Is it ok to fuck with an abusive customers food if you are a waiter/waitress?

Is it ok to fuck with an abusive customers food if you are a waiter/waitress?

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No, but I'd eat that hot dog

Only if theres video proof of what they did so I have fresh fap materials...

What the fuck is wrong with me, my dick actually got hard.

i deserve to die

why not. they've devalued you worth as a human-being. surely hocking up some phlegm in their burger is proportionate to their wrong doing.

People should be civil or suffer the consequences.

It's not your job to deliver justice to shitty people. Your job is to serve them their food and drink. You also have no idea what made them shitty in the first place.

if a busboy hocks a loogie in your food, and nobody saw him do it, and you didn't notice it when you ate your food, and the busboy didn't tell any of his buddies about it afterwards........did he really do anything wrong?

did it even "happen"?

I don't give up my dignity when I sign a work contract.....and why should i be concerned about the biography of the instigator?

I'd be afraid to stuff a hot dog in my pussy (if I had one). I don't know why it's a bad idea, but it has to be.

How much extra do they charge for that service?

No, they deserve to die.

So there were people coming and going from there constantly, and she decided it was a great time to just flip up her skirt and start jamming shit in her cunt? Listen, regardless of morality, that girl is a fucking idiot. I mean, an absolutely brain dead retard. No one in their right mind would try something like that in a place that had a lot of traffic and cameras. They'd take it to the bathroom or something.

>It's not your job to deliver justice to shitty people.

its literally up to the waiter/waitress to decide what is morally acceptable......the ball is in their court...the food is in their hands.

mostly because it's your job

>implying you must be employed with the duty of performing an action in order to perform said action.

You heard the man. From now on, no one is allowed to shit unless you are a license feces delivery technician and on the clock. No overtime, either. Your company isn't a bank.

Id prefer this over oral expectorations

What kind of retarded false equivalence is this? Did you think you were making a valid point?

>mocking some one
Did you really expect to see a well though out argument?

Is this you??

my kind of gal

At such a lowly position, and especially in customer service, you do give up your dignity for the most part. If you can't handle it go find a different job or refuse to serve the person and see how far it gets you.
It actually isn't, especially since it's a felony to tamper with someones food.
I shouldn't even reply to this dumb of a post, but here's a (you)

I'm actually a sociology student.

You said that you're not allowed to do something while working unless it's part of your job responsibilities. That's what you said. It's right up there. And you got called out on how stupid it was.

>I don't give up my dignity when I sign a work contract
You do when you insert a hotdog into your cunt, though

Just imagine if you could know just how much foul you've consumed because you wanted to eat somewhere that people prepare your food for you. Especially when it comes to fast food. I don't think anyone on the planet hasn't ever eaten food that wasn't deliberately contaminated.

>If you can't handle it go find a different job or refuse to serve the person and see how far it gets you.

no way. I need the cash.

>It actually isn't, especially since it's a felony to tamper with someones food.

there's literally nothing you can do to stop me tampering with your food. Its entirely my prerogative whether i choose to, for example, spit in your food and take the chance of getting in trouble with the law or not. you're not very bright.

Right. Go back to facebook make poor arguments there.

touche....only valid point against fucking with someones food thus far.

>b..b..b...b..but its a felony

blowme. I drive at 60 in a 50 zone all the time.

I can't stop you, and since you've clearly made up your mind on the matter why bother asking the question in the first place?

Are you the girl in that picture?


girls don't post on, Veeky Forums newbuddy

>I cant stop you

sure you civil with the serving staff

I always am. Not everyone will be. I simply believe they will endure judgement in a natural form rather than some punk spitting on their onion rings because they're forced to do their job for someone they dislike.
But I guess doing your job properly is too much to ask for these days. I know I fuck off when I can, but I would never do anything to harm the company or customer.
Having a job isn't some sort of right that can be abused when you see fit. It's a privilege. No one needed to hire you. There are plenty of other willing, pimple faced, dick heads waiting in line

Man your just all around shit huh?

Unlike most people think, it's the kitchen who fucking with problem customer's food, not the waitstaff. I worked in 4 different restaurants putting myself through uni, and every time I saw someone's food being fucked with, it was the kitchen staff. He many times do you think they like refiring the same order? I've seen some shit. Your server is your fucking buffer, not your enemy.

2bh I just wanted to post the vid of the girl sticking a hotdog up her snatch.....the whole pseudo-moral posturing bullshit is just so I don't get banned

The video is food related. You'll be aight

Enjoy Jamal as your cellmate bitch.

I got no priors and my father is a mason. I'll be fine

>lexi belle will never tamper with your food before you eat it.

When I worked at a pizza chain part time during college I never saw anyone fuck with food. But shit happens just as bad. During a weekend rush, sweat is dripping onto your pizza, shit gets dropped onto the filthy floor and used because there's no time. Basically if you're eating during busy periods your food is being fucked with accidently and it isn't preventable.

No one cares about your cat

No. You talk to the manager about the shitty customer, see what they say, and act like an adult. Acting like a petty teenager is pathetic and makes you look shitty.

>I'm actually a sociology student.
Enjoy your useless degree.

waiters are barely human, you can do whatever you feel like to them

Its people like you who are barely human. So i think it is fair to do to you what you would do to them.

