Burgers without cheese are shit

>grabbed pic related without reading the box thinking they were cheeseburgers
>they're hamburgers

how do I cheeseburgerify my shitty frozen hamburgers? I have slices of colby jack that I meant for my turkey sandwiches for work, can I just tear a few of those up? will the top bun come off?

Pop open the vag to vent and squeeze cheez whiz in it.

Just eat them as is. Hamburgers aren't as good as cheeseburgers but sometimes it's nice to have a plain ass hamburger. McDonald's plain hamburger and White Castle are perfect.


also I don't have Cheez Whiz but I have real cheese

cheese is essential

Just cook the damn burgers, peel the bread off, and stuff with cheese, and slap whatever pieces of bread you have left on it.

>but I have real cheese
not if you're american you don't

>tfw no White Castle in your town and you are stuck with the frozen version

colby jack is real

Burgers with American cheese < Burgers with no cheese < Burgers with literally any other kind of cheese

It is not essential.

yes it is
I will fight you

1v1 me IRL bro i will end ur life

come at me bro
burger without cheese you might as well eat a meatloaf with a piece of bread on the side

I think you meant, "come on me bro"...faggot

I think you meant to post on >>/lgbt/ bro
I just want a cheeseburger not gay sex

So you want a bunch of meat in your mouth....? sounds gas as fuck to me brah

Sick burn brah

Cheesefag BTFO
Sperg harder

he said "come ON me" not "come IN me" so it's not gay, dumbass

Buying these the other day was the worst mistake of my life.

return it and get pic related



that's only for saltine crackers

frig off

>microwave hamburgers

I wouldn't care if they have cheese or not because they would go right into the trash without coming close to my mouth.

sorry to offend your refined patrician palate, monsieur

Jokes on you cheeseburgers are degenerate.

>cooking board
>microwaveable american shit in the shape of hamburger.

he's not even fat

>trying to discuss haute cuisine on Veeky Forums, the land of tendies

take your Michelin stars and go back to red d it

>t. fatty in denial

>stomach twice as large as chest

Yeah sure bud.

>haute cuisine

Or just normal food.


sociables and easy cheese are the only combination

Don't trust people who don't like White Castle. Unless they try to tell you that White Castle has good fries.

w8 a second m8 are you seriously asking "how do I place cheese between my bread and meat sandwich?"

If you couldn't figure this out without posting on a russian faberge egg collection board for ideas you might have a serious problem

There's absolutely nothing wrong with white castle crinkle cut fries, you son of a thousand bastards.

My favorite White Castle is jalapeno doubles with chicken rings stacked in between. White Castle is for when you're shitfaced.

Maybe it's just the ones I've been to but I've never liked White Castle fries. They're nowhere near as crispy as I want them to be.

>Pop open the vag to vent and squeeze cheez whiz in it.

do americans really eat this?

do non-americans not really not eat not this?

That, and so much more bb

frig off randy

No, we don't. In fact it's not even for sale in supermarkets should we wish to buy it

Everything absolutely everything about your taste is such absolute shit
Burgers incredibly overrated
Frozen food always trashworthy not as bad as canned food but then again everyone knows that shit is for dogs
Cheese really cheese kek fat globules in america are not even from actual milk for the most part and still to day its a must OMG please just please inject cancer now why wait its for the dake of humanity and save the rest of us from your shitty existence

Yes white trash swear by it same as plain wonderbread

>go to McDonald's
>order cheeseburger
>they ask if I want to add cheese for 50 cents
>receive hamburger

Thesevare always at my grocery outlet. Ive gotten then before and theyre just. Definitely not worth $4-5 that it usually is. Maybe for $2, i have a weird perception on what food should cost. Was just at target looking at lime/chili fritos and the little bag was 3.49 fuck that.

OP here
put Colby jack on the hamburgers
bretty gud


Get cheese?