How many of you dabble in the dark arts? I generally make a Rum from 32 oz of fancy molasses and approx 8-9 lb of sugar. to 5 gallon water.
Other times I do enjoy making wine. or beer.
Any One ?
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I have a couple 5L glass jugs, what'd be the easiest way to make some shitty wine or mead with these?
Get a decent airlock, and learn about brewing and fermenting. Good focus is on beginning, and ending specific gravity Shitty is easy but why shoot for that unless you are going to distil it.
I can't burn down my house just yet, I haven't paid it off and I secretly haven't been paying my homeowners insurance.
As soon as It's paid off, I'm making a big still in the garage and become a crazy old man like popcorn
I would suggest you never try then. Some people just aren’t smart enough to do simple task. What will you do when SHTF
Dam now I sound like the old guys that I used to ask to teach me.
How do you know when the methanol stops and the ethanol starts coming out? Is there a formula?
Yes you can go to sites like I run a 15 gallon with temp sensors. you can see the boiler temp increase once you learn it. I generally toss my first 100ml then test proof and taste test.
My wife was very happy one day because we started and finished a koi pond. Then she discovered that it was to cool my condenser. Ohh well she got the pond and i have 700 gallons of cool water to pump through the condenser.
I'll never understand this weird compulsion married men have to compromise every single thing they want.
If you wanted a condenser why did you have to justify if through building her a koi pond?
I didn’t have to justify it. I just needed to not waste large amounts of water. Koi pond was my solution, and the family enjoys setting back listening to the waterfall.
mead is balls easy, there's a reason why it's an "ancient" beverage and it's because you can usually get away with literally a loosely-covered vat of honey water until it stops foaming.
but is right, you're never going to beat 10 dollar vodka handles for just fuck my shit up senpai.
to do it "right" you just need an airlockable container, honey, water, and even bread yeast will work.
So far just things like juice concentrate and blueberry syrup.
Soon to grow and dry my own woodworm to make absinthe, to test the controversial issue of if it has an actual different effect than alcohol. To the doubters, there is much new research into the thujone contents (from properly grown and dried wormwood) and effect of the bouquet of spices that give a different effect.
I've found wormwood in asian stores and mexican stores if you are trying to find some.Its usually packaged in cheap cellophane with a cardboard label.
I only get fresh blackberries in my area so I have always used concentrates as well. I fell for making rum because its so cheap and easy. Haven’t looked into absinthe. Please keep us informed of your progress.
No, I've heard from the anecdotal experience of a current personal absinthe maker that it must be grown yourself (semi important) and dried yourself (the most important). He stated that improperly dried wormwood that was even two days off made the batch bunk, not to mention buying commercial also has to deal with storage times as well.
I'm still skeptical about classic 1800s impressionist absinthe, but I'd want to do it right to make the determination for myself.
I generally get a gallon of 80 proof per run. I use a turbo distillers yeast that can handle ABV's up 15% It cost me about 10.00 US
I have a jackson crossflow still in my kitchen I use like a coffee maker. 400 liters of sugar wash makes a lot of vodka.
I'm jealous of this
Absolutely gorgeous. The pic I posted was a stock image I cant get the terminal to accept pics from my phone, but its what I modelled my column and condenser from. The column has an internal SS 1/4 inch x 20 inch coil to regulate temp. I use my pond pump to force the water through it and the condenser. It connects onto a Keg. I built it in 2002 and have had many good times with it.
When the column stabilizes I can get around 93%
Same here. I have gotten so used to it i can regulate it just by feel of the column, exit water, and speed finished product comes out.
hah, I use a pond pump as well with a giant Brute garbage can as a reservoir
Yep, I just put timers on my computer to make sure I don't forget the still is running. lol
That was my method until i built the koi pond
What type of yeast nutrient if any do you use?
Straight up birdwatchers.
that and 2 campden tablets in the water to kill the chlorine. Shit takes off like a house on fire. Done in 5 days. It overheats if you're not careful.
Dam ubuntu and iphone just need to find a way to work together
Crosby & baker fermax. I get from a local speciality brewing company that sell supplies also.Dam I have never tried the method you linked to.
This is what it looks like about an hour after pitching.
Another good syrup i use is Alaga dark corn syrup. Even at high proofs it leaves a terrific malt flavor when taste testing.
Costs about $70 per 300L of 13-14%
Do you propagate you own yeast, or just have a preference you buy. I never could keep a culture. So I just buy.
naw, fuckit. I use bakers yeast. You use an overwhelming amount of yeast in birdwatchers.
