Whats the best thing i can make that only uses 2 ingredients?

whats the best thing i can make that only uses 2 ingredients?

saffron and edible gold flake

Steak & kosher salt

Prime rip and truffles

Chicken and rice

Toast and your choice of spread

ketchup and mustard

My dick
Your pussy

lobster and melted butter

creamed shit with piss au jus

sushi and a beer

Cereal and milk

With that logic I could just say beef Wellington and a beer

Fucking dumb faggot

i wouldnt count as beer unless it was used in the sushi preparation process



pizza and a beer

Perhaps guidelines would have made this thread more productive.

lasagna and a beer

hamburger and a beer

two beers

Vodka and orange juice

2 beers

a beer and a beer

Solid beer and liquid bread.

whiskey and a beer


How the fuck did this get past the spam filter?


main course and a desert

Lettuce + Balsamic Vinegar

Either a pipe and a pancake or a smoke and a flapjack.

two bears

*tips pretentious chef hate

fire is an ingredient



Pork chop pan seared with butter. If you are not counting the butter as an ingredient add 2 smashed cgarlic cloves and braise the chop in butter and garlic.
Don't burn the garlic but mix it in with the butter.

Blitz and a bong?

Rice and tuna master race!

its a tool

butter and corn

A noose

fucking filthy