/alc/ al/ck/
alcohol thread
hows that depression treating you all
I'm not depressed.
I just don't have anything to live for
Feel pretty good. Posted last thread, but making a psych ward patient overhearing your conversation and saying, "You guys are fucked up!" then walking away is an odd kind of ego booster.
I'm neither depressed nor an alcohol but I'm drinking and having an ok time.
>psych ward patient overhearing your conversation and saying, "You guys are fucked up!" then walking away is an odd kind of ego booster.
It means you aren't crazy
I mean you are
But you aren't delusional that you think you are
Today is my birthday. I just turned 24.
The fact that I've been alive for this long really isn't cause to celebrate, I'm just drinking right now because that's just what I do.
Nah, he wasn't wrong. When you're there visiting someone checked in for suicide, then you make him break down laughing telling him he should've pulled the trigger after fucking you over in a hand of cards cards, you know you've done something right!
I'm getting drunk and making a move on a cutie tomorrow. Wish me luck al/ck/.
Good luck user. Stop drinking though bruh, or it's almost inevitable before you've even got her, that you will lose her.
Pretty sad thh
I wanted to become muslim but i went to the muslim site to ask about it and they were like "you were drunk last time, are you still drunk?" and i was like "yeah" and they told me to fuck off. They keep track of you, such dicks.
Goddamnit I'm not drinking
I just wanted to read some depression stories to stave off this night
Go read a book and fall asleep. You're welcome, user.
Become a Buddhist. They don't give a shit what you do. Plus being god is kinda relaxing.
Bf just dumped me, I refused to go to the casino with my best bro (because waiters are slow are booze is expensive) so I'm drinking while eating a spam-knockoff sandwich and watching tv. Feel sgood. How about you Veeky Forums?
I'm full of stories
Pretend I'm not hours late
im still here and depressingly sober, lets hear em
I'm drinking alone waiting for my choices to catch up to me.
I'm gonna be a big shot in the military. Just you wait. 18 months from now, I'm gonna be posting here with some fucking chevrons on my shoulders.
In the mean tine, I just ate a poppy bread cream cheese chicken sandwich.
It was amazing
I graduated highschool salutatorian. Second best. People always held high hopes for me.
I fucked up. Did nothing. Spent a year eating figs and starving in a basement.
I went to college and got a degree in a useless thing
I convinced the Canadian Military that I was worth something.
They believed me.
I'm on route to go to bootcamp and then officer school.
Gonna do things and lead peopel
I'm so very drunk now because I've told myself that I'm gonna stop and be sober. before I ship out.
They haven''t called me yet.
So I'm getting fucked up waiting.
That's just my circumstances
I can say more about real things real me
I used to smoke weed every night. Now that I've quit, I have trouble not being fucked up so often. Now I drink on/off days while I try to cut back. Tonight's an on day.
I don't like weed
But honestly, do weed more than alcohol
You don't get hangovers, you don't damage your liver.
Just do the fucking mary jane
You also don't get that melancholical phase while high
>Got fired over 6 months ago.
>Month and a half sober now.
>Money depleting fast.
Do I go crawling back and try to get my shitty retail job back?
yeah I miss it, but I'm looking for a job so I need clean pee, will probably go back to it one day
I got fired from my job too
First I went to the government
That lasted for a bit
Then I went to my family.
Still there months later
My job never acknowledged me
I got a friend in there. They're suffering hard
Fuck them.
If you got a job lined up, then drink
Thank god for booze to not leave short term marks
But seriously, don't drink too long
Shit unless mixed with coke
Then give me some
is it worth buying cognac if you cant grt anything better than vs?
i drink it straight
Never been able desu
Feels like shit
Why do that when I can just do coke mixer and get shitfaced comfy like
I drank heavy everyday for two and a half years. 5 days ago I quit cold turkey.
I had insomnia the first four days. I actually slept well last night.
I feel bored. I go to the gym regularly, now I just work out longer and harder. I keep finding stuff to do. Graduate school helps keep me busy when I'm off of work.
I clean more, and cook more. I used to let 3 weeks of dishes pile up, now I clean them right after using them or the next morning.
Fucking hell the headaches.
Also, I sweated the first couple of days, and it was stinky. Doesn't help that it's summer.
Aw, no hallucinations?
I've woken up suddenly in a sweat, but couldn't remember why. Maybe?
I got a slight case of irritability, but I'm pretty calm and patient, so it was easy to shrug off, and I can feel my cognitive functions were a bit off, but they're getting back up to speed.
They say you get lethargic, but I've never had so much energy.
Also, what helps to quit is to hide all your drinking paraphernalia, or give it away. I had wine glasses, shot glasses, cognac/whiskey glasses, a big beer mug, and I left it at my parent's house. I also gave them all the decent liquor I had and poured the cheap shit down the drain.
I don't drink or do drugs but I worry that once I move out on my own I will turn to them as a coping mechanism
I have to get off my antidepressants soon for a medical test and I'm going to die
Don't switch to drugs or alcohol. However if you can't help yourself, weed is the best alternative. Just remember, it stays in your system for a month or so after ingesting. But seriously, don't start drugs or alcohol unless you have strong discipline.
