why are you eating during the week?

do you want to be fat forever? enjoying your clouded thoughts? take the water pill and only eat on weekends

Other urls found in this thread:


I really recommend one meal a day. On it I completely reversed high blood pressure and prediabetes. You can still occasionally indulge in your favourite foods while still maintaining a deficit and not feeling deprived.

I've been fasting for two days, I'm eating a regular 1800 calorie day tomorrow. I started marinating my chicken tonight. Tomorrow I'll make beans, rice, salsa, and tortillas, and I'll have some burritos.

I've had a stomach virus this past week, and the flu the week before that, so i've only been eating about once every two days, and even then it's about 200-250 grams of food. I've lost nearly 7kgs. You /fag/s might be on to something.

I've been eating one meal a day. I get to eat so much I feel completely atuffed, and then forget about food for the rest of the day. I don't feel hungry during the day. It's great.

I dont eat anything for breakfast or lunch during the week only black coffe, tea and 2 x pieces of fruit. Have a 1000 calorie dinner.

Weekends i eat whatever i want and drink alcohol.

Workout 6 days a week. Keep

I did this for a while and it is fantastic, however now I do 16:8 because I was getting too thin. Once I got used to it, I just couldn't eat enough in one meal to maintain. I find lunch to be a pain in the ass and enjoyed skipping it.

My longest fast was 6 days. I did it more as a challenge than for the weight loss, although I did lose weight. First two days were tough, couldn't sleep, but really the last four weren't too bad. I felt a bit ill in the afternoon on day 3, but that passed.

>not taking the famine pill
Haha you faggots I'm down to 1 inch on my throath diameter

>this past week
Everyone loses that much water/fecal weight in the first week.
You really are a /fag/.

I only fast 1 day of the week and then eat ~800-900 calories for 3 other days just so I can eat well on my days off. It really isn't that hard because I'm always busy at my job so I don't really think of food at all on those days.

Staying busy certainly is the key. When I'm busy at work, fasting is easy mode. When it is slow and I'm browsing Veeky Forums, wew lad


>food and cooking board
>let's have a general dedicated to NOT EATING FOOD
>look i lost 10 pounds in water weight boipucci here I come!!!

get out

Why does everything seem to be about curing "clouded thoughts" lately? Fasting, going gluten-free, dairy-free, etc. is all supposed to cure "clouded thoughts".

Wanting to "cure clouded thoughts" because you believe the globalists are poisoning the water supply with estrogen and fluoride is a form of clouded thought.
They don't even realize it.

Not to mention the gay frogs.

the same crowd tends to be in all of those groups at once and they need to come up with some """legit""" reason for their diet. at least fasting actually helps weight loss. can't say the same for anything else

Can we talk "windows" here?

I'm trying a 16:8 window and I'm liking it. The meals are frequent and big enough for me.

this iw what i do. can go whole day just with some tea or coffee and then have one 1500 - 2000 meal. feels very good to have one big meal. I'm six foot tall and get plenty of walking in everyday, so even at 2000 cal per day I lose weight pretty steadily

So I don't really know the legitimacy of this technique but it's what I've been doing for the last few weeks and it's working really well. Monday through Thursday I pretty much give it all and try to fast as much as possible.

My diet is usually like this:

Morning: 12 oz cottage cheese with some blueberries

drink a shit load of caffeine until 1pm-ish

Lunch: 3 eggs with a shit load of egg whites, probably around a 600 cal meal. it tastes like shit but this has the effect of being more filling than you might expect somehow

few hours later I finish the rest of the cottage cheese container (another 12 oz with blueberries)

then I toss in the occasional slice of cheese or small handful of peanuts. i add brushing my teeth with floss and mouthwash twice a day too which helps suppress my appetite.

You're denying that there's deliberate homo propaganda on society?
Actually, whenever someone says (((Trap is not gay))) or boy (((girl))) / girl (((boy))) I want to punch them in the face

Estrogen in your water supply is not a conspiracy theory, it's a fact. Polluted water mutating frogs into hermaphrodites isn't a conspiracy theory, it's a fact. Here you go, you fucking brainless retards.

Kill yourself.

>posts a fucking youtube video

Where'd you learn the definition of fact from Kellyanne?

It's a BBC documentary on the subject, you narrow-minded, pitiful fucking mongoloid. You didn't even click on the link before responding with a completely non-sequitur Colbert-imitation jab against conservatives, like a robot. What does that say about you? Try watching the documentary.

>whenever someone says (((Trap is not gay))) or boy (((girl))) / girl (((boy))) I want to punch them in the face
same here famalam

>i hate traps
>i'm in a trap starving weight loss thread

I was fasting and now ramadan is over. Fasting is great to be honest, I love the feeling of waking up before the sun rises when the air is crisp. It really makes you appreciate food more and be less of a glutton.

You aren't fasting you're calorie restricting. Important difference.
Fasting and starving aren't the same at all.

Get the fuck out of here Veeky Forums.

