Cut up some little pieces of fish

>cut up some little pieces of fish
>place them on little gobs of rice
>considered a "chef"

why is this allowed?

>write some shitty bait
>add some meme arrows
>considered a "professional shitposter"

Why is this allowed

i'm gonna take the bait willingly

You deserve a slow painful death
I bet you didnt even sage either


no bait. just blows my mind what people will fall for

Same. I cant believe people will fall for this shitty bait

The Japs were an isolated culture. They just don't know any better. If everyone else tells you fish on rice is good, and you have nothing to compare it to, you might think it's true.

Oh look! It's another episode of ignorant americans demonstrating their ignorance! Summer sure has a lot of repeats on the schedule.

>expressing an opinion is now considered ignorance

>cut up some bait
>place in little thread
>considered "troll"

Why is this allowed?

>cut up some bait
>Place it on a little rice
>Considered "good"
Why is this allowed?

The entire island nation of japan is one big overrated meme.

fu/ck/ers, I was just about to order sushi too, what should I get besides sake??

Anything with fish eggs or cream cheese, those are the best.

>cream cheese
no thanks bud

but it tastes good :(

Because they glamorize themselves and make a big deal about what an "art" a simple dish is. They buy it up and then the west bought it up. It's really that simple, if you make something a big deal it becomes a big deal.

>cream cheese
I didn't know it was possible for an opinion to be this wrong holy shit


fuck off chase

wa ;a

Rally to ME!

With steak, you want to make every bite count. That's why I use A-1 Steak Sauce. A-1 brings out all the deep down juicy goodness of every single bite of steak or even hamburger.
Mmm-mmm, delicious. For me, there's only one steak sauce, A-1. Because A-1 has all the taste that makes every bite count.


>push out an autist
>suddenly a "mother"
Is it really that easy?

I prefer HP with steak.

wa la

Oh it's this thread again
Wow such original lol :^)

wa la

I legitimately want to see someone with this opinion try to make sushi. It'll be hilarious.

sushi's hella easy

You forgot

>serve them on wooden shoes

Good point. I've only seen one thread and to be fair he was serious and recognized his issues. But again, he was doing the rolls, not shaping the rice by hand. I've tried it even after observing a number of videos and following best practices. It comes out shit compared to even average sushi restauraunts. Anyone saying it's simple has never tried it.

making pastries is way easier than working with fish all your life but people still suck on patisserie cock.

but op is just terrified by craftsmen, thats why anyone ever laughs at a hobby or job. dedication strikes a nerve.

wa la

>sears a steak on a hot pan
>places them on a plate
>considered a "chef"

Fucking hacks

>all the gooks itt getting butthurt

Why would you call him a bank?



>making pastries is way easier


Oh fuck off. How many times have you made this thread? Twice? Three times? Just fuck off.

the original smirkfu

All you need to cook is the rice, possibly the easiest food to cook, even more so if you have a rice cooker.

Is the only requirement to be a sushi """chef""" that you have a pulse? I fully believe that the image of serious dedication is just japanese autists who don't know how to socialize.

I like A1 on my sushi rice balls

mostly this
I work at a nice french restaurant and cook plenty of steaks
I also work at a nice sushi restaurant and prepare plenty of sushi
the sushi is way more difficult

Your just mad that you can't even accomplish boxed macaroni and cheese without screwing it up.

>take someone else's thread
>make it even lazier
>considered a "Shitpost"

why is this allowed?

yes. its easier. and cleaner. more straightforward. thats why the numales love it. and it gets them female attention.

oh gosh macaroons oh wow.


>it gets them female attention

wa la