I guess I've been drinking heavily "every day" for ... 8 months? maybe 10. Before that I was a binging, but strictly weekend/social drinker. Your post gives me hope. I can handle a couple of bouts of insomnia.
>Just remember, it stays in your system for a month or so
three months if you go heavy with it
You and I haven't done it long enough that we need to go to a rehab center.
I do recommend taking off of work for a few days, or quitting before a weekend (I know it sounds harder). The stench that will emanate from you is ungodly. Mine disappeared after two days. Also, take off longer if you're having a hard time with insomnia.
I think last time I tried to quit, the insomnia kicked my ass, and I started drinking again.
do it user
(you see Ivan)Once, at my comrades garage we were hanging out and drinking alcohol. The time has come, i was pretty drunk, and i called the most fucked up fella i've ever known. He came to party. We hang out. Then, for some reason, he switched himself on english and started speaking it. The most unpredictable thing to me was that i started speaking english too. Am i a capitalist now, i dont know what to do.
Good morning everyone
what is the stench? can it not be covered with a fresh shower/perfumes/deodorants?
Think of your BO after not showering for two days, but worse, and happens an hour after showering. Deodorant helps.
You may not get it, but I did. I think it has something to do with toxin being released.
Old blue box macaroni and cheese at 3:40 in the morning, I almost walked to Walmart but I figured that would be stupid to do while inebriated
This is a great /alc/ meal. Loads of absorbent carbs and pretty hard to fuck up.
Not as satisfying as I could have been, I was too drunk to really appreciate the nostalgia of my shit-cook of a mother making it for me as a child so many years ago. God bless her she was a fantastic mom but not a good cook.
Still my go-to meal for when I need something I cannot fuck up.
You'll be a fuckin' POG.
Friendly reminder: If you don't drink seagram's gin straight, you aren't an alcoholic. Bonus points if you hide it in your toilet water tank and laundry hamper, discretely throw empties away, and it's been 3 1/2 years you've been doing this but your wife hasn't noticed...
Before my gril fucked off, I used to go to the shops for a bottle and something retarded like 1 apple. I'd tie the bottle to a rope in the back garden which lead up to the spare bedroom, then lifted it up from inside when she wasn't looking. I'd hide empties in the loft until she fucked off out for long enough for me to dump them all in the bottle bank.
I'm now single.
Fuckin a' m8 we could be buds
I always make excuses to go to the shop and grab something. "Want us to come along?" Nope, i'll go myself. It will be faster.
shots of bourbon.
I recently lost my girl because she was in love with another man. All I've done lately is chug whiskey, and smoke.
I don't know op, the alcohol doesn't numb the pain as much as it amplifies it, and yet I still drink.
Start tapering/stopping now.
You don't want to associate your new place/life either with drinking daily nor with withdrawals.
Sounds like a real party over there
Cognac is overrated
Bloodborneanon here. I don't like this weather, I just managed to eat a bowl of instant noodles I got from an Asian shop, there was sake too so I'm teying that
Back to Bloodborne, and then also there is live music on the television later so I might watch that so I don't feel so lonely
I finished off a small portion of home made mac and cheese in your honor user. Also had three more shots of vodka. Fourth shot incoming. My mum was a decent cook, but a lackluster mother. So.. there's that.
5 days sober, and im working night shift flipping shit burgers.
Usually i celebrate finishing my shift getting fucking piss drunk. This weekend im going to end it sober.
Physically its ok, mentally im a fucking wreck.
It's the boredom that kills user. Got out and do SOMETHING. Walk, whatever..
Yeah I walked to the store and bought a bottle
I chuckled
When I was 10 years old, my parents decided to send me to my grandmothers house in Germany, and she neglected me, so I was depressed -- I couldnt speak German very well at the time and didn't know where to go. I started taking liquor out of her liquor cabinet. 10 year old alcoholic, wew.
Now I'm 20. I used to live in a substance-free coop, but no more. I'm depressed again. I started smoking weed every day in March. The new coop I'm in is full of stoners and alcoholics. Needless to say I'm drinking almost daily again, this time while high. It's only a matter of time.
I got a abcess drained after having 10 thin shits with blood everyday for 2 months with intense pain lots of hemoroids too. Just when things were getting better today i felt a new abcess, got me very depressed. Thanks for listening
what's the best alcohol to mix with a 7/11 slurpee?
I tried tequila once and it was kinda meh
Anything but Tequila? Vodka for most. Gin if you're a madman like me.
Does anybody else get anxiety when they smoke weed sober? I can't be the only one right?
My dad likes it, and I think it's pretty good.
I splurged on Father's day and got him a bottle of Remy Martin XO ($150).
That was like the cheapest of the toppest shelf stuff, but it had high reviews. I think once you start paying over $200 for bottle of alcohol you're not even getting "just to try it" factor, but you're just blowing your money.
It gets better. I'm on day six. Had the day off so slept in, I'm going to catch up on my game backlog, and then go swimming and running. I have left over pulled pork from yesterday that I'll use for lunch and dinner, so I don't need to cook today.
