>show about food cultures
>wastes over 60% of episode on political propaganda
Why do US food&cooking shows do this?
>show about food cultures
>wastes over 60% of episode on political propaganda
Why do US food&cooking shows do this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>on CNN
what did you expect?
also bourdain is cuckoo liberal who loves talking about how much better and smarter he is
He lost his way. Dude was supposed to be the Hemingway or Hunter S. of food. Now he only has his team find some hipster food joint and expand on anything ironic he can dig up during his week in town.
No Reservations was great though.
What this thread will be about:
>waaah someone has a passport, that's treason
>waah someone at some food that was alive when you kill it, virtue signaling!
>waah I'm addicted to fentanyl and unemployed, can I rave about shitskins too?
>mommy mommy make the mean college boy elitists stop making me feel confused and alienated, this is why trump won
Also, nothing actually about food and cooking
>No Reservations was great though.
Tony + Nari in S. Korea
Tony was /ourguy/ until he flipped the switch on his personal politics and that's the way it goes when you move from alky tv host to half assed journalist.
Great episode. It made me want to try kimchi so bad. I think he reconnected with Nari in PU. It's a shame that time sort of beat her down and her qt schtick didn't fit her age anymore.
he thinks he's hot shit in a champagne glass
The alt-right gets their panties ruffled and their tiny dicks shrink even more when they see and hear someone treating homo sapiens who speak different languages, have different skin tones or (gasp) worship different mythological figures than the crucified jew as human beings deserving respect. Add in the fact that he can form coherent and witty paragraphs and to them he's satan incarnate.
They probably took this premise to a number of networks and CNN, looking to diversify their programming, bit the hook.
As a result the premise turned into a sort of a BBC-esque mini doc on a region of the world as told through food. Pretty clever.
Didn't he "flip the switch" when he and his film crew literally got bombed out of Lebanon?
but he's really cold diarrhea in a dixie cup!
>Tony was /ourguy/ until he flipped the switch on his personal politics and that's the way it goes when you move from alky tv host to half assed journalist.
Most episodes, even in No Reservations/The Layover, had him wander into the political/racial situation of wherever he was. You might be thinking of A Cooks Tour, which sucked.
he never looked comfortable when he couldn't talk about how much the right suck. the lebanon episode gave him the go ahead
Man it's on CNN. That's the deal they probably made him-- oy vey you can have your show back after your blew Travel Channel's patience, Anthony, but only if you shill up our talking points during your travels.
In the end he polarised himself. It's just like comedians who were genuinely ok with everyone and they spout their anti-whatever bullshit ad nauseum and it ruins their image.
He was going to pledge his allegiance and ride the Turner broadcasting agenda sooner or later.
NR was food culture first and whatever he wanted to muse on later. He has a definite political and racial agenda that he has to push when visiting a country or city. And stuffing his mouth is our only break from it.
Also that Zach dude, his camera man, literally stole his style from movies like Lost in Translation. I didn't realize it until I watched it again earlier this month.
zamboni? that guys a chill bro.
>everything I don't agree with is "propaganda"
you fucking backwoods people that don't want anyone calling out shit are such sensitive snowflake bitches. get over yourselves for christ sake. like a clutch of women in a knitting circle.
Is anyone really surprised? Even putting aside his views on Muslims, he's not exactly a cultured man. His view on decoration is 'plate it in gold and slap my name on it!'. He's a toddler with a sparkly crayon who's learned to spell his own name
well he is jewish.
we're not talking about Trump.
he's more cultured, civilized and intelligent than any of the trailer park Mississippi gomers on Veeky Forums. How many you garbage pail fuck ups have even read his book?
It's not calling anything out anymore. It's incessant whining day in and day out.
Everybody is crying about being deprived of something everywhere you turn. By all means enjoy that bullshit.
Iran episode made me very disappointed. They are biggest foodie culture in ME,biggest producers of saffron,great lifting caviar industry and unique preparations of bread products. Also whole bunch of different ethnicities with different cuisines and still he wasted majority of episode on some libtard journalistas and spitting on Iran mullahs.
again it is on CNN.
Ah projecting, it's how to say "I know you are but what am I" only more passive-agressively.
>not understanding what projecting means
Cause Anthony is pretentious and think he's a deep writer.
Where do you get that from? He never said he was a great writer, in fact he often says the opposite. Same with his cooking ability.
