Which slice of pizza would you rather have?
Which slice of pizza would you rather have?
I think I'll pass on the ashtray flavor to the left.
Right looks more like a pizza place's pizza but left is probably actually better tasting.
I think I'll pass on the chewy tasteless papa John's Pizza for 5 year olds on the right.
left i guess
Good god neither
Left. You can peel the entire cheese layer off the right one.
They both look like shit.
Right was made by try-hard mexicans...too much cheese shitty crust cold oven
The left was made by slacker armenians... great crust hot oven proper amount of cheese
Left. Both look tasty though.
Left easily. Looks more like a legitimate slice of pizza with proper seasoning sauce and cheese.
Right looks like really cheap kids pizza with low quality cheese, and a really really bland crust.
Only a retard would say right.
I'd eat either, but I'd rather have the piece on the left.
For frozen pizza the right type is infinitely better.
For real pizza though? Always left.
Frozen pizza is always garbage.
left looks better
The right is Cici's isn't it?
the left pizza looks like it was reheated or was overly intimate with some sort of heat lamp.
Flour on the crust means that someone gave a shit about it at some point in its creation though.
why the fuck would you wanna do that you bathyscaph (I misspelled physcopath and that's what firefox gave me so fuck it)?
Naples here: this is a trick thread.
Essentially the left one is purposely less attractive due to poorer lightning and the fact that it looks reheated/has gone cold.
However, the left one is clearly the superior one because the true indicator you should look for when trying to gauge quality, is the crust, and how the dough base looks.
The left one has decent crust and it's "one thing" with the rest of the slice and you can see that the ingredients are more genuine, too.
Neither slice is especially good, but if you answer right OP has baited you into being a retarded american.
Both look terrible.
Negative. Both are, in fact, local places.
>american prefer the one on the left
>some retard shits up a perfectly good pizza thread with a "DID YOU KNOW ACTUALLY IT'S" post
Only a fucking Eurocuck Somali loving Naple nigger would ever stoop this low tsk tsk SAD
ill take both