What's your most creative dish guyz?
What's your most creative dish guyz?
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Bottom chicken will not cook evenly at all.
I don't get very creative with my cooking but a few people have looked like it was an amazing revelation to them with I mentioned I use the last bit of leftover chili as sauce on a homemade pizza.
That's not even how fucking ovens work for fuck sake and shit a brick this is probably what people think of when I mention I like writing.
Also fuck it here's my Dark Souls chilli and lemon cheesecake.
>That's not even how fucking ovens work for fuck sake
Are you saying that it's impossible to cook a chicken by some means other than an oven?
You haven't traveled much, have you? Pic related is common all over Asia, and it yields the most awesome crispy skin you've ever had.
>Bottom chicken will not cook evenly at all.
It cooks extremely evenly. Much more evenly than an oven does. You move the flame as needed to get an even browning of the surface. As you see under-browned areas you keep the flame there longer, and as you see darker spots develop you give those less time under the flame.
Well yeah obviously but the image implies that they think an oven involves a direct flame cooking food when it's actually convection heating it all around.
Also fuck you saying I'm uncultured here's a photo I took in Hong Kong.
Pb & j
Is she going to cook the chicken entirely that way or is she just searing the outside?
I don't see how you could cook it in this manner and not end up with coal on the outside and raw meat on the inside.
>the image implies that they think an oven involves a direct flame cooking food when it's actually convection heating it all around.
You're reading far too much detail into a situation where none exists.
It's simply an example of thinking outside the box. Nothing more. Any more detail than that is all in your own sperghead.
It's usually done to sear the outside, or to get a more even searing in conjunction with using an oven, grill, etc.
I have seen someone cook a whole chicken like this though. It's absolutely possible, you just have to keep the flame a distance away and keep the chicken moving. It's the exact same principle as rotisserie grilling.
Just let me enjoy my autism.
God this series of images triggers me so fucking hard. Especially because I consider myself an artist. Being creative doesn't mean you experience vivid hallucinations 24/7 and dress like Tumblr took a shit on your chest. That coupled with the implication that creative types aren't normal makes me want to reach through the screen and punch the shithead who made these in the fucking throat.
It would seem creativity impairs eyesight.
No she wears glasses without lenses because she is unique
>Dark Souls chilli and lemon cheesecake.
That's fucking stupid
She's just imagining her bland everyday oven is like a magical dragon that can transform food into cooked, you see.
Because she's so creative.
Why not cinnamon? It pairs better with the lemon and still gets you a good red color.
moar plox
get your no-bake swill out of her sperglord
Daily reminder you cant be creative unless you dye your hair, wear glasses, get shitty piercings and tattoos, and vote democrat.
You also can't be creative unless you're casually racist.
>wearing glasses is like having purple hair and having dirtbag ink all over your skin
How many times in the last month have you used "college boy" as an insult?
Buckwheat +coconut +dill +chili peppers +soy sauce.
See this guy gets it.
I think the assumption is something about impaired eyesight from reading books but I'm skeptical I think my eyes are just shit from genetics since both of my parents were short sighted.
To be fair they are a weird trend nowadays.
>there arent people who wear glasses for perceived hipster creds
I wear glasses but I got normal functional glasses because I need them. Not faggoty hipster frames cause I wanna show how down with it I am.
I have functional glasses that I need, but I chose the most hipster fucking frames I could find because I actually like the aesthetic. These are the glasses I have. How much of a faggot am I?
No they're not. What you're confusing for a trend is the fact that the mainstream frame style is acetate which are more striking in appearance than the thin wireframes that were previously the mainstream style. Since flyovers freak the fuck out at any changes in culture, whether it relates to apparel, language, music, or food, the current generation of backwoods hillbilly tards are freaking out at what they take to be a "hip new cuck coastie elitist cutting-edge fashion accessory" even though acetate frames have been basically 90% of the stock at Lenscrafters-tier mall optometrists for years now and actual fashion forward people are now wearing wireframes again.
