>I'm a shitposting faggot who claimed that mayonnaise was a meme
>After several Euroanons said American Mayo is shit I decided to look for some higher quality mayo
>Just had it on some beer brats
>Slightly Tangy, Vinegary, and sweet
>pic related
I was shocked by how good it was. Mayo is no longer a meme sauce. Please do yourself a favor and try some Hi-quality Mayo.
>non-gmo verified
Certifiably a meme
>I decided to look for some higher quality mayo
Why this instead of making your own?
good mayo can be nice, but it's still too bland to put on everything
maybe on eggs or with fries or a burger, but that's about it
kill yourself pig disgusting american
Good to know you're fat, OP
American mayo is disgusting
Polish majonez is a fantastic topping, especially Polish ketchup. Love to mix those two together and dip my fries in to it
All store bought mayo is crap.
Make your own, it's cooking 101.
It wasn't bland at all
i only have vegetable and olive oil
I didn't say bland, I said crap.
Get egg, mustard, white vinegar, salt and pepper. And vegetable oil. (For regular mayo. You can add any spice and condiment to make many other sauces with a mayo base.)
Best mayo
it tasted good as fuck and I hate mayo. you probably never tried it be honest
Please don't ever try Belgium mayo in public. You'll cum buckets.
Best mayo coming through anything else is for fat neckbeards
>Sauteed potatoes
>Hamburger (combined with any and all other condiments and sauces)
>Cold cuts
>As a basis for dip
Hell no
>tangy, vinegary, and sweet
shit sounds like miracle whip
where the fuck would I even get that shit in America?
That is literally the mayo of choice for weeaboo neckbeards. Pot.kettle.black
My bill cosby. Kewpie is the best mayo.
I'm sure the concept of importing goods is known to American entrepreneurs
>non-gmo verified
Mayo for literal faggots.
I already said burger and I agree that it's a decent base for better sauces, but smothering sandwiches and cold cuts with mayo is extremely pleb
not the reason I bought it. I'm proud to be a faggot. cause it taste boss
Annoying post, but that brand of mayo is legit great. Mayo fans should try it
I tried a bunch of pre-made mayo, they all tasted of preservatives and texture enhancers. I'm sure OP's one is good for a jarred mayo, but it's not mayonnaise, it's "jarred mayonnaise".
Home-made mayo keeps 2 or 3 days in the fridge. It's an emulsion of raw egg yolk, it's not like you could possibly store it in a jar without completely changing the base idea of the product.
Seriously, try making some, it's not too hard and it's a whole new world.
there ketchup was bad
For me it's Duke's.
can you make it with your hands. I have no machinery
mayo was never a sauce for me but a spread
No, absolutely not. It has only existed since the introduction of the blender. If you have a bowl and whisk you can make it, but you better have more forearm strentgth than you obtain by pressing keyboard buttons.
Yes. You need a whisk, a manual does the job. It's possible with a fork, but it's significantly harder.
It's no harder than having a wank.
>sour grapes because anybody would choose non-gmo over gmo if money wasn't a factor
>flaunting poverty so brazenly like this
This is the real meme
What oil you use
All ingredients at same temperature (get yolk and mustard in bowl at room temp beforehand).
Add oil even slower when whisking slower (manually) : add a spoon of oil, whisk, add a second spoon, whisk, etc. If it's too liquid, whisk more before adding oil.
Once you've added enough oil, you can start pouring it faster, but still not too fast.
You can replace mustard by mustard (I use Dijon because it's what we have here, use whatever taste good to you) and lemon juice by vinegar. I usually skip the vinegar since it fucked my mayo once.
If you fuck up, it'll be liquid and shitty. It happens every now and then, especially for beginners. It's not hard per se, but a failure will be very failed.
Something neutral in flavour, not olive oil.
Hell yes. Duke's master race!
Christ what an unfortunate looking girl
>thinking there's any difference
>wasting money because you were brainwashed by propaganda aimed at suburban soccer moms
GMOs are more environmentally friendly, same thing as non-organic foods. They are also less expensive. Are you worried that the DNA will get you?
I would strongly suggest using a machine whisk. You can do it by hand of course but if you can choose a perfectly even and quick-paced whisk that also does not wear you out, why wouldn't you. Machine whisks are not very expensive, you should be able to find one for around 25 bucks.
Once you crack the mayo code the world of splendid brunches and breakfasts lie before you. If you can make mayo, you can learn how to make hollandaise. If you can make mayo you can learn how to make aioli. If you can make mayo you can learn how to take more personal responsibility for your own actions and shape your life the way you want it to be.
