What's the grossest shit you've ever eaten?

What's the grossest shit you've ever eaten?

I tried maggot cheese (casa marzu) while vacationing in Sardinia. It was like eating ammoniated slime that burned my throat. Rotten aftertaste in my mouth for days. I did not, however, puke it up or get sick from it.

I've been to Cameroon once.
They eat rats kept in vacuum package with "pepper sauce".
You truely and fully cannot understand what "gross" means until you've tried something like that.

Ooo can you describe it?

I kinda want to try one of those 1000 year eggs but I'm still thinking about it, anyone with any previous experience on them?

At first you only have the taste of really fucking hot chili pepper, but if you have the bad idea of chewing on the meat too much, it starts to taste like dirty water (if the rat is undercooked, and no I can't believe I'm typing that either) or like straight up gas fire (if the rat is overcooked). You will get either taste as a small aftertaste once you swallow, and after that your mouth will burn from the chili for the rest of the day.
It's basically how most if not all meat you can get in the cities taste, since it's hard to get any sort of fresh meat (supply lines and transit is dogshit because the roads were few and not maintained at all) they let everything stew in hot chili sauce.
The stuff you could get in the rural areas was much better, but also came in much smaller quantities.
Except peanuts.
Holy shit, peanuts were everywhere and they were actually really fucking good. Fat as fuck, but really fucking good.

probably onions and mushrooms. carrots are pretty gross too.

So that's where that stupid sopa de macaco meme comes from.

You're like 5'4'' and 320 lbs I bet.

Excellent description.

For me it was fermented duck eggs. The packaging was all in Chinese except for the phrase "100% Lead Free". It's hard to explain its consistency and odor.

No... more like 5'4 200

Uma delicia.

You gotta lurk other boards man, it was all over /int/ and /sp/ for weeks

not me

i am of average weight and height. anyone that thinks onions and mushrooms taste good was probably beaten as a child for not cleaning the plate so they were conditioned to like it. those two vegetables are objectively horrible.

Sour plums I guess.

>caring this much on an anonymous imageboard
Haha faggot

There is absolutely nothing wrong with sopa de macaco.




Creamed corn nuggets in middle school.

>average weight
so you're fat? lmao

bmi of 23 so average maybe approaching the upper end of average. onions and mushrooms are objectively disgusting and your disgusting for defending them

The fact you're refusing to just give us hard numbers is pretty telling that you're a fat fuck.
5'4 and 180lb, I'm guessing?



13 yr old pls leave Veeky Forums desu

5 foot 11 165 pounds. enjoy your fungal rot.

i shredded a hot dog, added butter, and made myself disgusting fake bacon bits

>almost all organisms on earth live off of fungus in some way
>mushrooms that are soft and delicious enough to be stewed and cooked in oil and put in sandwiches and soups and sauces are found in nature for you
>onions are good for flavoring and consistency in like half of all foods
>won't eat them because he's a spoiled picky little faggot

I think it is you who has the problem my boy

you were conditioned to eat bad food. you hated it growing up like every sane kid but your parents forced you to eat disgusting things like onions, carrots, and mushrooms. it goes against our nature as humans to like those things but your parents broke you. it is you--my friend--that has the problem.

>it is against our nature as humans to like the base for every fucking soup

>i don't like a thing so everyone who does like that thing is wrong

Andouillette, had it at a creperie in San Malo, I asked the waitress what it was cause I saw it was in one of the crepes and she brought me out a slice to try, tasted and smelled fucking foul, smelled like rotting pig shit mixed in with the smell of rotten flesh and tasted like literal shit, left such a nasty aftertaste I had to order myself a glass of calvados and skull it to get rid of it.

Prolly a booger by accident

> when the faggot sitting next to you sneezes in your face

please kill yourself

What do you think of guys like Anthony Bourdain who pretend to like all that gross indigenous shit that they eat?

They're complete wankers who should off themselves, Bourdain is the biggest knob of them all, sure pretending to like it is fine if the locals are super touchy retards but otherwise just fucking say what you are really feeling about the food.