115L of water
30Kg Sugar
1326ml tomato paste (8.5cans)
5tsp Citric Acid
380g Yeast
1 tsp Epsom salt
2 campden tablets in water
That's my recipe per vat.
Im glad I started this thread. Pretty much I found a method. Liked my end product and have stuck to it for recreational use. So I haven’t tried to many other methods.
Same here, really. I read a shit ton on forums. Settled on a system people said worked well and I stuck with it because it worked well and was super cheap. My still can make artisan extractions, but I pretty much make shit fast, cheap and out of control.
The metalwork was probably the craziest shit I've ever done.
You did that? Looks great.
Im gonna start a batch right now lol. Great work BTW. Im Feeling like a Student.
It was fun as shit, but a lot of hours.
My liebig was made from two different types of copper. The internal was cooling tube copper that I creased with a wire cutter so the fluid would bounce around inside, the rest was standard plumbing copper.
Worth the enjoyment
Also a nice specimen.
had a bit of a copper shitfit back in 2014.
Have you ever tried using tums in your wash?
That's a triple coil and it didn't work for shit. They call it a coldfinger after you put the pipe down the middle. The flow was terrible.
Citric acid... Are you using a concentrate or a powder
It's a crystal. so I guess concentrate.
That is a first for me.
So a powder not a liquid concentrate
It's ugly, but it works. This is the final draft.
Yes, I suppose. Sorry.
Mine is just as ugly. Functionality was the goal.
I had to cut apart my jackson crossflow condenser to jam a bunch of copper mesh into it to make it more efficient, so it could knock down 2600watts of 3 inch vapour.
I have 14 inches of SS packing.
When you can make booze that doesn't have methanol or lead in it, do THAT.
nice. Does it reach equilibrium quickly? I have a really long column that takes time. SS has a low specific heat capacity, but does it work well?
Took it to a friends on day. His wife and teen age daughter came home and the daughter saw it and we told her what it was. She ran in screaming.. Momma we all going to jail!
My column is 42" x 2.25 so it doesn’t take long. I have never tried copper so I cant say if it works differently. But It is cheap. non soaped SS scrubbies are easy to find.
That sounds just about right. Compact and efficient.
My brother designed it. He is a mechanical engineer. Im a mechanical Tech. I can Fab anything. He crunches numbers, but as rednecks we find ways to make anything useful.
Only thing I can recommend is if you're using electricity as heat, coat the entire still in insulating foam. If not, don't sweat it. Your bro designing it is pretty cool though.
Propane burner, I live in the sticks and cool it with my koi pond. LOL This thing has worked well for me for 15 yrs so Im happy.
Made some Brandy a few months ago. I messed up the mixture on the wine tho it came out with a certain twang. And it seems like every person I gave a jar to ended up beating someone.
That's so cool. You don't boil your kois?
You made Angry Juice?
No 700 gallon of water with the waterfall acting as a chilling tower keeps my condenser water jacket around 65F This time of yr
As jim tom would say you put a fight in every jar.
Did you remind her that snitches get stitches?
That'll do it. Nice. I have 1/10th of that for runs.
Saves water, and I built from dare to say junk burried and landscaped into the property.
Using this calculator I chose 5 Us gallon. followed its measurements and came up with 1.093 to 1.095 with my hydrometer. at 68F. Good link. Ill test ph shortly but seems fine.
There's this thing called "win-win" involved. You wouldn't understand it, apparently. This is why you're single and should stay that way.
The problem is that mead tastes like a musky nutsack.
I used to play bass for Musky Nutsack.
This was the terminal point of the triple coldfinger. The flow was just too restrictive for the pond pump.
I was super proud of this metal work, but it didn't work worth a shit.
My condenser is 7/8 copper with a 2"jacket so no real restriction until you hit the internal column coil so i have to use pressurized water source for it, but it uses very little water when the system is balanced correctly.
when you have things balanced to temperature you don't need much cold water.
This is the inside of a boka reflux still. That copper pinion is where the distillate is reintroduced to the column.
Why bother with coils when you can just cover a smaller tube with a bigger tube and have the most surface area possible surrounding to cool the inner column?
Because coils have a much larger surface area than what your picture shows.
It's basically surface area vs temperature vs. heating element wattage. You need to be able to cool or "knock down" the vapour you send up a column.
Well the birdwatchers brew is fermenting quickly... Keep ya posted and TY U never tried this method before. I still love my molasses rum tho