Why isn't pizza the most nutritious fast food...

Why isn't pizza the most nutritious fast food? It's combination of ingredients perfectly hits what you need for a balanced diet making it a vegetable; even more if you get some meat toppings for protein so it helps with muscle building.

It's a great food but people just eat too much of it

This, anything is ok in moderation.

Reminder that Obama's wife officially rebranded the pizza as vegetable.

It's mostly white flour and cheese.

Usually lacks beans, berries, cruciferous vegetables, greens, seeds, nuts, whole grains.

Because falafels exist.

>Not making your own pizza with whole grains and pineapple

I actually do make my own whole wheat vegan pizzas, sometimes with pineapple. Need to start it yesterday for it to be good.

You can do something like this with whole grain dough, non-sugary tomato sauce, and healthy toppings. I'd still eat 2000 calories in one sitting

like i'd listen to some fairmont prick

Because even the "healthy" version have a salt count that'll put you into hypertension

How much is to much? I get a medium dominos pizza every friday

those are some shitty insertions

Just couldn't go 5 minutes without telling someone, could you?

Pretty sure the average poster here eats 2 larges in a sitting, regardless of the fact that just 3 slices in one sitting is pushing it. But hey, what are you gonna do? Fatties gonna fat.

>muh salt

That was actually Congress you dumb fuck.

Salt can easily be bypassed with water, potassium, and exercise. If you dont exercise, you should be eating as healthy as possible. If you do, thats when you can afford to eat more fattening things more often. Before i started exercising, i limited myself to pretty much a vegetarian diet with chicken a few times a week. Now that i lift and do cardio 3 times a week, i find myself eating more pizza, hamburgers, hot dogs etc. Because i know i can afford to do that and still maintain my shape

Shitty processed carbs, a ton of sodium, nutritionally very poor cheese and shitty fats. There's a reason why everybody and their mom considers it junk food. Now if you make your own whole grain dough, use at least high quality cheese and pack it with vegetables it's decent.


Why cling to such a pathetic existence

>Why isn't pizza the most nutritious fast food?
Because salad exists.

>putting literal shit on pizza
why even bother

Sugar and carbs, nigga.

Pizza used to be a garbage food factory workers ate early in the day because it was heavy and greasy and they would run on it all day.

Kebab/shawarma is the most nutritious fast food, it's literally:
>thin bread

Pizza is great, you just have to eat it when you're on tren or dbol so you get the best results. As a natty you're fucked.


how many minutes of cardio exactly? stuff like run on the treadmill at a fixed speed?

>thin bread
Hardly nutritious.

Kepab is decent for fast food but it still isn't really healthy. The meat usually isn't great quality and the bread is basically white bread.

>It's combination of ingredients perfectly hits what you need for a balanced diet making it a vegetable
>making it a vegetable

>tfw chad has HEIGHT, FACE, FRAME and eats PIZZA while I jerk off to cuck porn every night

Poke is definitely the healthiest fast food. How can you beat raw fish and veggies in a bowl?

Only pizza like pic related can be justifiably called "healthy"


Disgusting. Those gains aren't even fucking natty I bet.

Papa John's is for the true Veeky Forumsizen

simply not a true sentiment. a small amount of carcinogens is still carcinogens....

yes i am implying that ALL animal products are chock full of this shit because of how much is in their diets. there is no avoiding this regardless how organic or free range it is (hunting your own meat can avoid MOST) but there is no world in which poisoning yourself less is better than not poisoning yourself at all. sorry

I better hope this is natty. Fucking shitty gains if he's not on something

horseshit, dose makes the poison. Background radiation is necessary for life for instance.

By not serving it on top of a bowl full of sugar

>not wanting to leave humanity behind


What, do you think you'll live forever?

The pizza is cut into squares.
You have the upper hand.


You don't have to eat all the rice, you don't even have to order it with white rice. You can get it on top of brown rice or with greens if you want. Still infinitely better than pizza no matter what.

>that roid bump

Fucking cheater.

Its actually terrible; processed meats, fatty artery choking cheese, sugary carb dough, sugary salty tomato paste. That being said, its actually great for weightlifting because of how calorie dense and the potential protein it can have

You absolutely need carbs if you lift, run or do sports of any kind.
Well you can always get chicken kabib. Carbs, even fast carbs, are ok in moderation. Plus lavasch or whatever the bread wrap is called might have a lower GI than white bread, I dunno.

If you make it at home with a whole wheat crust, go easy on the cheese and use something low in fat, use only a can of san marzano tomatoes for sauce (maybe some garlic, a pinch of sea salt, or olive oil if you feel inclined) and then load it with veggies that takes a lot of the sting out of pizza. It's still a lot of carbs but at least they're not refined carbs.

Can someone explain to me the thought process behind cutting a circular pizza into squares manually.

He's just got short biceps because he's a manlet fuck with midget arms.

>The cheapest, most nutritious food in the whole of history

>The double cheeseburger provides 390 calories, 23 grams of protein - half a daily serving - seven per cent of daily fibre, 19 grams of fat and 20 per cent of daily calcium, all for between $1 and $2, or 65p and £1.30

>a Mcdouble actually has nutritional values very similar to workout supplements. When your goal is to eat a lot of protein, electrolyte (table salt is an electrolyte) and calories, a McDouble is good for that.

>Facts are facts - where else but McDonald's can poor people obtain so many calories per dollar?

>a small amount of carcinogens is still carcinogens
Do you not have a liver?

Pizza can be healthy food, if you make it yourself but otherwise I wouldn't count on those chain fast food stores putting anything good and nutritious into the pizzas

Nice information steal to make it look like you figured that all on your own faggot. Also worms provide cheap protein fillers fucktard.

So ordering two mc chickens without bun, mayo, or lettuce, and a plain and dry mc double with no bun is a good idea for food?

>good idea

I eat McD's 3 times a week, what's wrong with that?

>what's wrong with that?

your heart rate

Generally it just takes up too many calories without getting much in terms of micronutrients or fiber.