I'm out of sugar. How much honey do I need to put in a half gallon of black tea to sweeten it? I usually use a cup of sugar for a gallon of tea.
I'm out of sugar. How much honey do I need to put in a half gallon of black tea to sweeten it...
You could try Googling it.
A cup of sugar? Holy shit.
twice as much
Fairly standard amount for sweet tea. Some would call it conservative.
It's going to be less than a cup, since honey is sweeter than sugar.
It's a lot of sugar (depending on how much of it you drink every day, and how much sugar you consume elsewhere) but it's better than soda, soda has about double that.
But id rather have a conversation about it
>implying 4.8% sugar by weight is a lot
Nah. That's about 1tbsp of sugar per glass. That ain't nuffin. Cola is 11%, by contrast.
And sweet tea is also around 10-11%. I put 1 cup of sugar per gallon of tea, too, and my Amerifriends complain that it's not nearly sweet enough, oddly.
Try a half cup at first then add more if/as necessary.
Nigga, y'ain't never been down south. You'd put 2.5 cups of sugar in 3 quarts of tea. Not even a gallon. That shit is liquid diabetes.
I usually add a little more than a cup if going straight honey, but I also usually use lemon when I'm bulk brewing for iced tea. It depends on the tea and brewing method, though. If you brew a tea that is generally higher in acid or bitter compounds, or if you brew a lot of tea per water or brew it for a long time, you might want more sweetener than if not. Though a cup per gallon is probably close in most cases, I agree with Start with a small amount, taste. Need more? Add more.
It's gotten worse by acceptance. My mom made sweet tea sun tea all the time, and used nowhere near the amount you're talking about.
You shouldn't sweeten tea.
>Nah. That's about 1tbsp of sugar per glass. That ain't nuffin. Cola is 11%, by contrast.
Just because something else uses more sugar, doesn't mean that 4.8% sugar still isn't a lot.
1 fucking tablespoon of sugar per glass, are you fucking kidding me? That's like 12 grams of sugar, that's almost double the amount of sugar you should have in a day.
That's fucking absurd.
Welcome back to the medieval days when all fruit and many vegetables are eschewed as they are associated with the devil. Only difference today being spergs call it the sugar jew.
I should be more specific, I mean added sugar.
Well where're ya from? Maybe it's regional. People I know in NC and northern GA both sweeten it to shit. Of course, they add a spritz of lemon when serving it, but that doesn't do anything for getting rid of the added sugar in the first place.
Here's how they do it: brew 36 dollar store tea bags in 1 quart of water and add 2.5 cups of sugar.
Let it cool, then add 2 quarts of room temperature water.
Now, either add 1 cup of lemon juice to it directly or serve it with lemon wedges.
As said in , I like it with 1 cup per gallon, with or without a little lemon.
OK, but even still, 6 grams of added sugar a day is tight. I mean, good on you if you manage that, but I doubt most people could if they tried and a detrimental amount is really dependent on overall diet and metabolic rates.
>That's like 12 grams of sugar, that's almost double the amount of sugar you should have in a day.
Source? I thought it was 25-40 grams for the average person depending on gender and size.
I don't know, maybe we just liked it less sweet than most people.
its fucking zero, retard.
>11g is almost double 25g
Are you from that county in Mississippi infamous because they stopped teaching fractions, saying they were too hard to understand?
The current RDA on sugar is 25g. Up to 2014, it was higher but that was the year WHO decided to propose the 25g limit on /added/ sugars, as in sweeteners like honey and table sugar, but not those found naturally in fruits, veg, dairy etc.
Remember the news? The proposed new nutrition labels indicating the carbs split into starch and sugar and the sugar itself further split into naturally occuring and added? That.
Also, no one is suggesting to drink iced tea everyday. I'm certainly not. It's fine to make a gallon for a gettogether or barbecue but in no way should anyone be drinking iced tea morning, noon and night nor every day.
He has no source cuz he pulled that number out his ass.
Could be. Or I'm just used to people doing it one way and you another. I can't stand sweet tea and I'm surrounded by it all summer, every summer.
Yeah, I like sweet tea on about the sweetness my mom used to do it, but most of the store bought stuff is way too sweet for me. Same thing with lemonade. I love it when I make it, but almost all the stuff from the store is like drinking a piece of hard candy. If I do buy it from the store I usually dilute it, but then it just tastes like watered down overly sweet stuff.
>no way should anyone be drinking iced tea morning, noon and night nor every day.
W-why not, user?
fucking claps
Why dont you just do it to taste
Eat a dick, bongistan
Sugar is poison.
Sugar makes you stupid.
>putting sugar in tea
Fucking peasant mong
>being stupid enough to believe this
So I'm curious to try some real honey, anyway to use it well beyond a sweetener?
Not him, but I'm from NC. My family always did about 1.5 to 2 cups of sugar per gallon of tea, and we never put lemon juice in it.
>with sugar
Yankee here, hees right, you fatasses eat like children. Is there any part of your precious southern cuisine that isnt sweetened to sickening levels, deep fried, or covered in cheese and butter?
>How much honey do I need to put in a half gallon of black tea to sweeten it?
I use a tablespoon of honey when I'm drinking a large cup of roughly ~650ml. I add slice of lemon to that though, without it it would be definitely too sweet.
Do the math yourself buddy.
Honey is 80% sugar.
By calories, it's pretty close to 100% sugar. A ripe banana is 80%.