If you're eating below your maintenance TDEE, you're starving your body by definition.

As a breatharian I find this board and specifically this thread offensive.

BPA acts as an estrogen mimmicker in men and hyper feminizes women.

Pair that with the pregnancy hormones cows, chickens, turkeys, and other animals are fed in commercial farming operations and you get feminine men.

The women are worse. They begin having severe mood swings, obesity, body odor, lopsided breasts, and overian cysts. That's just off the pltop of my head too.

Look up monsant0 memes for a start.

this is dumb. you're just doing a very low calorie diet.

I'm almost 3 weeks into doing 16:8 and I'm down about 7lbs without counting calories. It became pretty easy after the first few days and I feel like I have a much better sense of when I am actually hungry versus when I feel like eating out of habit or boredom. Over the last week or so I've been pushing back my lunch time so I'm doing more like 17:7 or 18:6 now. I have about 20-25 more pounds to lose, which I'm hoping happens in the next few months.

I maintain my sub-20 BMI by stuffing myself with whole plant foods all day.

Can't wait to be flat


Y tho

Your body uses food

Your brain doesn't work properly when you spend all of your waking hours fucking around in front of a screen. There's zero discipline, zero effort, all instant gratification, it's the mental equivalent of laying in bed all day eating donuts. But people aren't willing to trade the smart phone for a book a couple times a week so they pull out some bullshit about their diet being the problem.

Ok semantics aside I'm saying biologically your body responds very differently between the 2. Im not gonna explain more if no one is interested.

WFPB is pretty much impossible to get fat on i think, unless you eat avocados and nuts all day.

Gay girls having sex with gay girls is not the reason you fail to get any puss, user.


/thread and go back to Veeky Forums

Losing weight by only drinking water is dangerous and it doesn't work. Fact is, there's only one diet GUARANTEED to help you lose weight and get healthy, with no difficult cooking, no expensive programs, and no stupid gimmicks. Why haven't you taken the Grass Pill yet?

>But it's gross!
So? No one asked you to taste it.

>B-But I look silly!
Then eat it out of your own backyard, you goddamn idiot.

>But I keep vomiting after I eat it!!!
Just eat the vomit and it'll stay down, what are you a bloody amateur?

>it's easy to make
>it's healthy and high in fiber
>people will actually pay YOU to get rid of it

Eat like your ancestors did, Veeky Forums. Eat like you're a part of nature. Who /grasspill/ here?

5 day protein shakes + vitamins
2 days protein shakes + vitamins + cheat meal


Psmf is good only if you don't have that much to lose senpai.

ive tried a lot and ive failed a lot. i'm on holidays so i don't need the energy. just kicking back in bed shitposting, playing wow and chewing gum

I get you but a straight water fast is superior in every way

but i want to retain my muscle

Haven't you read any research on water fasting? It triggers a huge spike in hgh and studies have shown it has less muscle breakdown than a standard calorie deficit. You lose fat faster and retain more muscle than standard dieting and it's superior to psmf due to autophagy benefits.

Not finding much research

BASED grass-user

Not-Eating-So-Much-Food Diet here.

100 Pounds Down.
1 Year.

One meal a day < 1300 calories.
Usually eat out every day.
Zero Exercise.

will i lose weight if i only eat fruit and drink water? i've been doing so for the past 2 days whilst jogging/doing bodyweight exercise

Going to try intermittent plus keto. I can't establish a healthy relationship with food, plus I work in a restaurant now so I have no time to eat between lunch and 10pm most days. Eating so late makes me feel gross.
Wish me luck!


I work construction so I do need a bit more energy than another profession

I usually skip breakfast

I Eat a clif bar for brunch then eat a bigger meal at the end of the day
And it works out pretty good

Maybe you guys can help me out how to go over the issue I always have. I don't eat breakfast and only take a piece of fruit for lunch (a banana or an apple) to work. I'd like to push through and not eat on some days but when I get home I'm just beyond hungry and will eat the fucking blender if there's nothing else to eat. How do I change this?

I ran a 10k 24 hours into a fast, is that a sustainable thing to be doing?

What's your diet like?

That sugar boost in the afternoon might be counterproductive.

I've been thinking of fasting. currently doing Keto quite happily, lost shitloads of weight, but i really want to finish burning these last bits of jiggle/love handles.

How quick does fat burn if i'm fasting / how long should i maintain each fast?

For anyone looking for fasting info these 2 vids are a good jumping off point.

I try to maintain this but I get so fucking hangry. Work makes me ravenous. Also I think I'd pass out if I tried to do a full workday followed by gym on zero calories. I'm going to try it anyway, though; supposedly you get used to it.

My routine goal is to basically eat one big meal at like 9-10 PM, get to bed by 11 or midnight, up at 7, work at 8, gym at 6:30-9 PM, repeat. This'll set me up for one shower per day as well, right before my one meal. It'll flow really smoothly if I can just get into the fucking habit.