Oliehoorn is best, but I don't know if they have it outside of the Netherlands/Belgium
Recently, scientists have reverse engineered the components of Roundup produced during manufacturing. They were forced into that because of the stranglehold big agri has on the FDA/USDA which permits them to withhold what those are during the approval process. They've found clear evidence of carcinogenic properties of those byproducts. Not only that, but it's a false sense of security since weeds are already developing resistance to glyphosphate.
Ironic that the right believes international megacorporations have their welfare at heart, yet think the "gubmint" is out to do them in. Yeah, when the "gubmint" is owned by those corporations it becomes problematic which is what we see today in the US, but not most 1st world countries.
[citation needed]
you need to go back
Although a little odd to use Trump as the figurehead for properly citing sources and not spewing conspiracies left and right.
>subhuman retards
Go slurp some more fluoride you fucking retards
where 2 get?
got it at whole foods m8.
I rarely use mayonnaise since I am not a cultureless flyover, although I have made it a few times out of curiosity or necessity. But at some point in the last 10 years, I don't recall exactly when, I bought some store-bought mayonnaise in order to make a Tomato Sandwich which I have been told by reliable sources is a Real American™ food, and is required to be made with store-bought mayonnaise, store-bought white bread, and fresh summer beefsteak tomatoes. It is beyond me why anyone would waste a good ingredient like fresh summer beefsteak tomatoes on an abomination involving mass-produced grocery store trashfood, but I am a fearless supporter of cross-cultural exchange and this was part of my mission to understand all cultures, even those without merit.
Of course I do not like GMO trashfood so I bought the Sir Kensington, which appeared to be close enough to flyover mayo that it would be authentic, while not poisoning my body with frankenfoods.
As expected the tomato sandwich was quite delicious. I enjoyed at least two, then tried to decide what to do with the rest of the jar. I couldn't think of anything that didn't disgust me, so I eventually threw the rest out.
Thank you for using a trip.
Filtered :)
Gather around children, and I'll teach you that delusion is the most powerful tool against anything you don't like.
2/10 memeing to hard to take seriously
GMOs have so far saved few billion lives. Most cereal and grains globally are already GMO.
I don't mean to generalize but you strike me like the special kind of person who would rather eat turmeric than take his medicine. Someonw who believes something bad for you that is infinitely diluted is good for you rather than a pill that has things that are good for you in moderate amounts. For you I tell you this: most turmeric is GMO and you still have the same amount of fingers, chakras and meridian lines as you did before you stoooed thinking: 5, 0 and 0.
Go be dumb somewhere else and make sure you never breed. Thank you.
This mayo is good. I should know as a Dutchman. We put this savoury delight on anything
>How would you like your coffee dear
That's selective breeding, not GMO.
Two different things.
>anybody would choose non-gmo over gmo if money wasn't a factor
Wow I've never seen somebody be so wildly wrong before
Lucky fox avoided a nasty grape poisoning.
mayo is just oil spread. shit ass soybean oil spread not even a good tasting oil. only fat people would look at food and think "this sure would be great with soybean oil smeared on it."
>but it has flavoring in it
so why not just use those ingredients without the oil spread? because you're fat. fatty.
Not according to the Monsanto Internet Defense Force. According to the MIDF the ancient Romans utilized PhiC31-INT to inject gastraphetes genes into their garum plants for increased yields as early as 7,900 BCE. This enabled them to defeat the ancient Aegyptians and prevent them from selling earth to the aliens. If you disagree you hate science and want all poors, gays, and minorities to die right now.
>Sir Kensington's marketing team goes after Veeky Forums
Seriously, youre defending this shit like it's your job
I dunno... that black dude doesn't look like he minds what's happening too much.
Goddamn this
Far cheaper and easier than anything you'll buy for a halfway reasonable price. Plus feeling eggs emulsify is gr8
also making your own allows for the use of interesting oils and the like
most of the fancy stuff is merely made using more salt and less obvious texture enhancers/ preservatives
yes, and unless you are a woman or faggot you can manage
look up the principles of emulsion and work out what you are doing
Mayonnaise doesn't contain flavourings. The oil emulsion tastes different than it's non-emulsified ingredients.
Also it doesn't come in a sealed jar like spread. Don't use shit oil you soy head.
Old local saying states that menstruating women will fail to "raise" a mayonnaise. It's bullshit of course, like a lot of medieval superstitions, but women were able to make mayo 3 out of 4 weeks.
I can't find a mayo recipe, but here's what whisks looked like at the time youtube.com
I'd claim to be magically unable to emulsify too if this was the only tool I had.