What is the best store-bought ice cream? I bought this for like $9 at Safeway, and it's not that great

What is the best store-bought ice cream? I bought this for like $9 at Safeway, and it's not that great.

you got memed on by some hippies

I like Talenti, although technically it's gelato.

>locust bean gum
what the fuck?

I feel memed.

oh man, ice cream shouldn't be a fucking mason jar. that's a rule of life.

At least I got a mason jar out of the deal.

>haagen dazs
>Ben & Jerries
>Dryers and other shit.

Ice Cream is extremely regional so unless you list out what's available to you it's hard to say.

Most mass produced ice creams have that and/or guar and/or xanthan.

Get your filthy hands off my guar, you n'wah.


don't buy stuff like that from fucking grocery stores. the fact is it could have been sitting in their inventory for months and you wouldn't be any wiser to the fact. if your gonna pay $9 for a pint of ice cream go to a local ice cream shop that makes it in house, or an italian bakery/gelato shop etc.

Fuck Talenti, nearly impossible to open.

How about a Spanish gelato shop?

>le local business meme

opinion disregarded

if it's fairly busy and you can tell that their stock is replenished frequently, why not? you can always sample what they have and then decide

Hagen Daz > Blue Bell > all others > ben and jerries(for no longer making Festivus).

Why would you not want your tax dollars to stay in your community and benefit those directly around you?

Is it just THAT hard to be responsible/considerate?

because its overpriced and tastes like garbage. ill stick with a box of breyers or haagen daaz for $5. you can buy your cup of ice cream for $15 and feel like youre making a difference, faggot

>because its overpriced and tastes like garbage
>with a box of breyers

opinion discarded

has 5 ingredients and tastes fine, bitch boy


Talenti, Jeni's Splendid, Oberweis, Velvet, and Haagen-Dazs are clearly the best ice creams - though at least a handful of those are local to me, and I don't know where you are.

You can't go wrong with Ben & Jerry's, Breyer's is largely forgettable but their Rocky Road is next level, and Turkey Hill makes an exceptional Deep Dark Chocolate that is almost black when you open the container.

Never buy Blue Bunny. The only two times I ever dared to try their ice cream I couldn't even force myself to eat it.

breyers is aerated to all fuck, son. if you knew what real ice cream tasted like you wouldn't say 'tastes fine' and 'breyers' in the same breath

look at this hot shot faggot thinking hes the king of ice cream or some shit, yeah that fits a fairy like you lmao. literally no one gives a fuck, it tastes good and thats why its a brand, unlike some faggots cup of shit for $20 thats only good because its exclusive. just walk into the ocean man

>defending breyers

all dat shit taste confirmed

And that's how a region gets tons of local businesses producing a shit product. Sometimes if the locals are stupid enough and have shitty enough standards this gets so out of control that the shit tier local food becomes a major shitty regional brand, see: Blue Bell ice cream. Or take it to the next level: the American auto industry

If a product is good I'll buy it. Doesn't matter if it's from down the street, Mexico, the DPRK, or the Gamma Quadrant. Especially if the "local business" is just dog whistle for racism, which it seems to be these days

Products don't get better just because a wall was built

>hasnt even eaten it and just follows whatever meme his fellow board of memers says

my gf and i had a breyers neopolitan icecream tub to have with our pies that we had today. and it was delicious. how mad does that make you? that i spent $5 to have a bunch of good ice cream and you have the cuck cup for 3x the price?

not mad at all. low class plebs like you exist and that's a fact. won't stop me from calling out low class plebs for being low class plebs. how mad does that make YOU? (obviously mad enough to reply lol)

>have pie for desert
>chocolate vanilla and strawberry ice cream (chocolate only pls though) to wash it down

i'm predicting both of your weights start with the number 3

and just like that, your tears wont inflate your shitty hole in the wall company that only exists because cucks like you are born to be contrarians. "fuck da evil corporations!" am i right brother?

close, not. im 140, shes 160 with big meaty thighs. works out good for me

Morbidly obese people usually don't remember such details about their food. That kind of eating happens involuntarily.

>u mad??

actually we ate tons today because its the 4th of july. last time we had pie was probably in december for a christmas party. ice cream a few months ago. keep trying though man, youll get one of my weaknesses soon enough

>He bought overpriced ice cream out of a mason jar from hippies

Bullshit, I Bet that tastes bomb as fuck.