He never said he was a great writer, he never said he was a great cook. These people are fucking fundamentally fucked up human beings. They're just jealous a dipshit like Tony can make it when they couldn't.
I don't think I hate any group of people more than I hate jealous, sucky children that are envious. They could fall into a wood chipper and I'd just drink a beer and watch.
I think it's a novel take. I think I've learned more about foreign politics and culture through food than through actual content on foreign politics and culture. It's similar for many people
i realized i don't hate him cause he's a liberal. i hate him cause he's an asshole new yorker.
>Had a long flight and watched the Vegas episode.
>Never seen shown before, but seen lots of adds.
>CNN logo already has me upset
>First 10 minutes criticizes Vegas as a city that preys on the weak due to the evils of capitalism.
>Decide to watch Xander Cage instead
That makes you such a great person.
It's a personality driven show. It's not about food cultures. It's about putting Bourdain in a variety of different places so he can do his thing for the camera. And because he's a former chef food will be one of the main topics. But the guy is also a Northeasterner who has lived his entire adult life in NYC. His wordlview is typical for a New Yorker his age. The only part of the city where he'd be something of an outlier is Staten Island.
It shouldn't be a surprise that a personality driven show about an older New Yorker projects the views most folks in New York have. If you don't like it don't watch, and don't come to New York. But there's no way to shake the New York off Tony, because he's New York as fuck.
t. a New Yorker
Like most people here, you're an intimidated, undereducated piece of shit that reacts to anyone with this 'hate' because you know you're fucking filth that doesn't do anything.. I just wish you people would keep it to yourselves.
try gordon ramsay's videos. he's got some great food culture clips.
Meh. I don't care about the political propaganda.
I've just grown to dislike Anthony bourdain over the years. I can't stand it when he talks to people. I just want to hear him describe food. That's all.
>Why do US food&cooking shows do this?
A better question is why does OP think that Parts Unknown is a cooking show?
Fuck, it's on CNN. Not the food network. And Bourdain got his start in TV doing travel shows for the fucking travel channel. All of his shows have been about travel first, food 2nd.
>people here unironically watch any other channel besides the food network
I want any fag that does this to leave.
>All of his shows have been about travel first, food 2nd.
This. And the political views he puts across are those you'd expect from someone who enjoys traveling the world, meeting new people and tating their cooking. If his politics annoy you maybe Domesday Preppers is what you ought to be watching.
Parts Unknown isnt about food anymore though, thats why its on CNN. Food is just a tie in for the series unlike No Reservations. You came into it expecting something wrong.
>Great episode. It made me want to try kimchi so bad.
The episode of him in Uruguay with his brother Christopher was also good.
I'm well travelled and have friends on every continent, but I'm not a fan of many left wing ideas. Not everything is so black and white.
Food Network isn't very good now. They have a lot of celebrity chefs who are competent but not as good as the people they used to have. I was watching one and she said nobody liked what she was about to make, but she made it anyway. And the competition shows are boring. The only thing I ever watch anymore is Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives because I like to see food from different places.
If you have the "Create" channel, they don't always have cooking shows on but the ones they do put on are usually good.
>there's no way to shake the New York off Tony, because he's New York as fuck.
what's that even supposed to mean?
californian here
A license to be surly, just like you have a license to be annoyingly liberal.
hes a fuckin alcoholic
His accent, his mannerisms, his choice of words when he speaks, his attitude, etc, are thoroughly ingrained with NY style.
This. Also the self-confidence that sometimes across as arrogance, the forwardness with which he expresses his opinions, the borderline tough guy act, the love of rock music that leans in a punk direction, the history of drug use, the level of alcohol consumption, and his lack of tolerance for anything he sees as boring or mediocre... These are all pretty typical for a New Yorker of his generation.
I'm really disappointed in the direction he's taken despite agreeing with him on a lot of things. Same reason I stopped reading Cracked years ago, it's like people forget that they started doing what they do primarily to entertain/inform.
Pathetic. You're much worse than those you seek to ridicule.
There are people who don't agree with your shitty beliefs. Try to handle it like an adult for once.
Anthony bourdain is just another ex-crack junkie liberal who thinks he's "enlightened" and wants to enlighten all of us ignorant plebs.
The truth is, Bourdain comes off as big of a racist bigot as anybody.
The bull shit stereotypes bourdain has about south east asians is hilarious... especially when he thinks he's praising them.
>Anthony bourdain is just another ex-crack junkie liberal who thinks he's "enlightened" and wants to enlighten all of us ignorant plebs.