>n-no u
That's the creativity of a waiter. If a dog could speak I'd expect more from it than from you

This. If you're lucky the management will rape the waitress.

>facebook is less intelligent than Veeky Forums

. . .

Aren't you allowed to do 10 over the limit as long as the flow of traffic permits it? I always do 40 in 30 zones and I've never been pulled over.

If the cop is really hurting to meet his quota they will still pull you over and issue you a ticket. Generally, in my experience, if you're moving at the same does as the rest of traffic they don't really care.

fuck you, everyone knows that /a/ is exclusively little girls

It is normalfag

>We deserve $15 per hour!
They can't even be counted on to try to be a little less smelly of a piece of shit and target their passive aggressive bullshit on the person that upset them, they decide that every single patron of the establishment be subject to their fuckery. Sort of like Veeky Forums.

photos of lexi eating is my favourite meme

As if higher paid people can be counted on to do their job correctly
face it, there are assholes everywhere, but most of them seem to be in america.

>As if higher paid people can be counted on to do their job correctly


Is this what poor, stupid people tell themselves?

Hellz Yeah! rich people be all rich cuz they born wit it!!

Aint nobody evah work fo they money!

haha its funny because you are edgy, I get it, its soooo funny lol lmao! you should post that on myspace dude! omg >D

Isn't that typically how it works? Their parents can afford to send them to college and to live in an area without shitty influences, so they're more likely to be successful. Also, I don't know if saying "rich people work" is a sensible response to "rich people exhibit negligence on the job".

>what was the 2008 financial meltdown

No, if only because it's illegal.


>always obeying the man

i bet you're a hoot at parties

>Is it ok to fuck with an abusive customers food if you are a waiter/waitress?

No. You have the legal right to eject them from the store or otherwise call the police for disruptive behaviour on the premises.

Messing with their food and the potential consqeunces that entails e.g. food poisoning etc. has direct consequences that could be potentially dangerous. It makes you as asshole as well and you damn well deserve the law to come crashing down on your head for your lack of professionalism and disregard for your own establishments health+safety/professional conduct rules (if you even had any).

Seriously, why are Americans such dickheads?

Are there any videos of him bottoming? If so please tell me where. Forgot his name too so please give that.

I just steal their credit card details.....wait a month or so then post it on the darknet.

Trudeau? I doubt it

obvious staged fake

do unto others, user

you gave up your dignity and integrity when you decided it was okay to fuck with someone's food behind their back like the bitch you are. just something to consider.

Yes. It is.

>I'm going to beat the holy fuck fucking fuckedy fuck out of you
What do?

>I'm actually a sociology student.
>doesn't understand how morality works
Checks out, actually.

>I don't give up my dignity when I sign a work contract

yes you do

Try to talk her down, and if that doesn't work then try my best to fuck her up, or at least make her take a few lumps in the process of fucking me up.

This is assuming I don't have a weapon of my own.

not if you not only got their order wrong, but did so after they told you 3 fucking times and you tried to argue with them instead


"I feared for my life"

Fake and gay.

>All these pictures of Lexi Belle eating.

Now I understand why she got fat.

I don't think they're all from the same day, man.

Yeah come to northern virginia its mostly baby boomers and white mudshark thots

what's a mudshark
is that like those people that go to mud truck rallies


Absolutely not, but I really don't think it's that prevalent, either. I've worked in four restaurants and one fast-food place, and I've never seen, heard of, or wanted myself or anyone else to fuck with a customers food.

People can be paranoid about it though, there was a persistently nuts customer at the KFC who came back every week and would shout and yell, telling us that we'd better not spit in his burger. He can't have believed it was a real threat though, his whole schtick was to show up and complain about food in order to be given free shit.

Nope. Never.

If you want to fuck with them, short the portion size or don't refill their drinks often, but never fuck with the actual food. You might risk your tip, but you're probably not getting much from someone like that anyway.

No, you psychopath. People's food is sacred- or as close to it as it is possible to be in modern society. If you can't understand this simple truth you should, and this is earnest advice, stay as far away from the food industry as possible.

You think screwing with someone's food when they aren't looking is an appropriate response to them being rude, you didn't have dignity in the first place.

>waiter spits in my food
Oh God fucking help me there is spit in my food without me even noticing whatever will I do, oh woe is me. You can all fuck off.

>Is it ok to fuck with an abusive customers XYZ if you are a XYZ?


If you don't want to serve the customer, tell your manager.

t-thats pretty hot..


epic reply

Yes. You just stated that it happened.

Hahahaha you're POOOOOR

the most disgusting part of that vid is when she puts ketchup on the hot dog teebeeaitch laddie

Machines will eventually replace fast food workers, the counter and kitchen people can all be replaced.
I don't know why this hasn't happened yet, maybe t's because some people still like being served by humans but i can see this changing eventually.

I eagerly await that day.

Fast food just needs to die, or morph into something totally different, as I think would be the case if something like what you're talking about happens. At that point companies will be competing to make what amounts to brick and mortar complex vending machines. It'll be interesting to see how much further they can decrease the quality of the food and still have people willing to drive to a location for it. Maybe they'll all be drone delivery or something.