What do you like on your raw oysters?
I like mine with a spicy mayo sauce and crispy fried shallots.
What do you like on your raw oysters?
I like mine with a spicy mayo sauce and crispy fried shallots.
Sriracha and lemon.
either squeeze lemon or dash of hot sauce
Horseradish, lemon, and a dash of vinegar hot sauce like tobasco
Depending on the oyster I either it it straight off the shell or on a saltine.
I swear these threads only exist to torture me.
What's a good company to order live oysters from for a flyover? I had some Rhode Island oysters shipped to me once but they honestly weren't that great.
Nothing. Stop ruining them.
depends what part of flyover
if youre in iowa you cant win
You have to have them right at the coast when you know they are fresh
I live in central Texas and won't eat any seafood unless I go down Port Aransas
Nothing but a touch of lemon.
Hog Island Oyster Co. has beautiful, briny, amazing oysters, but they only ship fresh oysters in December. I go to their oyster farm every year for my birthday and take along champagne and sit at their picnic tables in the chilly ocean breeze and eat freshly harvested oysters and champagne until I can't eat any more.
oysters, snails, clams are literally the only meme foods. They taste like ass hole but cost 5,000 dollars. Pretentious garbage folks.
i like them in the trash where they belong
>Uncultured swine
Childish pleb
>slurp down without even chewing or tasting
mmmm so delicious
fuck oyster eating faggots
I can get oysters for like £0.50 each and I live in London (expensive city 50 miles from the coast)
I am audibly laughing at this, why are you so mad at someone eating oysters? Hahah
lime and salsa huichol, anything else is sacrilege
Breading and hot oil.
A hearty amount of horseradish mixed with cocktail sauce.
Delish af senpai
Are you okay user? Do you need someone to talk to?
Surely someone will ship oysters everywhere. Even on the coasts you get oysters from far away. When I was in Melbourne most oysters were from Tasmania or somewhere in South Australia. Here in Vancouver you get local oysters and ones from the east coast. So I'm sure there will be companies that ship them to flyover states as well.
In Melbourne I would go eat oysters almost every weekend cause there was a market selling them for $1.50 or $1.25 each. (there were ones for $0.75 but they looked tiny)
I wasn't even that big of a fan until I lived there for half a year and would eat them all the time.
>let's put the oyster's mass in toppings on the oyster to hide the oyster
for fuck sake oysters are not a delivery mechanism like a saltine
And neither is coating sushi in some pasty wasabi-soysauce mixture
There are many companies that ship live oysters overnight. It's just very expensive and the quality of oyster farms varies quite a bit.
Mignonette or go fuck your mother
Squeeze of lemon juice and a nice cold pale ale to sip on.