It's like how flyover fucks are just freaking out now about avocados even though NAFTA flooded even the most isolated piggly-wiggly with avocados in the 1990s. Even a change as trivial as bitching about a change in culture is something that it takes these people a decade or more to latch onto.
It's terribly ironic that a subculture that supposedly reveres 1950s American life is now getting butthurt that an eyewear style common in the 1950s happens to be common today. Apparently the fact that coasties "rediscovered" it before they did outweighs any connection to their favorite decade.
The only acceptable frames are these, if you wear anything else you are a very cool college-boy hipster cuckold and every word you speak literally destroys America one atom at a time. You are basically worse than Osama Bin Laden, Anwar al-Awlaki, Jane Fonda, and Lord Haw-Haw combined.
Cullen skink is a thick Scottish soup made of smoked haddock, potatoes and onions.
This triggers me, since I started wearing thick frames about 12+ years ago when most people were wearing rimless. I've got thick black eyebrows, so rimless looked really stupid, a heavier frame balanced them out. Now everyone tumblrite/hipster has the same damn frames as me, and I doubt even half of them need them.
I think they look nice
i mix a cup of coffee with a couple icecream sandwiches and some fudge and i blend it all
user, people are giving you shit. But the fact that you have something creative to post shows that you're a better cook than 99.99% of Veeky Forums. Thanks for sharing.
I live in London, mate. But thanks for the MUH FLYOVERS meme, whatever you need to make you feel special. I know it's seemingly a pain in the arse to get frames that don't look hipster-y.
I almost want to see how many people I can get a picture of tonight while out wearing said hipster frames but I don't really want a smack in the mouth at the pub. They might break my glasses.
Hell just spend five minutes on the streetwear sub-Reddit and you'll see what I mean.
Cheers, also why are they questioning pairing chilli and lemon that's a bloody no brainer.
Chili and lemon seems weird to me in a sweet context.
I guess London is a 5 years behind NYC, no surprise there
That style of frames is currently favored by suit-wearing finance types, and older folks. Speaking of tumblrinas, I literally work within a couple of blocks of Tumblr itself, and the preferred frame looks like this now.
London confirmed for being a flyover tier city, either that or you're so disconnected from reality that you're mistaking regular working people for "hipsters", probably because you get all of your information on the real world from retarded websites like Veeky Forums and subreddits full of out-of-touch children
Chili and lemon is nice in certain savory dishes however putting it on a cheesecake is just arrogant.
You aren't a 'master of flavor', stop trying to make things that people know are bad ideas into food.
I got admit I never thought of cooking chicken with the fiery breath of a dragon before
Don't listen to him he was pulling a will.i.am and referring to Manchester as London, 'the pub' as '/pol/' and eventually his 'girlfriend' as his cousin.
im assuming most of us get peak creative when we have a bunch of random leftovers right?
Would romance the one on the left.
how is thinking a small dragon lives in your oven and is blasting a chicken with flames thinking outside of the box?
is it not just some bipolar chick drawing a picture to show how she's. not. like. the. other. girls?
They put a fucking dragon in the oven. Dragons don't even exist.
Is that a real FB message? I don't have family on FB, so I can't check.
>impaired eyesight from reading books
Do people really believe that? Have none of them met a book reader?
I had an 11" laptop all through college and it really fucked my eyes. books seems like a stretch but hey, maybe it's really fine print.
>do people really believe that
talk to the eskimos about it my man
The art style pisses me off even more.
>He doesn't want to be with a women because he doesn't like her hairstyle
You sir are the gay one here
Shit on a shingle
>not Veeky ForumsVeeky Forums masterrace
I don't have FB either, but I'm sure it's a real message. Why would FB allow that? They don't want to encourage cousin-fucking.
I took a class from the head of their content policy department, and what I got was that they strive to be as inoffensive as possible. You can't even sell animals on Facebook because they don't want to encourage backyard breeders and the like.
i just puked farther than i can see
Yeah the people that differentiate themselves as a "creative" type often have a shortsighted view of creativity and the world itself.