I'm doing better but I'm still fat, long way to go. 40 lbs down from 274 to 244. Fasting was what really helped me maintain a steady deficit, eating about 1800 kcal per day (over 2000 some days), while working a semi-fast-paced job and training.

Gotta break back into that habit, yo.

>clouded thoughts
Sounds like someone who never gone a day without food.
Starving will absolutely dominate your mind with thoughts of food unless you have something really stimulating distracting you.
So replace this "clouded thoughts" with "obsession with food" and that's fasting in a nutshell for ya.

>idiot who can't read
He's saying you have clouded thoughts now and you can cure it with fasting. That's why it's a question. Consider going back to high school than killing yourself than your family. Good luck.

>he doesn't lay in bed all day eating donuts shitposting from his phone
Hah what a fag

> I love the feeling of waking up before the sun rises when the air is crisp.

I literally do this every single day and I do not fast. In fact, I eat 6 meals a day.

6'3 170lbs
come at me m8

>>Look up memes
You best be trolling nigga.

Do you just not eat anything for days? Just drink water?

Why dont people eat grass yall, its actually really delicious. It has this slightly sweet fresh taste.

i personally inject a surgical drip of food slurry up my ass . my mouth is only for sucking cocks

i fasted when i was poverty poor

good luck trying to gorge yourself on 3500kcal in one meal

its like u dudes dont even want to get jacked and tan

I've been doing a 20:4 intermittent fast + alcohol & vitamins after eating hours for about a week now. I haven't seen too much of a difference yet, but once I start cooking again instead of eating out for that one meal a day, I hope to see the fat melting off.


>be ginger
>go out during afternoon
>sun hits face
>literally burns and is painful within 10 seconds
>go back to hiding in darkened room
i need to find the daywalker

Found your problem
Learn to read a thread. SeeThose aren't memes that's all true.

Who /involuntarily fasting/ here? 6"3, 140 lbs and too poor to afford food

Go steal a bag of rice you coward.

I can't not eat these days. I become exhausted at work if I don't. He joys of working jobs that require energy.

Have you ever made it past 3 days. Everyone says getting to day 4 is the hardest but after that it's smooth sailing.

>He's saying you have clouded thoughts now and you can cure it with fasting
And I'm saying you're replacing your "clouded thoughts" with "obsession with food" if you're going to be fasting (starving yourself).

And I'm the idiot who can't read, eh?

How much research have you done on the topic? As said above the longer you go the easier it gets.

I used to be anorexic, so yeah. I'm not fat though. For some reason I can pretty much eat whatever I want now and not gain anything.

I'm speaking of personal experience of course and yes it gets easier but it's also very easy to cheat.
Nothing I said is wrong, you will get obsessed with food. It is ridiculous.
What I did to distract myself was to fool myself that whenever I felt hungry I lost weight. Whenever I felt that heat from my stomach while my body was cold was the burning of fat, etc.
I also started to take a walk whenever I felt hungry because somehow light exercise made my hunger go away, for a while.

What might be easier for people after 3-4 days is that you don't get the cold sweat and shakings but the feeling of hunger is still pretty terrible and it does take over your mind. As I said you need something good to distract yourself.

Ya I agree with everything you said.
You came off as saying fasting was bad. But I agree you gotta stay busy.

Can you expand on this? That's pretty interesting.

Not sure what you want me to explain. But when I was a teenager I would go over a week without eating. Nearly passed out at school and my friends forced me to eat. It's really not a very healthy thing to do in the long run.

But yeah, now for whatever reason I can eat like a cow and not gain a single pound. It might be a health issue though. Who knows.

I meant the eat whatever thing. That's pretty insane. Like you could eat a whole cake and be fine? Cause skellys say they eat a lot but in reality it's almost nothing.

Yeah pretty much. Not even joking. It's like my body doesn't absorb the calories or something. Me and my girlfriend went out for all you can eat sushi one time and I ate probably about $120 worth. It's ridiculous.

Damn feel bad for your wallet. Was it a go-round? Sucks it's so fucking expensive here in the states.
When I was in the navy we feasted on sushi go-rounds in Japan. It was ~1.50 per plate which had 2 pieces nigiri or 6 rolls on it. So basically for 15 bucks you could eat 20 pieces nigiri. Dirt cheap.

It was an all you can eat for 20 bucks. I just calculated out how much I ate to about $120 worth.

Ohhhhhh gotcha. Sounds nice wish I could find one like that.

>Thinking that being fat comes from eating
You're fat because you don't exercise. Starving yourself won't make you skinny, brainlets. It'll just fuck up your body. Walk outside for 30 minutes, don't eat garbage.

This post is 100% wrong.

this, unfortunately. the obesity issues do extend to males too, but BPA reall metabolism and women already have a different metabolism than men. there's definitely a lot of exaggeration of studies on this topic, particularly in retarded anti-chemical sources, but i do think there's solid information on it having negative effects. just because groups with an agenda use the information badly doesn't mean the information is all bullshit.

>healthy weight
>lightly work out daily
>want to lose more bf% for definition

Should I do IF?