100% agree. I remember the time he ate wild boar intestines raw and unwashed, covered in pig shit, just to avoid pissing off a bunch of sub-70 IQ African bushmen. He was hospitalized for 2 weeks for it. Fucking just desserts (literally)

Lel, what a fucking spastic, Bourdain truly is the epitome of a New York nu-male

I ate a fly once.

Iboga root bark/ibogaine.

You know when you've been throwing up and your stomach is empty so you're just throwing up the bitter green bile?

It tastes precisely like that except 100 times stronger.

>those two vegetables are objectively horrible

>You know when you've been throwing up and your stomach is empty so you're just throwing up the bitter green bile?
that's never happened to me because i drink water

Just because you drink water doesn't mean you never get food poisoning or overindulge in alcohol and consequently end up vomiting for 5 minutes straight with no possible chance of having a drink of water between retching, so fuuuuuuuuck youuuuuuu.


>What's the grossest shit you've ever eaten
OP's cum.

The tone of your post just proves further that you're a kidult.


Why were you licking his moms pussy in the first place?

Yogurt soda. Idk, saw it at the supermarket and I figured I'd try and see what it was like. I tried to give it a chance, I really did.

It was like drinking fizzy curdled milk. Incredibly sour tasting and it smelled absolutely foul. At some point I started dry heaving from the smell itself. Roommate offered me $10 if I could actually take a proper swallow (of the soda, to be clear, thx). Told him to go fuck himself.

I was a little sad desu, because I pride myself on being open to new experiences and not being picky, but that one I just couldn't do.

11165 pounds is quite a lot

Are you used to having unsweetened yogurt? I like yogurt sodas, though they're a bit salty since a lot of them add salt instead of sugar.

That's not even fucking gross, it's like a hard boiled eggs, man what the fuck

I've had all sorts of nasty exotic shit, but good old fashioned cow liver is the grossest for me. The texture and taste make me gag

Surströmming. The smell alone (just from a single can mind you) is enough to make everyone gag within 20 feet of it. There've been people taken to court for opening a can of that vile shit indoors. The taste itself is virtually impossible to mask, it just cuts straight through anything you throw at it. It's hard to describe the flavor, but imagine rotten, salty, sour slime. It's something like that.

The worst thing is that are people that actually enjoy eating it.


>no punctuation
>calls out your

Yeah, I like plain yogurt quite a bit, but that stuff didn't taste anything like yogurt. I tried to look for a date on the bottle on the off chance that it tasted terrible because it expired, but I couldn't find one.


Chinese steamed chicken feet.
Apparently the feet I had were poorly prepared, though; so they might not be as bad as I may believe.

you're probably pretty fat and you're also stupid

Hmm. The ones I've had tasted like yogurt, though watered down. Did you get the one with mint added to it? I don't really like that kind.

My mom decided to try a recipe found in a local daily newspaper's life section and despite protesting immensely she still made it.
And that thing was a ketchup casserole that contained no meat, solely ketchup, cheese, onions and pasta.
I literally vomited.

Real talk, how would boiled monkey even taste like? I'm imagining it having the texture of tuna but taste really bland and slightly fishy.

Probably various organ meats. I physically can't keep liver or kidney down, if I can even swallow it in the first place. I don't even know if it's the taste, although I don't like the taste, but I just can't stomach the thought of eating something that was an animal's waste processing center. The thought alone of eating Andouillette makes me want to heave.

Heart and lung is good when served properly, though. Lung is like sausage if you season it right, and heart marinated overnight in balsamic and fried with salt and pepper is surprisingly great.

It'd probably be really tough, because monkeys are lean and highly mobile animals. I expect they'd taste quite gamey, but probably don't have a lot of flavor.