This kills me because they have this ironically rigid worldview in which their specific rules made you creative, so an inventive engineer could never be creative, while an uninspired artist is something to be worshipped.
whenver I see someone raving about underappreciated engineering on Veeky Forums I just assume it's a neckbeard who thinks unnecessarily complicated and heavy obsolete contraptions are better because you can see the gears and you can fix it with a hammer and a tube of heavy grease
don't bother defending yourself, you could be William Shockley's ghost for all anyone knows. but chances are you're not, you're just a neckbeard who faps to his collection of barely-working Poljot pocket watches and has a poster of an AK-47 on his bedroom wall
One of these days when I can round up enough of my friends i'm going to make this and we will enjoy it. The experience might require a large amount of alcohol and some viking hats.
If the viking hats do play out then it will be mead.
>ordinary people have no neck
what did they meme by this
This seems to be every fucking recipe people share on fb now.
Nobody appears capable of cooking something that's tasty without piling bacon and cheese on it. I like bacon and cheese too but I'm sick of seeing this stupid overuse.
Thanks user.
Get a load of this faggot, he has a neck like some kind of normie!
A lot of creative people are ordinary. Look at any great writer. Most of them were just normal guys who wore normal clothes and did normal things. Roth writes standing up. Big whoop. Nabokov was a lepidopterist. Whooo. This new trend towards symbolically signaling your creativity is nauseating. But then again, you always had the Wildes of the world, so it's not that fair to judge.
Go back to fantasizing about your oven being a dragon Stacy
my name is Detlef, and I am not sure what dragon you are referring to. perhaps you have me confused with someone else
>58 replies
>nobody has shopped her hair black and added a little mustache yet
They look functional, not needlessly thick or anything. That's all they need to be, and if it suits your face, great. If anything I wouldn't call these frames hipster, I think they have a professional look to them, like they'd go well with a sharp well fitting sport jacket or something
>on cheesecake
>great writers were normal people
And you know why they were great? They interacted in the world like normal people with a perception and skill that allowed them to identify and illustrate universal truths about men who are interpreting, internalizing and acting on the transitory externals of their space/time using a new style derived from a clear understanding of the old. That is creativity.
Meh, it's the internet, gotta get used to snowflakes thinking they're better than everyone else.
Once I put half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in my coleslaw
I always knew Chef John was secretly satan.
Once I put, half a teaspoon, ofcayennepepperinmycoleslaw
Most of the west's greatest authors were either insufferable assholes, clinically depressed, verging on schizophrenic, actual scientists, or were born in an area of intense and evident suffering.
So "creative" now means schizophrenic?
>le not like the other girls XD
is that pissaladière?
>ovens don't have a tiny fire-breathing dragon inside of them
Wow, thanks for the knowledge bomb user!
Poutine, but replace the fries with sushi.
Jellied chicken is pretty delicious!
Apparently to be a "creative" person you need to dress like a fucking faggot, wear glasses, and be tripping on LSD all day
Stop stealing tumblr memes user, it's not a good look.
Someone should start a thread with this on /v/.
the 'creative' chick is missing at 20 body piercings and 40 tattoos
my thoughts exactly
>new trend towards signaling your creativity
>new trend
f.a.m. there is nothing new under the sun, new technology excepted
Pic related, it's Salvador Dali walking his anteater
damn, creative people are racist
also note that his anteater is cumming on the ground super hard in this photograph
Have you tried it? No? Then suck a dick. At least you know that flavor.
I thought the first two comics were ironic and making fun of "creative" people, but after the Indian boys one I am no longer so sure. What is the source of those comics?
Haven't tried ginger and scallions on cinnamon buns either, because it sounds fucking terrible.
I feel you bro. Same here
What an obnoxious cunt
it got worse
fun fact, that's actually just a single giant sperm, not a pool of cum
the average anteater is able to produce one every 16 days