How should I cook these bitches up? I don't normally like them that much but they're about to go bad

How should I cook these bitches up? I don't normally like them that much but they're about to go bad.

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olive oil, pepper, fry at high heat, then turn it down to low. Meat thermometer to 165F. DONE.

Throw on some Tony's and Nature's Seasoning and throw them in some oil in a non-stick pan. Let them brown on each side. They'll develop a nice crust. Then make a simple roux with some of the fat left in the pan and add chicken stock. You'll have a nice chicken and gravy dinner to throw over some rice. I'd recommend throwing some parsley, dry or fresh, into the gravy near the end if you're trying to impress lady visitors.

I usually pack them into a cast iron pan, add a splash of water, cover, and cook at 300F for 2.5-3 hours. When they're done, I strip the meat off (and burn the fuck out of my hands like a retard) and cover with stone-ground mustard. 2 thighs with 1lb of steamed salted peas and corn is my usual dinner with these.

Can't go wrong with a roux and plenty of garlic.

watch the language, asshole

Roll in paprika, cayenne, salt, pepper, parsley. Sear on a cast iron dutch oven, remove. Deglaze with your choice of wine, broth, or whatever flavorful liquid you have on hand. Saute some vegetables in the liquid. Add more broth, bring to a boil, add brown rice, cook for a few minutes, add chicken and bake in oven for 40ish minutes. The flavors cook into the rice and the marrow gets extracted from the bones.

Wait, you bought boneless? You fucked up.

Chop em up, sear them with some veggies and make some rice with them.

No salt allowed.

Never buy that cut again, OP. Promise me.
Anyway, quick brine with salt lemons and whatever fresh herbs you have, season flour and pan fry them bitches.

>Wait, you bought boneless? You fucked up.

At least he didn't buy breast.

you can freeze some of them, you dont HAVE to cook them

Throw em in a slow cooker with some salsa and cook them for several hours. Then shred em up and make tacos.

Some slow cookers can go flat cold in like eighty seconds.

That doesn't sound very good desu

Then you got a shitty cooker dude... The one I use is from the eighties. Works like a charm.

I got mid for hot, hi for warm, lo for buxom. If you put it on the back of the headboard it ain't so bad.

Olive oil, fry on high heat (to slightly crisp the outside of them), don't forget to find a seasoning you like and add it to them. I personally like "Tony's Creole Seasoning", but I'm sure you have a favorite too.

marinate in maple syrup, rice vinegar and soy sauce for 8 hours in the frigdge. Fry in olive oil

Why do you fucking autists always buy shit without knowing how to cook it ?

Not OP, but what's wrong with boneless thighs? Thigh meat is just as good with or without the bones in, especially when it's fresh; a marinade for a few hours (or a day if I have the time) followed by breading and baking in the oven makes a good chicken dinner.

Crock pot.
A bit of oil.
Chickn thighs
Juice of 1 orange
Juice of 1 lime
6-10 whole garlic cloves
1 Tbps dried oregano

6 hours on low. Shred in juices with forks.

Use meat for sammiches, tacos/enchiladas, top baked potatoes or nachos, drop some in soup or curry, etc. It has flavor naturally (albeit mild), but it readily accepts hot sauce, pasta sauce, or other spices as you see fit.

I keep some in my freezer most of the time for quick meals. Recipe can be done with pork as well.

You don't start out knowing how to cook everything you massive retard.

Do a web search on Nigella Lawson's Coq au Riesling. Easy and delicious. Use a DRY Riesling.

I like mine medium rare.

>do a web search

Fuck, how old are you?

if being old means you don't brand your language then fuck off and call me methuselah