Any of you faggots have a decent recipe for iced tea? I'm mostly interested in the sugar/water ratio.
Iced Tea
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>Can someone please tell me what I like?
No. Do it yourself.
I didn't say please, cunt.
0 to 100.
If you fat arse can't live without sugar, use honey.
But honey is sugar
>Reddit frog and animu
Honey contains sugar, honey. And anyways, that's what the "if" is there for, sugar.
>He puts sugar in ice tea
Hi, I forgot to mention I'm Reddit newfag and don't know how to use a tripcode.
I'm also gay
Tripcodes are for faggots
says the namefag
Knew it would trigger you snowflakes.
What the fuck are you talking about
1 gallon of water to 1.75 cups of sugar
What's there not to get?
>50% Ice
>50% Tea
Its not astronaut food.
I do. But I'm not telling you.
>OP's photo
sage goes in all fields, newfags
I'm from the south, we do 2 cups per gallon. My family does 40 grams of tea cold brew over night (at least 12 hours up to 36) then add 2 cups sugar.
To be honest though that's for southern sweet tea, I prefer half as much sugar and honestly just drink non sweet now adays because beetus is an epidemic.
Does everyone here agree I should just off myself?
I think you should.
Nope. Live your life, that's punishment enough.
>iced tea
Sweet tea is shit.
Unsweet tea master race.
Anyways, just make your tea in large batches and add sugar to taste and you'll be fine.
If you absolutely have to sweeten your tea, use honey for hot tea and pineapple juice for ice tea.
Pour yourself a measured about of tea then start adding measured amounts of sugar to it until it's as sweet as you like it.
Make tea.
Add some sugar.
Taste it.
Too sweet? Make more tea and add it.
Not sweet enough? Add more sugar.