Oh look, Veeky Forums was wrong again. Fucking fucktards, calling Anthony a cuck. BTFO

Oh look, Veeky Forums was wrong again. Fucking fucktards, calling Anthony a cuck. BTFO.

I thought he was married

No the fat guy is the cuck, old Anthony is an alcoholic who is probably gonna kill himself in the style of Hemingway.

jesus christ, can we have ONE thread without /pol/

I'm fine with that.


>posts celeb gossip pic
>then describes what they're wearing

Is this real life

who the hell is this cuck and why should I care

Anthony Bourdain is the self-declared bad boy of cooking. If you've ever wanted to see someone who wishes they were a rockstar chop an onion like they were doing a guitar solo, Bourdain is the man.


i can't stand his shows. i watch cooking and food shows for the cooking and food. his "muh social perspective" bullshit gets tiring. always some bullshit like that, you know? I want to know details about the dishes and how they're made and what ingredients they use. The overarching people story he always pushes is boring as fuck, desu.

Why are alt-rights so fascinated by this guy? His shows are in flight entertainment tier, nothing amazing nothing terrible, but he seems to really push the wrong buttons with the "I'm an oppressed straight white incel MGTOW" demographic

He's far left or at least has to act like it to keep his CNN show.

i thought alt right hated him and it was liberals who suck his dick

hes a fuckin alcoholic

Yeah, that's exactly what I mean. Alt right is fascinated by him, and think he's part of some vast liberal conspiracy to kill whitey. As far as I can tell it's entirely based on the fact that he goes to places and enjoys food made by nonwhites? My god he must really have a serious case of white guilt, if he was proud of his race it would be the McChicken.

He was just like every dude bro in his way to fame. He appealed to everyone and when he got comfortable, he revealed his shitty politics.

In fact, he's a self professed glorified prep cook

They hate the fact that a guy who can write and speak in coherent, witty and erudite English language recognizes that homo sapiens are just that and deserve respect. Nothing wrinkles the small ball sack of an alt-righter quicker than that.

>used to watch his show a lot because food network got tiring with competition shows
>thought he was okay
>in one episode starts talking about how he's a peaceful guy and doesn't like guns
>in another episode he's stabbing a pig in the side with a spear
>says lab-grown meat is something to be afraid of, it's "the enemy"
it feels disappointing that popular celebrity chefs aren't amazed with lab-grown meat. anthony bourdain started looking like a closed-minded dinosaur to me after i heard him say those things, it was kind of sad for me. especially since he probably thinks of himself as not being that way.

nigga theres some old ass british dude on bbc or some shit that travels around and learns recipies then recreates them in his own kitchen and shows you how

thats 1000x more interesting than, "muh social justice"

bourdains detroit episode is the best example of why his show is so boring

>Asia Argento
>she's real cheese people

>can't even enjoy a cheese curd
>deserving of respect

any idea who it is or what the program is called? sounds like something i'd like to watch

That adds up perfectly for Bourdain, so what's the issue.

that be Rick Stein my nigga, yo

He's a cuck because, personal politics aside, his ex-wife openly mocked and humiliated him while he paid for her to train with big black male MMA trainers.


>his race

He's a Jew, not white

Bourdain is a JEW. That's all that matters. He hid it pretty well, but it was a mystery how his fairly mediocre writing got him to superstardom. Jewish nepotism, every fucking time. I bet he sucks at cooking too.


>ordering chicken eyes on a stick from a squinty eyed lady and eating it, without shrieking autistically about gutter oil or we should have dropped more nukes = "muh social justice"
this is what /pol/ ACTUALLY believes

why the fuck are they describing the clothes? nigga can't you see the picture?

This. What happened to MMA waifu?

i noticed that as well. it must be in some stupid fashion mag like vanity fair

Well said. I like him because I happen to be another aging New Yorker who agrees with most of his opinions.

>implying Asia Argento hasn't spent the last 15 years getting fucked in every hole by every decent looking dude in Italy

ur welcome user

Just look at her 5head

>Ex-druggie, currently-alcoholic faggot and a daddy issues cyber whore
Match made in heaven

>daddy issues

Anyone that would get with Andy has some SERIOUS daddy issues.

Poor girl.

femanon here. would bang both of them.

he tweets about trump and dumb altcucks

Wait wait wait...

Anthony Bourdain pretends to be relevant these days?