How do you make your hot dogs, Veeky Forums? what is the definite right way?

how do you make your hot dogs, Veeky Forums? what is the definite right way?

eet hot dog

make dog hot
put stuff u like on hot dog
consume dog

>what is the definite right way?
Unpopular Opinion: There is no such thing in cooking. There are plenty of wrong ways, to be sure, but there's no one definite right way to make any dish. At the very best, there are some dishes with only 2 or 3 right ways to make it. For most dishes though, there are 5 to 7 right ways to make it. Hot dogs in particular have something like 40 to 50 right ways to make them.

i use to cut them down the middle and put cheese in not sure where i got that. chili is good. bbqed with cheese n chili is the best way. you can broil them in the oven, not too bad. you can toast the bun in the toaster with a little care. I was bubba from forest gump with hotdogs for a while.

I would be okay with this in the Veeky Forums FAQ

I've seen entire packs of hot dogs cooked successful in a coffee pot.

Get fatty pork mince (33-40% fat).
Blitz with egg whites into pork mousse. If, for whatever reason, you don't eat pork, have your butcher run boneless chicken thighs and skin through the mincer for you.
Stir in curing salt, seasonings and cornflour (or potato starch).
Put mousse into pastry bag.
Tie a knot into one end of a sausage casing and place the open end over the pastry bag tip.
Squeeze pork mousse into casing, twisting into links every 20cm or so.
Steam or boil hot dog rope until mousse is cooked through and hot dogs are set.
Hot smoke hot dog rope then cool for storage.

As for how to serve homemade hot dogs, I just put one between bread and eat with mustard.

I like making danger dogs.

It tastes bretty gud

Sounds good but I don't think a Veeky Forums sticky is a good idea. Food is one of the most subjective topics out there. One person thinks spaghetti should be served al dente, while another guy will insist on cooking it to mush, and pour ketchup all over it. That's why this board is the way it is. It's not a specific group, like tv or video games. Everyone eats food, and lots of people have different ideas of what's good.

I think a sticky is still needed, but this should be recognized. The sticky should consist of a short paragraph conveying this idea and what said, go on to cover instructions on basic cooking techniques like boiling water in a pot, sauteing, searing, baking, braising, ect. Finally, it would have instructions on how to make a roux and how to then turn that roux into two or three different simple sauces like gravy or bechamel. And it would have this infographic as the image.

I get a skillet real hot and throw the dogs in, about two minutes a side, rolling them to cook more evenly, then I throw in a 1/4 of a cup of water and cover them, steaming the fuck out of them for another three minutes or so to ensure internal heating. They usually come out pretty good. Also, only use Nathan's.

Slice hot dogs into rounds
Stir into shells + cheese

Step one: Bring water to a boil
Step two: Boil your hot dog for a few minutes
Step three: Put that dog in a bun
Step four: Add plenty of ketchup
Step five: Enjoy!


I prefer mine sliced in Kraft Mac'n'cheese

no. go fuck yourself

I like a good hot dog with the snap from a natural casing. Grilled. I like to go with mustard and either chopped onions or sauerkraut. Chili dogs with cheese and bacon if feeling morbidly obese. Chicago style hot dogs are cool sometimes too. I like how the toppings make it a bit zippy and tangy. Doesn't seem so heavy.

definitely not with that shit

>eating hot dogs ever

usually when I'm stoned I
skewer it
cook it over the open stove burner
maybe put it in a bun
it's really that simple lol