Buy this

>buy this
>tastes nothing like the candy filling

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Add some powdered sugar

it lacks the grit too

A bit of crunchy pb, powdered sugar, a pinch of brown sugar and that pb processed together into a creamy chalky texture.

try this, its basically melted reeses made into a spread

Just buy regular peanut butter and then add a bunch of salt to it.

Why would you even want "candy filling" flavored peanut butter?

Just get some actual good peanut butter instead.


Blend some crunchy PB in the food processor with some powdered sugar and add small amounts of fine/pickling salt until you get the taste you like.

Don't bother with the Reese's branded PB. It's a marketing ploy and taste nothing like the real deal.

Dutch people eat butter and flakes of chocolate on toast. Koreans add sugar to everything, including garlic bread and tacos and Japan's most popular pasta dish uses ketchup as the sauce base. Humans are genetically predisposed to like sweet things. Get over yourself.

thats because those things arent a representation of the cuisine as a whole. theres a reason america is the fattest nation

Jewish trick of fructose

clearly says peanut butter retard not candy filling

who knew egypt was so fat

Arab countries in general are fat as fuck because their cuisine was built around eating high calorie meals back when they had to do backbreaking work in the fucking desert all day. Now that their quality of life has improved their waistlines have exploded.

I never understood this, Reeses tries to brand itself as Peanut Butter sellers, but were they ever? They are frauds

The peanut butter they use in the candy is not peanut butter, but a peanut butter flavored confectionary, much like the marshmallows in cereal are not actual marshmallows

It just tastes like normal peanut butter.

You god damn plebs

This. I can't believe most people don't buy 100% peanut butter.

Sounds like it'd work, but I wouldn't want to buy crunchy peanut butter just for one thing

I begged my mom to buy this when I was a kid. When she finally caved, I took one taste of it and put it back in the pantry where it sat for the rest of its shelf life. It took me a while to eat peanut butter again.

If you're dumb enough to buy anything from the Hershey company there's no help for you.

I used to make my own because I like it unsalted. Then a store opened here that sells uncut unsalted peanut butter for less than I was paying for peanuts. So now I buy it from there.

Also, you're doing it wrong if you're adding oil. 100% peanuts becomes runny and pourable if the particle size gets small enough. I pour off the separated oil because it has negative value and it's easier than stirring it in.

Mexico actually is but nice try

Its not even healthy

If you want the candy filling, try mixing pic related with butter, sugar, and a bit of salt

Wrong. According to the Central Intelligence Agency the US has a 35% obesity rate and Mexico 27.6%