Red meat

How unhealthy is it?

I love this shit.

Depends on how much of it you eat.

I'd say it's the acrylamide that gets you.

That delicious crusty brown sear gives you the ass cancer.

Steam/boil your meat. Eat steak tartare. You'll be fine.

But fuckin gross. I'll take the cancer.

it shortens your life but without it you'll be a low testosterone beta cuck

choose wisely

That shit is worth the cancer.

Why is it so unanimously agreed that red meat shortens your life yet it's packed with nutrients our bodies were evolved to eat? What DOESNT fucking kill you?

guns don't kill you, but PEOPLE do

Don't even take the cancer thing at face value. I remember a couple years ago there was this big deal made about the WHO saying that processed meats gives you cancer and it turned out that eating more than 50g every single day increased your chance of god damn rectum cancer from 5 to 6%. You can't live your whole life worrying about that little shit.

>low testosterone beta cuck from not eating beef
you've been memed

>Only eat fish meat
>Fit, healthy
>No cancer
>No obesity

>Eat mostly red meat and pork
>Obesity rates through the roof
>Cancer rates through the roof
>You eat so much meat and dairy you smell like spoilt milk to us Asians

You fat fucks are disgusting

>no cancer
>no ridiculously high rates of stomach cancer from drinking like hobos

>the only difference between east asian diet and western diet is red meat and pork

I'm gonna try to make it as quick as possible: milk, dairies, butter, oil, processed wheat, processed sugary products, more sugar, chocolate
not to mention there might be a genetical factor

as for the main topic, there are so many things that increase the risk of cancer that you might as well stop worrying about every single thing
somebody living in the countryside who eats red meat will most likely live longer than the guy who does his "healthy" jogging on the sidewalk of a huge city while breathing car gas in the meanwhile and eating "healthy" organic food (processed and refined to hell and back)

Meat actually lowers testosterone. It's a concentrated source of estrogen like dairy and other animal products.

Like my father says "user, everything gives you cancer."

Much less than western gweilos

>because chinese typically die from the pollution, insane drivers who prefer to finish off people that they accidentally hit, and the abysmal working conditions before they even have the chance to get cancer, it means they're healthier

I wish I had the mind of a child like you.

Red meat is high in fat, much higher than chicken/turkey. Fat is supposed to be linked to high cholesterol, which is supposed to be linked to high risk of heart disease.

I say supposed to because it's slowly turning out to be a meme, the links were only ever observed statistically but no causation has ever been proven, and there has been a lot of research going into it. On the contrary, nowadays the consensus is shifting pointing to sugar as the main cause and high fat diets might be a norm soon.

Red meat has also been liked to increase the chances of some cancers, colon cancer mainly I think, which is probably correct.

Protip: pork is red meat.

i wouldn't mind eating medim rare sous vive steak without searing, if it had the right sauce.

>Red meat is high in fat, much higher than chicken/turkey. Fat is supposed to be linked to high cholesterol, which is supposed to be linked to high risk of heart disease.
HDL is linked with a low risk of heart disease. LDL isn't linked with a high risk of heart disease.
The lipid hypothesis was made by cherry picking one fourth of the sample size, and 'fat is bad' was endorsed by those who liked how the profit margin on carbs was higher.

Chinese life expectancy - 75.78
US - 78.94
S. Korea - 82.16
Japan - 83.59

Japanese and Koreans don't eat a lot of red meat and drink like fish.

You should stop thinking of food as healthy/unhealthy. There is no such thing. It all depends on how much of things you're eating.

Think of it like this; you consider vitamins to be healthy, they provide a vital role for the body. But what if the you took 5kg of vitamin C. You'd undoubtably die or suffer some awful side effects. It's the same with steak. It contains valuable protein but if you consistently eat too much you'll be at risk of diseases.

Best course of action is to eat a varied diet, equal proportions of carbohydrates and cruciferous vegetables/salad leafs by volume with 20% total volume of food being protein rich.

If you're lifting for muscle mass this will change to 20-30% total intake by grams of protein with fats and carbs taking up the remaining.

It's good for you just have 1 or 2 serves a week.

This is not strictly wrong but still misguided.

The problem with unhealthy foods is how easy it is to "overdose" on them. For example, a 100ml of coke has about the same amount of sugar in it as an apple, so you might say that, when it comes to sugar (disregarding fiber etc.), it doesn't matter if you drink the coke or eat an apple, and you would be right. The problem is that vast majority of people would never eat 5 apples in a row yet they would easily drink a bottle of coke, without thinking about it twice.

Live expectancy is not just diet though.

The US has a problem with basically not primary health care for poor people. They go to the ER when medical conditions have already progressed too far.

Now believe it or not, even China does better than that.

>But what if the you took 5kg of vitamin C. You'd undoubtably die or suffer some awful side effects.
Vitamin C is water-soluble, so you would just piss it out. In theory, anyway, I don't think anyone has ever tried it.

There is a lethal dose of vitamin C as there is for any micronutrient.

Only if you manage to eat it fast enough and not piss yourself in the process. It's probably possible, but it would be a very complicated way to kill yourself.

355ml of coke has about the same amount of sugar in it as two apples (182g each).

There's a point where your kidneys just can't get stuff out fast enough.

Of course. Albeit check out the story of vitamin-k kid from Veeky Forums probably all made up but upon this theme worth a chuckle.

A good tartare is great though. I don't get it whenever a place offers it, but if I have a good feeling about the place and am having to spend enough I'll get one. Rare occasion for me though because I don't go around to many upscale places usually unless I'm with family.

How can you deny this?


please tell me how the organic produce i get from the farm down the road from me is "processed and refined"

haha he posted the funny sam hyde meme! comedic genius right here, he's using a contrived chinese accent!

protip: Nick and Charls are everything Sam wants to be

Processed by the great fertility goddess Mother Earth, refined by the god Pan.