It's nice how sobriety can bring back the capacity to engage in certain hobbies that you were simply too sloppy for before. It's a bit of compensation.
No, but Courvoisier VSOP is pretty good and only $40 here. But don't bother with VS--not much better than Jim Beam.
No. If you can't at least get VSOP don't bother. VS is complete shit.
I prefer the VS over the VSOP, more fruit flavour left and not merely smooth oak.
I do, that's why I quit smoking weed.
This. You will be passed out drunk when she wants you the most.
How do i drink at a hotel bar without sperging out?
am a an alchie if I buy VIP tickets to a beer festival that is not happening for 6 months
You are a /r/eddit tier normie faggot though.
if paying $35 for unlimited beer and snacks is normie call me Chad Thundercock
chad thundercock
Hello fellow al/ck/s. 11 days sober here. I got a dui last year, and am about about three fourths done with probation which means no drinking. I didn't really care and drank anyways, but during my last visit my PO said if I continue, I'll go to jail, no more chances, so I've decided not to fuck thisbup anymore than I already have. It doesn't help that I work literally right next to a liquor store. I'll just sit outside on my lunches and stare at it. My worst cravings always come at work since I've hated pretty much all jobs I've had and have always been drunk for them. I'm just waiting for the day when I can enjoy doing things sober again. My hobbies have fallen by the wayside now that I can't drink while doing them, I'm feeling incredibly lethargic and unmotivated to do anything, even things that I enjoy. Any advice from someone in a similar situation?
did they blood or piss test you senpai?
>unlimited beer
They're going to give you tickets that you cash in for beer like a child at an arcade. Protip: It won't be enough to actually get drunk.
You've paid $35 for some beer samples and bullshit.
they are giving me a 6 oz wine glass. If I get about 10 samples an hour that is 6 oz of high % craft beer. the event goes on for 4 hours.
Sounds kind of like my me. I am 14 days sober here, just got out of jail for 7 days for drinking. I work in a resturant surrounded by alcohol and there are bars and liquor stores in walking distance to my house.
I have been lifting weights and riding my bike and I feel a lot better.
Do they test you on the weekends is it random testing?
Bacon and craft beer.
I want the hipsters to die
I can literally see the shop from my bedroom window. It's open from 9-9 7 days a week, 20 seconds walk. When that closes there's a supermarket 4-5 mins walk away. It's always there, always nagging.
I got my second dui last year. WDs were so bad I had to drink 70cl of vodka before going to court, lol. Pretty sure I was lucky to avoid years inside.
You guys need to try a good indica or indica dominant hybrid. If you're lucky enough to go to a state where it's legal and you know what you're buying. Different strains of weed have wildly different effects.
no doubt. theres no shortage of expensive items to blow your money on
yes they test every day, including holidays. i have two tests a month, and for the last 8 months i figured i could just get away without it. (which was kind of stupid since they are giving me ETG). but ya, i atleast have the motivation to jog about a mile every morning, and that seems to help a bit. its just reading, cooking, tv, and video games that have become incredibly boring. these are what i have always enjoyed, and drinking complimented them all pretty nicely. the exercise is great because it doesn't really give my mind a chance to wander and think about walking to the liquor store (which is 2 minutes away). thanks for the advice, man!
damn, prison time? did you cause accidents on your DUIs?
Nah, the second time I crashed into a roundabout, because my schizo passenger took the keys out of the ignition so I had no steering. They just didn't like the fact that I'd drunk just over a litre and a half of vodka and had a fistful of Valium. I'm also known to the police, once a plain clothed, off duty slammed in his brakes in front of me, making me stop. My passenger got out ready for a fight, then quickly got back in when he realised it was the same guy who'd arrested him the month before.The copper came over to my window, said "hello user. We'll have you soon", and stormed back to his car. Shit you not. The whole time I had my right arm rested on the window, inches from him, and had 3 wraps of smack and 3 of crack in my hand.
I think they were confused and irritated by my ability to buy a 2015 car, always be drunk, and be known to use a lot of hard drugs, even though I was unemployed. Pretty sure they thought I was dealing.
Anyway, got off with a 3yr ban and a fine. Only a year until I get my license back if I take their drink driving awareness course. 2 years if I don't.
Sorry. Drunk, so rambling.
>Does anybody else get anxiety when they smoke weed
No, this is a completely unheard of side effect.
Does anyone feel more awake after doing cocaine? Or is it just me?
>friday night
>no drink in 2 weeks
Fucckkkkkkkk I want a drink so badly
Happy birthday bro. Ill have a 4 loko for you
Nah bruh that's a sign of mental illness. See a psychic medium immediately. I once had a friend who got drunk when drinking. He ignored his disease, then one night woke up dead in hospital. May you forever rip in piece.
I've smoked pretty much everything there is. From pure sativa to pure indica to hash from all over the world.
None if it affects me positively anymore. I feel like weed only made me happy when I was naive and now it just makes me aware of everything wrong with the world.
I know how you feel. Last time I drank I blacked out at a party. That was almost 2 weeks ago. Gonna get a drink tonight though since its payday as well