Whole Foods has Hong Kong Milktea ice cream. Pretty great.

Jersey cows have the sweetest milk by far, I'm surprised that isn't good

Breyers can't even be called ice cream, lol. B&J is processed as fuck with fillers and thickeners, bland bases, and gimmick mix-in's.

Tillamook is pretty good. Uses real ingredients and probably the most affordable real ice cream at $3.70 for 1.75qt. Pretty much the same price as most pints.

Honestly, haagen dasz

2nd for Tillamook. Their strawberry is great.

I really miss the ice cream from my ex-university's agriculture store though, that stuff was delicious and really cheap too


>Not eating huckleberry ice cream.

If your store carries it his one

Better from the parlor though

Ya Graeter's is probably the best brand of ice cream you can find at a store but it's sold in very few places.
Graeter's is what B&J wishes it could be. Super heavy on the mix-ins but actually tastes good.

>What is the best store-bought ice cream?
Kroger Private Selection

Make your own > Blue Bell > Store brand > Edy's

If you are paying more than you need to for ice cream just buy from schwans. Their ice cream is what made them and it's pretty good

t. griplet
Talenti's pistachio flavor is the tits.

look at the fucking ingredients, doofus. first ingredient is fucking MILK, not cream, MILK. that's followed by shit like milk powder and a shit load of fillers like bean gum. that's fucking trash.

I love ice cream. But I'm watching my weight. I love getting those little pints of Ben and Jerrys and sometimes I can't control myself and eat like the entire pint! I wish there was some ultra-low cal ice cream that still tasted great.

Boy, do I have a treat for you!

>le racist boogyman

Discarded. Go back to

It's mostly liberals who want to support their local community though, san francisco is full of that shit

holy fuck came here to post this

just bought a pint and tried fucking everything I am going to see if a housemate can open and if not ill have to return it

Why would they buy neapolitan if they only like chocolate? They're not neets

I have no idea what either of you are talking about and i buy talentis all the time

How retarded are you that you can't open ice cream

Another user here and I agree Talenti screw-on lids can be a bitch to open sometimes. I think they get frozen to the point of messing with the lids.

>Especially if the "local business" is just dog whistle for racism

You s'wit

Only the best.



Just look for any that are mostly cream, eggs, and sugar. Avoid anything that has thickeners ("gums", carrageenan) because it gives it an odd texture and is usually added because they use milk instead of cream, which is cheaper but makes it thinner and less smooth.

Haagen-Dazs is made with good ingredients but sickly sweet in my opinion.

>not vanilla
shit taste

there are no big brands that sell ice cream without thickeners anymore. if i go to the grocery store right now literally every single option contains thickeners.

user, there's a reason "vanilla" is synonymous with "boring"

Correct. I'm a liberal, I used to be a die-hard "protect your local business, buy domestic" type.

Two things changed that:

1. A lot of "mom & pop" shops selling crap. Spoiled/old food where they take pains to conceal the fact. Second-rate stuff presented as luxury-tier primo shit. General lack of transparency and quality control compared to larger chain businesses, I don't mean like walmart size, but at least with multiple locations in the region. I buy something, it's not so great, I'd like to be able to return it without having "the boss" get all weird and emotional on me and a long explanation. I really don't care about your supply chain or inventory issues, that's your job not mine. Just let me exchange it or put the amount back on my card.

2. The fact that the "support American manufacturing" crowd got in bed with the "fuck minorities/women/gays/non-religious people/non-christian people/people who went to college/people who can read without moving their lips" crowd. I will leave it for you to guess if, and how many of those items apply to me, but if you're going to declare war on me, you know what, fuck you. We're not a manufacturing economy anymore, I was trying to be nice, but I can see there's no reciprocity here, so fuck you guys and please die of an oxycontin overdose.

Also food and cooking.

>ice cream
>with extra protein
But it is from the guys making it, or the bulls?

>The fact that the "support American manufacturing" crowd got in bed with the "fuck minorities/women/gays/non-religious people/non-christian people/people who went to college/people who can read without moving their lips" crowd.


>Especially if the "local business" is just dog whistle for racism
This was solid bait before this part.

Graeter's. hell yeah.