My wife just started crying cause I told her she made me a bland breakfast. What do you guys think? It wasn't very good

My wife just started crying cause I told her she made me a bland breakfast. What do you guys think? It wasn't very good.

Everything on that plate is the same colour

I think you made that, and anyone that puts butter on toast is a complete donkey.

Salt+pepper would make it okay

it looks fine. functional breakfast is all you need

as an aside, if she cries over something small like that, it indicates a larger problem (maybe she's insecure about her home making skills, maybe she fears a loss of intimacy with you, idk man its your marriage)
perhaps ask her instead of a Bhutanese calligraphy forum

no my wife made it

This is a fucking repost fuck off


not wrong


If I ever run into your wife on the street I will have consensual sex with her for the purpose of procreation and you will be the (((father))).


get the fuck out of here with this shitty pasta

did she never make you breakfast before you married her? you did this to yourself op. doomed to a life of

>chicken breast tonight honey!
>hormel chili tonight babe!!!!
>kraft mac n hot dogs baby!

kill yourself now

Punch her in the face

wow look, this copypasta again.


i remember this thread. are you a bot or just an extremely boring person

Get a fucking life jesus christ, you're actually reposting a dead meme on an even more dead board? Holy shit dude reconsider your entire existence.

Did your wife's son like it?

Dude i have never had a girlfriend but i know this is something you never do.

jesus lol

