Some of them. But not $5+ good (and yes, I've seen them higher than $5).
>microwave food
pick one and only one
if you plate it up, you can make it look like the picture
I think that meal looks fine
No one should forget that people like OP are the average Veeky Forums browser.
Making opinions on fine dining, food, and cuisines.
Don't take anything Veeky Forums says or advices seriously.
OP here, it was pretty good. I wasn't actually expecting anything huge, I just thought it would be an interesting thread theme.
I'm sorry, stay positive my frog friend it's gotta get better
Eating Vegan microwave food.
You're the worst.
Bakers used to get lynched for pulling this shit
Amy's mexican casserole and the tortilla casserole are the best fucking frozen foods.
So was that TV dinner $10?
I bought an Amy's frozen pizza once for like $14 and it was garbage.
It was a metaphor you fucking idiot.
zomfg rotfl wtf payin fo n eatin dat gae fuckin vegeterien vigen faggy shit like nigga what bet yo dick is tiny af n ya got lil boy bitchtitties cuz u 8t 2 much soy n other gae sheeeeeiiit
And they have the nerve to call it complete
I dont know what youre talking about OP these are great
this shit is delicious desu senpai
Dunkin Donuts is a goldmine of this stuff.
I want to throw up.
Good lord.
>burned in addition to the no cream cheese
>Expectation v.s. Reality
It's really simple user. If the food comes pre-made in a box then the expectation should always be a fresh steaming-hot pile of canine feces.
oh those are NOT GOOD
aw hell no
The shitskin single mom burnt your bagel.
Its not really the same category.
I also enjoy Amy's and am sorry the OP was a dissapoint.
amy's mac n cheese is great, so is the southwestern burrito
>I made this one with my own tears
Man i remember when i was 6 or so and served these microwave meals. That was like every second night in my childhood. They always tasted like shit and im pretty sure theyre part of the reason why i decided to become such a good cook
Velveeta makes a beef and Mac that comes in a container just like that and is actually good.
When I was living/working at a truck stop I would regularly buy it and a can of beanie weanies and mix them together.
>Actually taking the time to plate a frozen pizza
I just cook it on top of the box it came in
i enjoy the taste of these. am i human
What's the white stuff in these? Is it supposed to be mashed potatoes? Rice pudding? Semen? I honestly have no idea
Mashed semen pudding
holy kek
Marshmallow fluff. It's an American thing, you wouldn't get it.
The most tasteless mashed potatoes you could imagine, the only flavor you get from it comes from the gravy. Even instant potatoes are leagues above that pap.
>not pepperonis
>Veggie load
haha holy shit
I always got in trouble for eating the brownie without cooking it.
who would get you in trouble for eating improper food improperly?
Open wide for Amy's hot veggie load
that looks MUCH closer than you usually get with shit like this, i seriously have no idea wtf you're bitching about
That's what you get for throwing a frozen pizza straight into the oven.
>Pajeet trying to fit in: The post.
>shitty, overpriced barely McMansion
>SUVs in traffic
>Fast food, motel, and Chinese joint
>Large American flag
What in the earth is this?
A "turkey" dinner. It's got a thin slice of turkey, soggy stuffing, salty gravy, flavorless mashed potatoes, and very mushy peas.
I would rather be dead than eating this poor. A guy I knew ate only microwave dinners and he killed himself.
The thing is that even on a budget that bad, you can buy actual ingredients and make food that lasts for days.
This got a genuine laugh out of me
this reminds me of the time I was drunk and bought one of those KFC bowls
the people who brought us drumpf
Who, these people?
Fuck off you samefagging /pol/ shitposter, why do you have to bring up politics on every fucking board.
Why is her butt reversed
A McMansion is, kind of by definition, not overpriced. Also those are not McMansions, which generally put up at least a pretense of looking "fancy". Those houses look like the kind of prefab units they put up in Antarctica for scientists with trash strewn everywhere because nobody is going to see it except some birds that science doesn't know yet.
I've driven past those kinds of tracts in flyover land, where there's a shitty beige 2 story house surrounded by a half mile of kentucky bluegrass and literally not a single tree in sight, and a large boat and two SUVs parked haphazardly near the house. They'd rather put up a 55 inch TV in each room than bother having a tree nearby let alone reconsidering whether they need half a golf course worth of green turf to maintain with their small motorized wheelchair with whirling blades at the bottom.
Seeing the ghoulish white children play on their plastic walmart swing sets from ten miles away on the interstate always makes me feel queasy. It's like they have absolutely zero pride, they basically live like animals. The end of white people cannot come soon enough. We need to basically allow no-questions-asked migration from Mexico, India, Pakistan, and China, for anyone with a bachelors degree or higher, as long as they're under 30 and can pass a medical exam proving them capable of having children. Perhaps the piggy pig-people with their pink flesh and rolls of fat and non-denominational megachurch beliefs can learn something from their betters. People who follow real religions like Roman Catholicism or Sufism or whatever.
Fucking sprouts
I love that place but I'm never buying a pizza from there
>implying he is samefagging
I regret buying a CH stick. The buttons are not satisfying at all, and it doesn't twist so I need to also use pedals. I got their shitty pedals that are thoroughly unusable until I add inserts myself, because there's stupid heel cups in the way. No real life pilot uses their heel to press pedals. It's done with the front of the foot. I suspect they were made this way to force a specific angle so the shitty internal mechanisms don't bind as much. Don't buy CH.
You're casually calling for the genocide of a race of people on a cooking board. Get help you degenerate freak.
>half a golf course worth of green turf to maintain with their small motorized wheelchair with whirling blades at the bottom.
As an american this is the part that really burns my ass. Instead of using that space for raising a few chickens and vegetable production (which provides some exercise and much better quality food) they buy into the marketing campaign by big chemical that attempts to shame you if you're not dumping tons of industrial fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides on a worthless plant like grass.
it's berry loaf, not berries loaf
Mama celest is really getting stingy on the cheese lately.
i only eat that garbage a few times a year if I neglected to prepare a lunch for work and dont want to hit up the dollar menu
Looks like an old mans ballsack wtf
i was this close to buying 1 yesterday
this shit scares the shit out of me.
has meat and shit
Isn't refrigerated
I fucking love those little pizzas.
panfried spam is D E L I C I O U S
>berry loaf
Just end it.
im so poor and hungry i would probably eat any of these
chances are they taste fine
presentation is more the issue here
Banquet meals are literally $1 apiece. What the fuck did you expect for a $1 microwave dinner?