>The truth is, Bourdain comes off as big of a racist bigot as anybody.
I wonder if he has any fucking self awareness when he tries to wax poetic but instead spews a fucking diahreah of cliche stereotypes.
I wonder why you take this so seriously.
>The truth is, Bourdain comes off as big of a racist bigot as anybody.
American liberals thinking they will "save the world" need to fucking kill themselves.
>these replies
You 'people' know that reddit also has cooking boards? And if you post pictures of your nigger faces you'll probably get some free stuff too.
Think about it: his shows are kind of cushy dream jobs compared to being a chef and writer. He makes piles of money to travel around the world with a film crew while spouting off whatever the fuck is on his mind. And you know what years of a gig like that will do to you? Make you soft and a little boring. Hard enough to keep your edge as you get older anyways, but being rich and having a cushy job has turned him into a dull guy compared to his former self.
I love when they have episodes where he has to shoot a gun.
You can see his internal reeeeeeing
Veeky Forums failing to match up with the sensibilities you expected? Maybe you'd feel more at home on /pol/ or /b/.
>having a job you like makes you boring
rationalization: the post
>this is why trump won
>implying this isn't why trump won
Keep losing elections fampai.
>mfw when the alt-right ridicules someone for being a racist and bigot toward people of other cultures
user you quoted here. I won't bust his balls for getting rich on a cushy job, but I will say I just don't enjoy his work anymore. Sort of like when a band changes their sound to appeal to a different audience, I'm just not in the target audience anymore. Still have the memories I suppose. Smiley face.
Having a cushy, high paying job takes your edge away. Part of Tony's charm was that he was just a little street. You could tell he'd worked really hard during his career, and that some of the jobs he'd worked at were shitty. And when he got the chance to be on camera you could feel the hunger for his new career in entertainment. What has he done since then? Basically make the same show again and again on different networks. Great way to get rich, but not a good way to keep your edge. And that edge was part of his appeal.
Same here.
>The truth is, Bourdain comes off as big of a racist bigot as anybody.
He has no self awareness at all.
> Merican liburls worship bourdains shallow as fuck opinions
You know why we make fun of you 'merican travellers so much?
What food shows on Netflix are actually worth watching?
Hard mode: No Good Eats
When did this board become tumblr?
>i wish people didnt express their own personal beliefs and feelings
just stop
You hang out on tumblr? What a fag.
Clearly I'm already there
You do seem out of place here. May I suggest /b/ or /pol/?
I'll just stick around to annoy you until summer's over and you have to start highschool
Dude, I'm 49.
Boomer, that's even worse
The fact that you think he's not Hunter because he goes into politics means you haven't read anything by either person.
Another old guy here just checking in to say you're an idiot. Not a Number 8 Cylon, but definitely older than you.
X'er, actually.
Never been there. You seem to know about it so why would I belong there? Because I have an opinion contrary to the alt-right? Thanks, I'll stay here which was leftist long before the sturmfags crawled out of from under their rocks.
>of food
Maybe you should take your own advice and try reading for a change.
Food politics? Are you retarded?
You need to work on your kuso miso technique.
>kuso miso
Did you mean to type that or did your dangling man boobs touch the keyboard?
My my. New here aren't we.
Who here
>A Cooks Tour
Lotta womyn on this board.. remember.
I have. It was fun because it was about food, alcohol, drugs, getting laid, and restaurant insider tips... you know, the reasons why No Reservations was so good and his newer stuff with him being a pseudo-journalist blows. Was bringing up his book supposed to help your case?
show isn't really about the food user
its about life/culture in a certain area and food is just a backdrop
>The diversity of the world's peoples and cultures is so wonderful, it's what makes humanity so great and interesting
>Everyone must blend together until we all look and think exactly the same, it's the only way to defeat prejudice
It's understandable that one might simply pay lip service to such ideas in order to gain status, but there are probably a few people who actually believe this. So bizarre.
It's a New York thing. Having people from all different cultures around you gives you access to the good things from those cultures, particularly their food and music. You see living in a cosmopolitan place as a good thing.
>Everyone must blend together until we all look and think exactly the same,
It's kind of the opposite of that. It's enjoying all the different shit different people bring to the party. The party just happens to be the city where you live.
the show isn't about food as much as his previous shows, don't be a retard
t. guy that doesn't like Parts Unknown
NY is squalor as well. It's not like everyone immediately knows all the best places.