>it goes against our nature as humans to like those things
Mushrooms and onions have to be the most universally used ingredients across all human civilizations. There's nothing more natural for us to eat

I love organ meat but I feel you on the being weirded out by the idea thing. When I was a server we did an organ dinner and the chef gave me the leftover beef heart tar tar and it was one of the best things I've ever eaten. That being said I had boiled brain and i was a little put off for an hour or so

I can't comment on how natural it is to eat mushroom and onion but ya in terms of the wide spread use of the two (onion way more then mushroom) I would say ya it makes sense to like them. All the most well known regional cuisines use onion; Indian, French, Italian, British, Chinese, i can't really understand how you could like food beyond deep fried frozen shit and not like onion

Onion isn't just in every major region, it is used in every country on earth. It is twice as widespread as wheat, which takes second place

What the fuck
What is the advantage of using ketchup over proper tomato sauce?
That sounds horrible

Awesome description. I want to experience it now.

Beef heart jerky. I threw up immediately. I also can't eat Wasabi, that shit is gross.

>literally drinking cum flavoured soda

Don't have to use punctuation to recognize pure retardation desu :^)

I got a whole one at a dinner when I was in France and I thought it was a regular sausage. Tasted like unwashed taint.

Those aren't meant to be eaten straight up, they're cut up and mixed into other dishes. It's like if you ate a spoonful of salt, of course it tastes bad.

Century egg in pork rice porridge is very good, look up a recipe it's super easy to make

Andouillette is legitimately foul, it literally tastes like shit

You know what's really fucking retarded, they consider it a delicacy and there's even an andouillette fan club.

The French are fucking retards.

I can see how it can be an acquired taste, being into durian myself. The French take food snobbery to a whole new level though.

Holy kek

>onions and mushrooms are objectively disgusting

probably ketchup tbqh

Andouillette is just awesome, what are you talking about

I think you might be thinking of cajun andouille, if not you must have broken your tastebuds from all the chainsmoking Pierre.

Andouillete is fucking disgusting, it tastes and smells like shit, literally.

My name is Jean and not Pierre, first thing first.

And real tasty andouillette like the one you find in south-west, near Toulouse or Perpignan is just the best fucking thing ever.

Then again, maybe you're talking about boudin, which i can agree is pretty tough when you're not used to it.

You have no idea how good onion is. You can eat rings of it raw and it's good, or fry it off in butter and salt. Add that shit to a steak sandwich and you're golden.

the scorpion inside a bottle of vodka. It exploded in my mouth and tasted like shitty vodka,nail clippings and rotten mush.

Nah, wasn't boudin, it was proper andouillette, the sausage with a coarse texture and made of innards.

I had it in San Malo, Brittany, no clue where it came from though

Not him but I wish I could like onions. Not sure if it is the weird crunch or the taste but unless cut really tiny so it is unnoticeable it just ruins my food

I never used to like onions, desu. I don't know what changed in me. It might be in the way it's prepared, at least for me.
The crunch is a bit strange at times, I don't usually like crunchy vegetables. The taste is quite powerful too, and it tends to linger. Also if it's raw, I find onion can have a real bite to it, which is probably off-putting for some.

dog poo

Uma delĂ­cia

isnt that cannibalism OP? can we even post that?

It's used a fair amount in western-influenced Asian cooking, initially just for availability but now more for being specifically sweet-sour and prespiced.

In Burgerland recipes it's definitely just "I ain't buyin' none of them goshforsakened wop fruits!" territory.

this is now a cannibalism thread


>when you make an ABSOLUTELY DELICIA post

Carrots. How the fuck people can eat those shits is beyond me. Every year i try one to see if i like them but i always end up gagging theyre just so nasty and sweet.
Inb4 fat fuk dont eat he veggies, i was a raw vegan for a while then vegetarian for 4 years

Onions are literally in anything delicious

People are usually grossed out by the appearance, but do it with a sweet and spice sauce the texture of the chicken feet is pretty interesting to eat.

If Mountain Dew sold a flavor named Bowser's Nut Essence i'd be on that shit immediately

arrots are the best crunchy snack youbfucking ramen nigger. Get some taste buds