So this is the power of the American cuisine... damn.....
So this is the power of the American cuisine... damn
>that one faggot who didn't want cheese
Either way, not as good as a varsity dog.
>no thanks, I don't want 6000 extra calories on my chili dogs
>nearly 50 hot dogs for 5 people
Ohio was a mistake
I count 65, based on bun silhouettes and the amount of cheese on each plate.
Then get a salad you fucking fairy. If you're already scarfing down chili dogs, fries, and a soda, the fuck are you doing counting calories?
God damn Jenny Craig mother fuckers.
Jesus Christ, even worse.
>flyover cuisine
Yea, no.
Fun fact, if you eat like this only sparingly, you wont become a fatass.
Just looking at that and i feel like i have a heart attack. Why do people drown cheese on non pizza food? Hotdogs, hamburgers, and burritos for example. You dont even taste the fucking cheese because everything else has a stronger presence and dominates the cheese. Meaning you just get extra calories, fat, and salt. For what purpose?
dont knock it if you've never tried it you fucking faggot
Middle one looks fucking delicious.
Imagine living in a city where the cuisine is so shit that you're just known for your hot dogs.
One cup of shit for manchildren and whore roasties please!
its not the hotdogs, it is the chili with chocolate and cinnamon in it that they are proud of.
Wicked awesome food
>only one hot dog
What a baby.
So what kind of cheese can you get in america? Is it all just that buttery greasy factory shit?
You can get any kind of cheese in America. Not every eatery carries that much variety, though.
American cheese
They take some milk, let it ferment in the sewers for 3 days and rosie odonnell's ass crack for 6, then send it out to the masses.
Can you provide a source for this?
my ass
[spoiler]I'm Rosie O'donnell[/spoiler]
>orders ten fucking chili dogs
>hold the cheese please I'm on a diet :)
>so much cheese its just sitting on the dog and cant be eaten
fuck americans im glad theyre all dying of diabetes
>get an 11th dog
>two chili dogs, onion rings, and a frosted orange
Can only eat it a couple times a year though.
That Skyline chili place...unfortunately I'm not a burger, but I would eat 2 or 3 of those as they look pretty damn tasty...
Everything with the exception of some French cheeses that for some reason the FDA considers unsafe to eat.
This is pig food
how many Americans actually eat like this or consume garbage diets?
the one on the left isnt even edible because of the huge af lollypop
i wanted to try one of these but they cost $3 each
A hot dog is a sandwich
The obsession and jealousy.
I feel like the cheese should have been melted
>"if you're already eating 1000 calories why not eat 6000 more"
>this is literally what americans think
You think a plate of chili dogs is only 1000 kcal?
what a shame
He's probably a Jew.
In case you didn't know in Judaism you can't eat dairy with meat in the same meal.
yanks ITT trying to defend their 'cuisine'
Some people's idea of a treat/cheat day might be a pile of basted pork steaks or a creamy spinach pasta.
Not everybody wants to eat HFCS shaped into food by Kraft and have a load of cheese dumped on it.
Are those just "cheese coney" on the menu or are they supersized loaded versions? cheese coney is apparently 350 calories and 1000mg sodium. Seems like they should be more calories.
a hot dog is a taco
I have no idea what it says on their menu, but the stuff shown in the OP pic look like fairly normal cheese coneys, but there is a fuckload of them. There's what, 5 or 6 on each plate?
There you have it folks.
A hotdog is a taco.
It's skyline. So they do Cincinnati chilli. They put that chili on Coney dogs, but it's going to have that regional flavor. Gold star is better, and at either place a 4 way or 5 way (chili on spaghetti with cheese and onions, beans makes it a 5 way) is the way to go, but both are fast food. The absolute best in Cincinnati are from well established diners, Blue Star I believe it's called is the best in the city.
What is this trying to convey?
That all cultures have examples of shitty food.
Chicagofags have their overloaded chili dogs. Britfags have their toast sandwiches.
That chili is fucking trash with cinnamon and beans.
They eat french fry sandwiches in England. Fucking weirdos.
Can we just call them Hacos?
Ah yes. The famous 'chip butty'
Yeah, it's weird. But so is everyone else.
Talk Dogs
As an English man i am kind of jealous of US food.
I wish we had places that sold massive portions of cheap shitty food.
Just drive up to Scotland and grab a munchy box you fucking wanker.
>So this is the power of the American cuisine...
Is this why 'merican women are so sexy 'n irresistible?
>Is this why 'merican women are so sexy 'n irresistible?
"We got Hella fine biches!"
>Is this why 'merican women are so sexy 'n irresistible?
>Is this why 'merican women are so sexy 'n irresistible?
Except toast sandwiches were literally for feeding invalids. Shartilards eat slop all across their country
>As an English man i am kind of jealous of US food.
>I wish we had places that sold massive portions of cheap shitty food.
What the hell is a chip shop?
I don't think you really comprehend how large our portion sizes are.
I don't think you've ever been to a British chippy. The portions you get are fuckhuge too.
I thought these things originated from Australia.
Some sort of physical shitposting.
Unless you're getting .5 kilo of fish and fries each I don't think it's very close
I have, it's not even close.
Look closer at that image...
Poor cunt moved to America and caught obesity
>the same anons who make fun of Tasty webms for drowning everything in cheese will defend this
Fuck this board.
Fuck you for not liking skyline you filthy foreigner!!!! Shoo
Coastal cuisine is awful. If you want to be a dick you are the flyover state because everyone flies over your shithole to get to the real America where the food and entertainment is jackass.
Fuck off fatty, I'm an American. I just live in a state with actual food instead of the circle of flyover hell known as Ohio.
Nigger please. Your shithole probably calls pigs feet and hogballs fine dining. Don't hate on Ohio jabroni it a not that bad. Michigan is the one true GOAT state though.