Pizza Party

Do you like cold pizza? Do you reheat pizza? Which way is the best? What is your favorite style of pizza? Do you like pizza to have many toppings or none? What toppings do you like? Do you like messy sauce or little sauce? Do you like spicy or swee? Etc etc

Also, what do you drink with pizza? Cola seems to be optimal.

Dude, Chuck E Cheese pizza is fucking too good for what it should be. And they have pitchers of beer to boot!

By the way...
>The E. is for Entertainment

I eat Chuck's pizza every now and again. It's good pizza, I've always felt like they should expand their operation.

They are quite gangster like, I remember when I was a youth there was much competition, like Major Magic's (where I often went as a youth), Showbiz, and even Ceasar Land

These days pretty much all those places have become long dead or became a Chuck E themselves

It's odd to me how some places will become nothing but ghosts of the past, forever only existing in the minds of those who experienced them and never to be once more

Toaster oven is my preferred technique

i found out that reheating pizza on a air fryer is the best way


What are you doing in this thread you stupid faggot

Chuck E Cheese loads up their sauce and dough with sugar to make it more appealing to kids, that's how it is """good"""

Who gives a fuck

>something is good by using ingredients people find to taste pleasurable

Really makes you think

i dont re heat pizza it makes it taste like rubber

depends on whose comming over to the toppings i choose

go to sides are garlic bread. and fries and drin k

if its a special occasion desert menu: cheesecake

cold,reheated,fresh all are good. sometimes i like many toppings. go easy on the sauce n heavy on the cheese though.

No. Greasy.
Somewhere between the two.
Coke or cider.

I've yet to find a way to make pizza taste like rubber

>Do you reheat pizza?
Yes. I microwave it briefly, then slap it in the oven just to get it a little crispy but not dry.

Anyone else reheat pizza with a frying pan?

Using a frying pan on low-med heat is the only way to go. Maybe add a little butter to the pan for thicker crusts

No homo

i like cold pizza fine, but if you're gonna reheat, you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't put that shit in the oven. it can legit be almost as good as fresh, microwaving it is nowhere near as good

Reheat in an oven set to 350F for about eight minutes just right on the rack.

really wobbles my walrus

Pepsi with my pizza. My favorite pizza is meatlovers with extra banana peppers.

>have a place called Gatty Town, taken there a good bit as a kid by parents, school, or summer camps
>it's a gun store now

good stuff
had a pretty sweet arcade

too much bread.

Why do people think this? reheating pizza in the oven is retarded. That just makes it crispy.

Chucky cheeses has the best pizza on the planet; good thing I live quite close to one so I can get that take out.

Their pizza is cheaply made trash. You can find better pizza and your local pizzeria... Unless you live outside of the US, or the west coast of the US.

spoken like someone who has never had it.

they put amphetamines in the sauce to get the kids hyped up to play the shitty games

you can take out chucke cheese? aw shit nigga

Really tzatzikis the tuna.

Cheap frozen pizza tastes better leftover cold, other than that I liked it reheated. Favorite type of pizza is white pizza with garlic alfredo sauce instead of tomato sauce, mozzarella, Romano, ricotta or feta, caramelized onion, and mushroom.

i never reheat it- i prefer it cold

thin crust italian style for me, less is more with topings imo

pizza + beer is the ultimate combo closely followed by pizza + coke

I love leftover pizza, but of course it's better fresh.
As far as hot or cold goes, it depends on what kind of pizza it is.
As far as the other questions, I'll eat pretty much any type of pizza, as long as it's not frozen or a "meat lovers" pizza. I like meat on my pizzas, but prefer just one kind of meat at a time, plus vegetables. And, I love places that sprinkle herbs and spices on top.

I do it with a hot pan, briefly cheese side down, then on the crust for a while. I ad garlic and basil too. Crunchy and delicious.