Kitchen habits that automatically make you a shitty cook

I'll start
There is literally no excuse for this aside laziness, even then, fuck you

Totally agree. There is no excuse to use this. Pic related is another shitty cook purchase.

>people who flip the knife over when scraping stuff off of their cutting boards so as not to "dull the blade"

I just did this a few minutes ago.

I hadn't thought about doing that until you posted it. Sounds like a good idea. Reasons why not?

I've seen people cook the taco meat and refried beans from scratch and then pour this slop on top

Fresh guac takes like 2 min and if you're already making tacos you probably already have ingredients on hand

This shit is worse than the dry mix, Jesus Christ

It doesn't cause any significant wear on the blade. Most of the wear on a chef's knife is caused by compression when you press it against the cutting board when chopping or slicing, which causes the cutting edge to deform under the pressure. Scraping the blade on the other hand is done with little pressure and is actually mechanically similar to honing the edge, which is actually beneficial.

Also, worrying too much about dulling the knife is a sign that the person probably does not sharpen their knives very often, if at all. I'm not too worried about cutting through bones or even getting the occasional nick on the blade, since I can always repair the damage on a whetstone anyway. Knives dulling and getting occasionally damaged is a natural part of kitchen work. You should be regularly sharpening (not just honing) to preserve the edge.

>Also, worrying too much about dulling the knife is a sign that the person probably does not sharpen their knives very often, if at all.
Fucking this.
>refried beans from scratch
opening a can and heating it in a small pot doesn't merit "from scratch", and I strongly doubt the "cook" took the time to deep fry, freeze, refry, and serve pinto beans for a meal. inb4 blending cooked beans makes it refried

They were Mexicans do i assumed they knew what they were doing
And obvious food from a can is not cooking from scratch you gigantic retarded faggot

>People who still need to use recipes


so there is nothing actually wrong with it and you just get mad at muh implications







Hey fuck you, I like myself a lot of garlic in everything so this saves time.

Broccoli, Salt, Pepper, dump ,minced garlic in and chuck it in the oven. Easy as piss, it also helps coat everything then to go finely chop like 4-5 cloves which barely cover shit.

explain why I should sharpen my knives twice as often when it is not needed?
you obviously like getting off on sharpening

How long after opening does that generally last in the fridge? I've never purchased it before as I don't eat that much garlic. I looked on Google and it said 2-3 months. Is this true in your experience?

Yeah man, it stores in the fridge for the longest time. So minced garlic is also good in that regard, you get a fuck ton more for your buck and it keeps for longer.

Sweet. Thanks.

You know user just crushing the garlic with the knife handle and then chopping that up coarsely is a lot faster than mincing it and also gives you more flavor. Op is right there's no excuse except perhaps ignorance.

It's basically pickled garlic I don't think it goes bad that quickly. My grandma seems to keep it in her fridge for 6+ months

Are you the Scottish soup guy?

Meh, this stuff is actually pretty decent and conveniant user. Don't be mean

I knew a guy who would mix ramen noodles with instant macaroni cheese powder and butter then more cheese melted on top and top it with mayo or ranch packets he stole from the gas station down the road

American cheese slices in ramen is where it's at.

>refried beans
>deep fry, freeze, refry
This fuckin post

To be fair it's actually pretty difficult to get ripe avocados. You have to sit there digging through the pile to find barely ripe ones then wait days for them to finish. It's not hard to make but getting the ingredients to not suck it's hard.

No self respecting Mexican would use store bought pre-made guac

The back of the knife is just easier to clean when tiny bits of stuff stick to it buddy



You are fucking retarded

Sounds like a good way to get a chip in a Japanese knife or cause microfolds in a German knife's edge.

Re wtf

only because it's in a wired vinegary liquid which makes it taste like shit compared to fresh garlic

it tastes fine you cuck

>I'm hungry and I want some green shit right this instant
>I can either:

>A: go buy avocados, wait for them to ripen because the ripe ones are gone, dirty dishes and utensils, and spend actual time and effort all for really good guac a day or two later


>B: Buy some still pretty good prepackaged guac and eat it in your car in the parking lot

The biggest kitchen habit that makes you a shitty cook is shitting on other cooks for doing things slightly differently.

Almost believable troll until you get to the car part then if you said truck instead of car I might have still believed you. 6/10 being generous tho

Stay mad

white sauce from a bag

I feel like Edison right now. I haven't found any good threads on Veeky Forums, but I've found a thousand bad ones

It's much cheaper than buying cloves of garlic if you use a lot of the stuff.

Then post some oc and help rectify the situation instead of autistically complaining

I tried the jar garlic once and threw it away. The flavor is just too inferior to fresh garlic to justify the convenience. Besides 2 gloves of garlic only cost a dollar and that will last me 2 weeks. Thats nothing for the superior garlic flavor.
Fucking this and this Pic related also